Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
After an hour and a half of driving, the tour bus finally pulls into a parking lot of a simple motel. The walls are yellowing, indicating age and the doors to the rooms have rustic looking numbers nailed harshly to them. I sigh as I look at the motel in front of us, silently wishing there is a better option, but the nearest hotel is three hours away, and motels are cheaper. “Okay! Listen up!” I yell and I struggle to stand up on the couch to get everyone’s attention, “Now, for however long we are staying here I am off duty of pulling girls out of your beds!” I say, crossing my arms over my chest as if looking for someone to challenge my statement. kocaeli escort “Come on Gracie! Girls never listen to us the way they listen to you,” Eli pouts, his shoulders sagging. “I’m on vacation. I have seen way too much of all of you and I need a break,” I laugh, shaking my head. “She’s right. We are all on vacation the second we step off this bus, so if any one of you decide to have a one night stand, take responsibly of your damn actions,” Danny says, walking out from the back storage bedroom, holding a dark green duffle bag. I nod and I step down from on top of the couch. I let out a deep breath as I walk past Danny, nudging kocaeli escort bayan him into the right wall with a grin as I walk back to the storage bedroom to pack up my own bag. I hum a small tune as I pick up my own duffle bag, similar in size to Danny’s, only mine has a solid blue background with small purple polka dots scattered around. I bend down to open my suitcase full of clothes and I pull out a few pairs of shorts, some shirts and three dresses. I grab some undergarments and two pairs of flip flops, along with one pair of red five inch wedged heels. “Now what do you need those for? Those just spell trouble,” I hear behind izmit escort me, making me roll my eyes as I zip up my duffle bag. “Who knows? I might just go have some fun with Jeremy’s girlfriend tomorrow night while you all go get shitfaced drunk.” I gasp as I feel his arms snake around my stomach, his icy cold fingers just barely slide under my shirt to brush my narrow hip bones. My eyes close as I let my head fall back to rest on his hard shoulder, “Luke, what are you doing? You’re going to get both of us in trouble!” “Shhh, they all left to go check in and get each of us a room,” His breath tickles my ear as his fingers slowly move around my waist, softly and expertly kneading my skin. “I don’t care! Danny is already mad at you, imagine what he would do to you if he walked in to see your hands on me like this,” I manage to whisper breathlessly as I force myself to move out of his warm embrace.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32