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Jonathan, or ‘little Jonny,’ as he was affectionately known, even though he was now eighteen, was on holidays from college and desperate to earn some cash. As it happens, his mother had been chatting to Dorothy Chester recently, and she started to describe the plans she had for improvement of the big garden at the Chester family home. When she mentioned needing some help to get started, his mother immediately thought of Jonny’s need to earn, as well as her desire to get him out of the house from under her feet. There was the little matter of getting over from their home some eight miles away, but it was Spring, the days were getting longer, and he was quite happy to start and end the day with a cycle ride. It would help with his general fitness too, she thought, and reluctantly, he agreed. He arrived at 9.30 am at the Chester house on the Wednesday for his first day’s work. He turned up the front path, dismounted and locked up his bike by the front door. As he approached the door bell to the house, the inner porch door opened, and a smiling Dorothy Chester came out. She leant across to open the outer door. He knew her, but not very well. “Hello Jonathan,” she said. “How was your ride?” “Oh not bad,” he mumbled in his teenage way. “It took about fifty minutes.” “That’s quick it’s quite a way isn’t it ?” she asked. He entered the hallway and closed the inner door behind him. “Not really, I like to keep my speed up”, looking around the room and at Mrs. Chester. Dorothy glanced at the lad, small for his age but nearly as tall as her, lithe, slim and fit as far as she could tell. “Well you look like a fairly athletic young man to me,” she said, smiling again. She strode into the kitchen. Jonathan was dressed in his proper road cycling gear, polyester compound tee shirt, shorts and short socks, all light yellow, with black cycle shorts. “Do you have some gardening clothes with you?” She asked him. “Oh I knew there was something I had forgotten to bring,” he escort said in anguished tones. Dorothy smiled. “Typical teenage boy,” she thought, “an airhead and unable to concentrate on more than one thing at once.” “Not to worry you can borrow some of the boys’ old clothes, I am sure they will have something that will fit you. I will have a look upstairs. What would you like to drink?” She asked. “Some juice would be good,” he said enthusiastically. “Alright well help yourself from the fridge. Now what size are you ?” she asked as she was leaving the kitchen. She glanced up and down at him. “Thirty inch waist I think.” “What about your chest ?” “Thirty- six may be,” he guessed. “I will go and find something for you,” she said. She looked over him again and went upstairs, whilst he gulped back the juice. In the boys’ clothes’ wardrobes, she took a look. She returned to him in the kitchen in a couple of minutes, with a long sleeved shirt and shorts. “I expect you might get warm, so you will probably find these the most comfortable. You can change up in our room, or the bathroom.” Jonathan downed his drink, and picking up the clothes, went upstairs. He couldn’t find the bathroom so went into the parents’ bedroom. There was a nice perfumed smell. He started to strip off and glanced around the room. There were two large framed pictures of her and her husband, on the wall. They looked as though they had been taken on a romantic weekend. Both were in black and white, with stark lighting. He found himself drawn to the individual picture of Dorothy. She was leaning on a low chair. Forearms straight, breasts pinched between her upper arms, she was leaning over and looking up directly at the photographer, directly at Jonathan. Her arms were half bared, but her breasts were fully covered, apart from a pear drop opening in her fluffy wool top. The space revealed a smooth round pair of breasts. She had a thin leather strap around one escort bayan wrist ,with a lady’s watch on it, and a pair of loose metal bangles around the other. He looked down a little, and caught the faintest trace of a rise towards the end of each breast, just a tiny hillock in the fluff of her pullover top. He assumed it indicated an erect nipple underneath. He realized then that in the picture she can’t have been wearing any support, but that by even the modest size of the hill in such a fluffy top, she must have some bullet pointed boobs. He looked down at himself and saw that he was getting hard. God, that was the last thing he had ever thought about his mum’s friend, Mrs. Chester. She must be in her middle forties, and he was not long eighteen. He dismissed the thought and dressed in the clothes she had left for him. The shorts were a twenty-eight inch waist and the shirt medium sized, but it seemed shrunken. About the only thing that was big enough was the pair of socks. These he pulled up to his knees to protect his legs from any nettles or thorns, in the garden. He realized then that he couldn’t fit his underwear under the shorts and still move, if he was working, so he simply pulled the shorts on alone. They were simple shorts, with no internal ‘net’ to catch any stray elements, if he happened to get aroused. As he left the room he fought the temptation to glance again up at the photograph. He lost. He glanced, and in his shorts, he felt a short rush of blood. He descended the stairs and discovered that Dorothy was already in the garden. She was gloved and digging, and wearing a pair of close fitting jeans, an old mans shirt, and rubber boots. “Ah there you are, did you find the bathroom alright, it’s a bit of a maze up there?” “No sorry, I went in your room and changed as you suggested.” “Oh that’s fine too,” she replied smiling at him. He looked over at her digging, saw the same leather strap, and bayan escort heard the same jangling bracelets as he had seen in the photograph. Then he noticed first one, then the other nipple straining against her top. She was clearly wearing a brassiere, but such was their poke, he could still see their outline. He suddenly had a funny feeling between his thighs, and realized that blood was again rushing to the area! “Here give me a hand with this, I could do with some muscle.” She smiled, leaned back, and allowed Jonathan in to the space to tussle with one of several rocks in an old rockery. Now it was her turn to notice. Without realizing it she had chosen clothes for him that were highly suitable. This was not so much for the job in hand, but rather to show off his nice little smooth hard cyclist’s body, something she had never noticed before. She had only ever seen him in the background of conversations with his mother, and rarely spent any time with him, let alone on his own. While he heaved, she glanced down at his young developing arm muscles, and those of his thighs. Those shorts were unfairly small. She smiled to herself as she noticed the back seam bury itself between the tight cheeks of his firm bottom. The top was equally small, more in terms of its length, giving her views of his smooth midriff. This was quite an unexpected side to the job in hand, and one Dorothy had never envisaged. She was in the kitchen, when her friend called. It was Collett from the College. “Why don’t you pop over later,” suggested Dorothy. “I am rather tied up in the garden at the moment.” “Sounds fun,” said Collett, smiling at her end. “Oh nothing that exciting, I just have some help today. The son of a friend of mine, at the golf club, is earning some holiday money.” “I see Dorothy. I will be round later to make sure that he has earned his day’s wages!” Dorothy looked up from the sink where she was putting away her washing up. Jon was leaning back on his spade. He had got a lot done and looked a little hot and bothered, a little red, a little sweaty. His golden downy forearms were exposed, bared socks were now slipped down to his ankles and his wet hair was plastered over his face. She tapped the window. “Would you like a drink?” she mouthed.
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