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A million thanks to BffseOhio for editing!
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**Author’s Note: This is a continuous story where each chapter builds on the previous chapter. If this is the first chapter you’ve encountered of The Morrisons, I’d like to suggest you go back and read the previous chapters first, so you’ll understand the character’s actions as you read this chapter. I’ve added a list of the main story characters on the last page of the story. Please enjoy!
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I appreciate hearing from the readers of my stories and I want to thank all those who took time to send me an email. I try to answer all the emails I receive and I really appreciate all your kind comments. Please realize I can’t answer those readers who send me comments anonymously.
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For the record: All characters in this story are legal aged (18 years of age or older)!
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From – Chapter 11
When we finished Beth said to me, “Let’s go sleep in my bed now that we’ve messed up your bed.”
I smiled and said, “Lead the way, I’m tired.”
Beth and I crawled into her bed and I spooned up behind her naked body. The minute my cock nestled in the crack of Beth’s ass, it started to get hard, I couldn’t help it. I whispered to Beth, “That guy has a mind of his own.”
Beth was laughing when she whispered back, “Dan Morrison, some day I going to fuck you till he won’t get hard again, for at least eight hours.”
I cupped Beth’s tit in my hand and replied in a whisper, “You’re on! Let me know when you’re ready. Good night sweetheart.”
Beth giggled and said, “Do you know what you just called me?”
I replied, “Shhhhhhhhhhhh…….. I’m trying to go to sleep!”
Chapter 12
Normally, I wake up at the slightest noise or touch but this morning I woke up to the wonderful sensation of a warm mouth sliding up and down my cock. I blinked as I tried to get oriented then I looked around before looking down to see Beth kneeling beside my hips sucking my cock. When I stirred, Beth looked up at me without losing contact with my cock. I smiled at her asking, “Are you the same seemingly bashful young lady who’s worked for me all these years?
Beth pulled her mouth away from my cock with a popping sound then she smiled at me saying, “Dan, after the events of last night, you’ve unleashed something in me that I want to explore. I hope you don’t mind.”
I smiled at Beth reminding her, “I said I will assist you with anything that won’t get either of us arrested and waking up with your warm mouth wrapped around my cock won’t get us arrested. Now, you can move around so your pussy is up here where I can reach it, we can share an orgasm and start the day off right.”
Beth moved so her bald pussy was over my face and then went back to sucking my cock. I attacked her clit and soon had Beth moaning and grinding her pussy into my face. It didn’t take long before she experienced an orgasm and lay on top of me breathing heavily while enjoying the remnants of her fading euphoria. Suddenly, Beth started sucking my cock and massaging my balls with renewed heartiness. Her tongue expertly swirled around the sensitive rim of my cock head sending me over the edge and I only had seconds to warn Beth by saying, “Here it comes.”
Beth continued sucking my cock then licking it like a lollipop to make sure she cleaned up all my cum. When she was finished, Beth looked over her shoulder at me saying, “You go turn on the shower and I’ll call room service and have them bring us some coffee and a couple of cheese Danish, then I’ll join you.”
I walked over to my suite’s bathroom where all of our toiletries were left last night and took a leak then started the shower. I stepped under the water a few seconds before Beth came through the door asking, “Are you starting without me?”
I smiled and said, “Someone told me I was a big drip once, so I thought I would step under the shower and be all wet instead.”
Beth stepped into the shower laughing then she hugged me saying, “You’re truly one of a kind, Dan Morrison.”
I asked Beth, “How long before they bring the coffee?”
She picked up a wash cloth and with a huge smile on her face she said, “We don’t have any time to fool around, if that’s what you’re asking. If I hurry my shower, they’ll most likely be here as I step out. I might not even have a chance to dry off first.”
I asked, “Will you want someone with you?”
Beth said, “If someone was at the door connecting the rooms, I think that would suffice. Let me rinse off because I wouldn’t want them to return to the kitchen with our coffee.”
