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This story takes place in the World of War craft universe. All characters portrayed here are above the age of 18 and are used with the permission of their players. Any other characters are fictional, the creation of the author. As such any resemblance to actual characters is unintentional.
This story is meant as the first part of a series, if there is interest more installments will be put out there.
Beverly sighed as she shifted her shoulders, they ached slightly from several hours of inaction. She had been standing her post by the stairs that lead down to the holding cells in the garrison’s newly renovated and expanded barracks.
With another sigh she tried in vain to relive the tension that the solid plate shoulder guards she wore was causing to her collarbones. In the months since her enlistment in the Alliance military she had grown used to the fit of the metal suit, and was able to wear it for long periods of time. Provided that she be allowed regular activity to move her body, and shift the armor so that no one point received prolonged pressure. Guard duty, standing at a post for hours with no real movement however proved to be a bit of a trial.
Beverly was on the tall side for a Human woman, standing at around 5 foot 8 inches tall. She was also young, having only two months previous finished her training, on her 19th birthday no less. Her skin was light, almost “milk maid” like in complexion. It suited her well however, for her hair was fine and golden blonde, cut short around the sides, with longer bangs, in what could be considered a “boy” fashion. Still it fit her wide, vibrant green eyes and almost pixie like face. She wore no makeup save for bright red lip gloss, so the light freckles on her cheeks were clearly visible to those that got close to her.
She was proud of her figure, her military training giving her youthful body a nice tone to her muscles, and at an age where she was still able to remain fit, yet keep a pleasant curve to her hips and bust. Though it was hard to see under the layers of metal and fabric she wore, she was a lovely vision of a maiden. She was shy about letting others see her body however, and tried to keep covered as much as possible in the gender mixed barracks. Though there had been one occasion where she had been caught, flexing in a mirror.
“Uuugghh…..Light, when is the shift over!” She let out the exasperated expression as the area between her shoulder blades twinge with tension. She closed her eyes and arched her back, shaking her head from side to side to try and alleviate the knot, without attracting to much attention, or stepping from her post.
“I give it about five more minutes Private.” Came the precise and sharp reply, Beverly opened her eyes, unable to keep a light flush from her face at being caught acting so unprofessional on duty. Glowering up at her from his massive height of 4 feet even was her supervisor, First Sergeant Gabriel “Gabe” Sparkfuze. His mustache quivering slightly as he spoke, though the bright green color of it did a bit to diffuse the heat of his glare.
The Sergeant had taken a bit of a dislike to Beverly on her first day in the outpost. She had literally stepped on the small man as she looked for her commanding officer to report to. He had for some reason taken offence, and had been unwilling to accept the stumbling apology of a teenage human girl who was obviously trying very hard not to laugh at the event.
Since then it seemed the tiny man had made it a personal mission to find her the least pleasant duties he could, and keep what seemed to her, an inordinate amount of his attentions focused on her activities. She quickly jerked back into a more soldierly posture, though it was, she knew, a bit to late for that.
“S-sir! I was just…wondering….I mean I need a..visit to the privy, Sir!” She quickly tried to find any excuse for her lack of attention and slovenly posture, apprehensive that The Gabe, as everyone called him, would dock her liberty and make her stand extra duties burning out the latrine buckets, or helping in the mess hall.
She keenly felt the gaze of the Sergeant’s bright blue eyes, as she stood stock straight now, only her eyes looking down to focus on him. Sparkfuze intensely disliked it when people avoided his gaze when he was speaking…another foible she had committed almost as soon as she met him. His voice piped as he spoke, though it was a deep range for a Gnome.
“Ah. Well, I can’t see any harm in it this time Private Merchant. Coppersmith here has the next shift anyway. You can knock off a bit ahead of time today. You can make it up by being early for P. E. later. I need a hand setting up the equipment, and everyone here knows how muscular you are. Right Corporal?” He motioned to the female Dwarf behind him, and since she was out of The Gabe’s line of sight Corporal Coppersmith gave Beverly an encouraging smile. Though replied uşak escort to the Gnome in a matter of fact voice.