Beth grabbed a towel and started to dry herself as she walked towards the bathroom door. I quickly rinsed off and grabbed a towel and started to dry myself as I left the bathroom and walked towards the door that connected our suites. I opened both doors completely then looked into Beth’s suite to see her fetiş escort standing near the short entryway, bent over drying her hair. When there was a knock on the door Beth stood up with her hair all fluffed up and looked towards the connecting door and saw me then dropped her towel on a chair then turned and walked towards the door to answer it completely naked.
I stepped back in the doorway and heard Beth speaking to someone then the voices got louder. I peeked around the door and saw Beth facing a young man who was busy pouring two cups of coffee. When he finished he asked Beth if there was anything else he could do for her and she declined saying, “Thank you for bringing the coffee, my friend and I need coffee first thing in the morning to get us started, if you know what I mean.”
Trying to prolong his view of Beth’s naked body, the young man asked many questions like where she was from, was she on a business or pleasure trip, what kind of business was she in, before Beth finally said, “My friend should be almost done with his shower; I better get his coffee fixed because he will be in here any second now.”
Suddenly the young man said, “I better get back to the kitchen. It gets busy this time in the morning. By the way, I hope you don’t mind me saying that you are very beautiful and you have a great body. Thank you.”
When I heard the door close I walked into Beth’s suite and was almost bowled over when Beth rushed me and clung to me. I could feel her body shaking and she said, “OH GOD, DAN! I’ve been a nudist all my life but showing my naked body to someone this way is so surreal. Now I know the adrenalin rush an exhibitionist feels when they show their body to someone. I am so wet I have to go clean myself again.”
I smiled at Beth saying, “I’m glad you are enjoying your trip and I’m sure you will have many more times to show that beautiful body of yours, but let’s sit down and drink our coffee before it gets cold.”
While Beth was fixing my coffee I went into my suite and picked up my cell phone and called my lawyer. While I sat beside Beth, drinking my coffee, I explained I wanted him to check out who owned the property bordering my property and how many acres it was. I told him to contact the owners and make them a direct offer for the undeveloped property. I told him I really wanted to buy the property so use his persuasive voice when talking to the owners. I gave him my new number and told him to call me when he had an answer for me.
I looked at my watch and realized we had forty five minutes before our driver was going to arrive to pick up our bags. When Beth returned to the room and sat down to drink her coffee she was still raving about how exciting it was to allow a stranger see her completely nude. I congratulated her and then told her we needed to get dressed because the driver would be here in less than an hour. I picked up my coffee and went into my room and finished up my personal grooming then got dressed. When I returned to Beth’s suite she was just pulling up her skirt so I whistled and she spun around and smiled at me asking, “Do you see anything you like?”
I looked Beth up and down then said, “Yes, I like the complete package with or without clothes.”
Beth coyly asked, “Dan, do you remember what you said last night before we went to sleep?”
I grinned at Beth saying, “I know exactly what I said. You were making too much noise so I said, Shhhhhhhhhhhh…….. I’m trying to go to sleep!”
Beth laughed saying, “Oh Dan, whatever am I going to do with you? You know what you said, did you mean to call me that or was it a slip of the tongue?”
I smiled at Beth as she buttoned her blouse saying, “Beth you are closer to me now than you have been in the past six years. We have common interests and most of all we have shared each other’s bodies so I may from time to time use a term of endearment when we are in private. If you are asking me if I care about you, the answer is yes I do. Beth, as I’ve told you, you have moved into an inner circle with me and my family so I hope it’s ok with you if I call you sweetheart.”
Beth walked across the room and hugged me saying, “Thank you, Dan. A girl likes to know she is appreciated. You not only make me feel appreciated, but you make me feel secure as well.”
There was a soft knock on Beth’s door and when she opened it Brenda Summers was standing in the hall so Beth asked her to come into the room. Beth asked, “Brenda, would you like a cup of coffee?”
Brenda replied, “No, I had some delivered to my room also. I came to see talk to you before the meeting.”
I excused myself saying, “I will be in my suite putting some things together. Let me know when you’re finished.”