“Aye sir. Private Girl-Abs here is as mighty a lass as you can hope to find around the town!” Her thick highland accent rolling her R’s and dropping consonants from the ends of some words. Coppersmith gave Beverly another grin as the young woman fell out, using the nickname Beverly was know by around the garrison. Her flexing incident being public, and shortly after her transfer, had branded her with the name. At least until she earned a new one, or that is what everyone said.
“Thank you Sergeant!” The relief Beverly felt at not earning another official demerit suffused her voice, and was luckily, misconstrued by The Gabe as further evidenced to support her claim. “I’ll see you in the parade field later then sir!” Beverly then clammed up and hurried away, breaking into a run as she hit the cobblestone path outside the building, she took advantage of the freedom to finally stretch her muscles, almost crying as the tension in them vanished.
It was some time later, when she was back in the barracks preparing for lights out, that she got a chance to give voice to her suspicions. “You know, I don’t get why we have to post a guard at that stupid staircase. I mean it’s not like there is anybody down there in those cells! Why have one of us stand there for hours on end to keep people out of an empty basement? I think they have something secret down there they want to hide, why don’t you go have a look Roonris? You are all sneaky and quite.” Beverly glanced across the space between her bunk and the next, at the Night Elf woman who sat, clearly trying to ignore the young human, oiling and re stringing the bow she carried with her when on duty or traveling.
“You know you should give the lass an answer elf. She is just going to keep bothering you about it anyway. Not like its to much encouragement!” Dinah Coppersmith, now off duty herself, chimed in from the top bunk above Beverly. She glanced over the side of the mattress, down at the seated elven woman ,the letters from home she had been reading still in her hand.
Roonris sighed, and closed her eyes for a moment. Beverly had adopted her as an older sister surrogate after the girl’s first awkward week at the garrison, and while Roonris genuinely liked Beverly. She was not used to being in the presence of others for long periods of time, and certainly not used to being a role model for an impressionable and inexperienced Human girl. She also hated to admit that being in the child’s presence made her feel all 4023 years she had been alive. Beverly was just to…new and it shone in her every word, movement and act.
“I am not going to waste my time with that Girl-Abs. Nobody is down there, and you don’t need someone to sneak past the sentry to find that out for you.” The Elf said absently, hoping her dismissive tone would put a damper on the young woman’s curiosity.
“But the commander goes down there with a box full of stuff every day, and he stays there for like, ever!” Beverly scooted forward on her bed, eyes on Roonris as she made her case. “Don’t you want to see why he needs to put that much time into poking around a storeroom? You totally need to go down there and do your sneaky Elf investigation thing!”
“No, I don’t do “sneaky elf investigations”. Especially in a garrison where I am a guest, not personnel. You want to know see what is in there? Go down on your next shift, you know The Gabe will put you on duty there again. If you aren’t noisy you can pop down and gawk at the boxes between his rounds.”
“Aww…he’ll come by when I am down there and slam my ass in the guardhouse for not being at my duty station! C’mon…your the only one who can do it! You can even go down there when I am on duty so you know you won’t be caught!” Beverly leaned forward as she made her argument, her eyes on Roonris in what she thought was her best wheedling expression, her hand reaching up to her collar, popping a few buttons trying to flash a bit of her cleavage. She figured she hand a decent chance of charming the older woman into her plan, she was young and pretty with slightly more than a B cup under her shirt. Plus, Roonris was a Night Elf, and everyone knew that all Night Elf women were lesbians.
“Is she…oh for the Goddess’s sake.” Flashed through Roonris’s mind as she caught the less than subtle attempt by Beverly to beguile her. She stood to leave as Dinah snickered into the conversation again.
“It would solve your problem if Sparkfuze caught you though Beverly. He’d toss you into the cells down there and you could inspect them for yourself!” Dinah snickered louder as Roonris glared at the Human girl turning to leave.
“Either way you are on your own…and stop trying to seduce me into doing things for you. It’s weird, and a little creepy.” The elf tossed the last over a shoulder as she strode out into the evening, seeming üsküdar escort to vanish as soon as the moonlight outside hit her.
“Ugh..see what I mean Dinah? She does that moonlight vanish thing! She could totally sneak into the basement! No one would ever know!” Thwarted, Beverly flopped back onto her bunk and re buttoned the top few buttons of her shirt, a bit disgruntled. That little trick had always worked on the boys in town she grew up in. It worked on a few of the peddlers and shopkeepers too. Undeterred by the failure of her first plan, she glanced upward. “So Dinah…”
“What if..”
“No. It’s lights out anyway.” Beverly could hear the sound of paper ruffle as Dinah slipped the letters she had under her pillow. Though she leaned over the side of her bed looking down at the frowning girl, her long, dark brown braids bobbing as she whispered. “Tell you what Beverly, I’ll switch shifts with you tomorrow, Sparkfuze only checks on the basement guard when you are the on duty anyway. You take Stable duty for me, and I’ll let you sneak into the cellar and put the eyeball to all the crates and barrels in that place!”
“You will! Thanks Dinah, you are the best!” Beverly sat up and blurted out as the lights dimmed. The other soldiers in the barracks turning them down so that there was enough light to dimly see by, but not enough to keep anyone from slumber. With that Beverly laid back and contemplated the secret weapons, campaign plans, or clandestine meetings that awaited her in the rooms beneath.
Horses, as it turned out, were not very helpful when it came to getting the chores done quickly so that you could skip out on stable detail early. They were remarkably unsympathetic, and roundly ignored the concept of doing things in a timely fashion.
Beverly liked horses, and Stable duty was her favorite thing to have to do on the roster, due to the time she would get to spend with the animals. She found it frustrating now though, since her attempts to get the animals to move from stall, to grooming station to corral faster only ended in one wildly galloping around the barn. It was only by shear luck that she and the stable boy Will got the animal calmed before Trextler the Stable manager caught wind of the mayhem.
Thus it was a bit breathless, and having promising young Will her share of desert that night as a bribe, that she clamored back into the barracks. Panting as she skidded to a halt in front of Dinah. Coming to a rest after managing to knock several items from the nearby tables. The clatter filling the air and drawing some remarks from the off duty soldiers loitering nearby.
“Oh…And here I was starting too worry that you wouldn’t be showing! I figured old Coal flank had pulled his “I know where the fence is weak” trick again, and had you chasing him about the parade grounds for the next hour or so. Are we ready for your basement adventure?” Dinah tilted her head up at Beverly, her blue eyes full of mirth at the young woman’s antics. “I see you have your sneaking clothes on too. Good thing you had the luck of caring for those horrid beasties so you didn’t have to wear your armor eh?”
Beverly nodded as she caught her breath, her hands on her knees. Instead of her armor, she was clad in a blue, tight fitting short sleeve tunic, tan leather pants and flared buccaneer boots. The outfit showed off her figure very well, and drew a few looks from those she had passed on her way.
“Yes, I am all my note pad for documenting what I find too!” Beverly grinned as she walked past Dinah, and started to descend the stairs. The soles of her boots creaking slightly, but other than that she made no sound. When she reached the bottom step she was forced to fumble for a moment, until she found and lit the lamp that was on a nearby barrel. Had the room been in official use as a prison, the sconces would have been full, the torches inside lit. To her dismay, they were empty, and it showed every evidence of being used only for storage.
Never the less, she bucked her sinking heart up, and began to comb the chamber, from one side to another. It was a large room, taking up about a fourth of the total area the basement filled, she could see two cells as well, their fronts simple bars so that a jailor could look inside at the prisoners, and see that they were up to no mischief. Though the doors were open, and both were partially filled with crates.
A few minutes of searching barrels and crates turned up nothing of real interest. Though she was able to steal an apple from one box to munch on as she looked. She sat on top of one crate after dropping the lid with a sigh. Her eyes scanning the stone walls as she spoke to the empty space.
“Daaammn, freaking Roonris was right…its just a store room” Beverly leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. “I was really hoping üzümlü escort it was something interesting…being a soldier is so boring….” She trailed off as she looked around the walls again. Noticing that the cellar seemed to be smaller than it ought, just judging from the size of the main area and the two cells that she could see. Beverly moved to the wall between the two cell doors, noting that there was unaccounted for space there. The cell walls ending a foot or so short of where they should if they abutted.
Curiosity filled her again and her green eyes sparkled with anticipation as she ran her hands over the walls. That sort of wasted space could only mean a secret passage! Everyone knew that if there was a prison in a castle (which this was), there was always a secret passage or two! She searched and searched, tugging on wall sconces, pushing on blocks, moving crates. It was after another hour of searching, that she rested against the wall. Dusty and frustrated, her hands behind her as she stomped her foot.
“Stupid secret passage! You are supposed to have an easy to find lever or something, like in the books!” She turned and shoved on the wall again, kicking it with disappointment when her foot hit a stone near the base of the wall to low for someone to normally closely inspect. The stone clicked and sank into the wall, at the same time one of the stones under her palm shifted. The two part latching system to the door clicking open, allowing her to swing part of the wall inward, on soundless hinges.
Beverly peered down the short passage, sliding inside without even realizing it, she slowly walked to the doorway at the end. Her heart now pounding, and her body tensing with the excitement of the unknown. Taking pains to remain quite. When she reached the doorway she blinked at the light. Looking from a dark hall into a well lit room almost blinded her for a few moments. When her vision cleared her mouth fell open in shock at what she saw.
The room was well lit by several humming crystals that were set into fixtures on the walls. The light they cast was warm, and quite bright despite the slight blue hue to it. Beverly had actual seen quite a few of the crystals since she had been sent to the garrison in Draenor. The local Draenei used them for lighting and heating inside their homes. A gentle warmth being a by product of whatever magical process caused the crystals to glow.
There was a bed in one corner of the room, piled high with blankets that hung to the floor, and a heavy table to her left as she entered. The walls and floor were stone, and the ceiling was supported by several heavy wooden beams running lengthwise across the room. It was a decently sized space, able to fit about a dozen people with a reasonable amount of comfort. There was also a metal grate set into the stone in the middle of the floor, none of this is what she was paying attention to as she walked inside.
In the center of the room was the Prisoner she had so desperately hoped existed, although the rest of the scene was something she could scarcely imagine. The Prisoner was a Human or so it seemed, and was a woman, there was no doubt of that. Her flame red hair was thick, and hung loosely around her shoulders and down her back. Her skin was pale, almost gray, though it had an alluring vibrancy to it that drew Beverly closer.
The Prisoner was naked, the only things covering her skin were the white leather straps that had been used to bind her arms behind her back, one at her wrists, another at her elbows. She was blindfolded as well. A shaped leather mask covering her eyes, eyebrows and cheekbones. Her mouth was stuffed with a bright red ball, that had been strapped in place, gagging her and keeping her grunts, moans and cries quiet enough to not alert anyone outside the room.
The woman’s breasts were full, larger than Beverly’s and capped with almost bubblegum pink nipples, although they had been mostly covered by thin gauze, sheer enough to see through. The gauze held a small, humming crystal to each of the woman’s nipples. The controls for each strapped to the woman’s belly with another pristine white leather band.
The Prisoner reared up suddenly, and Beverly fell back onto her bottom as she jerked away, fearing that she had been detected by the bound woman. Beverly had not realized she had gotten so close to the woman during her inspection of her bound form. Beverly’s eyes were wide and her body seemed frozen a she watched. The Prisoner wore a leather collar she now saw, It was black and reinforced with Iron, several rings were attached to it at intervals one of which Beverly now saw had been used to attach a chain to a ring in the floor. Keeping the Prisoner from standing, and limiting the range of her motion to straight backed kneeling.
Beverly’s eyes followed the chain to the floor, and she flushed as she realized why the woman was arching her back now. Her cries muffled by the gag as she shuddered in ecstasy. Beverly could clearly see the bright flame colored strip of trimmed pubic hair above the woman’s exposed sex. The puffy lips spread around something that had been inserted into the woman, and between the Prisoners muffled cries Beverly could hear a humming sound.
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