Brenda turned to me saying, “Dan, you don’t have to leave. I wanted to give Beth some idea what both of us will be doing during the meeting.”
Brenda and Beth talked as I listened and sipped my coffee. After talking for a few minutes Brenda gaziantep fetiş escort looked at her watch then said, “Someone will be here in a few minutes to get our luggage so I better get back to my suite.”
As Brenda left, I watched as Beth put the remaining items in her travel bag and finished getting ready to leave. As she was finishing there was another knock on her door and this time when she answered it the driver was there to collect her luggage. I stood up and walked into my suite and brought my luggage into Beth’s room so the driver could take it.
Beth and I left our suites shortly after our luggage was picked up. When I got to the lobby I went over to the front desk and gave them our suite numbers and mentioned we had champagne and coffee delivered and I wanted to pay for both. After checking her computer screen the young lady behind the counter informed me that all expenses had been covered and there was no balance due for either suite. I handed her our entry cards and thanked her, then returned to find Tom and Brenda talking to Beth. Tom told us he knew a nice place to have breakfast, so we walked out to our limo and Tom told the driver where he wanted to go. After a relaxed breakfast we went out to the limo and Tom told the driver the address for the company we were going to visit.
Meanwhile back at home Kim woke up and looked at the two young ladies who were still in bed with her. Of course Terri was out of bed and presumably making coffee like she did every morning. However Kim wanted to make sure so she slipped out of bed and wandered down the hall and at the top of the stairs she smelled the wonderful aroma of coffee. Kim walked down the stairs and when she entered the kitchen Terri looked at her and asked, “Did you come and check on me like dad did yesterday?”
Kim smiled and that’s all Terri needed to see. Terri stood up and walked over and embraced Kim in a full body contact hug before saying, “I love you mom, you’re the best.”
Kim hugged Terri close to her and said, “You are a great daughter and I love you so much too.”
After a couple of minutes of holding each other, Terri finally said, “I had to kick dad out of the kitchen yesterday so get going now…… don’t come back until you’re dressed and ready to go to work.”
Kim stepped back from Terri and while looking into her eyes she softly said, “I love you.”
Terri’s eyes started to water when she whispered to Kim, “Mom, you are so special to me and I love you very much.”
Kim hugged Terri again and turned to go up and get ready for work. As Kim was walking up the stairs she met Mary and Shelly coming down. They all stopped briefly and exchanged good morning pleasantries then Kim continued up the stairs. When she got back to her bedroom she tried to wake up Jenna without waking Hanna but both girls sat up in bed rubbing their eyes. Kim said, “Time to get up Jenna, and Hanna you can go back to sleep if you want to, we have to get showered and ready for work.”
Jenna said, “Mom, I’ll shower with you this morning, since dad isn’t here.”
Hanna asked, “May I shower with both of you?”
Kim smiled broadly and immediately said, “Of course both of you can shower with me this morning. I’d love to have two gorgeous naked females to wash.”
Kim walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet and peed then stood up and turned on the bidet and adjusted the temperature. She was just sitting down when Jenna and Hanna walked into the bathroom. Jenna sat on the toilet to pee then said to Kim, “Leave that running and I’ll douche before I shower.”
Hanna watched as Jenna wiped her pussy and flushed the toilet before she timidly walked over and sat down on the toilet so she could pee. She watched as Jenna used the bidet then bashfully asked, “Jenna I would like to try using that too, can you leave it on for me?”
Jenna smiled and said, “Sure honey, you can do anything you want when you are with us.”
Hanna used the bidet then joined Jenna and Kim in the shower. Both turned and started to wash Hanna’s body. When they were finished Kim turned off the shower and Jenna passed out the towels and each of them dried the person next to them. Jenna said, “I’m going to my bathroom so I can finish getting ready.”
Hanna stayed with Kim and watched as she used the blow dryer to dry her hair, then Kim offered the blow dryer to Hanna. While they stood side by side they talked and when Kim finished her makeup, Hanna followed Kim back into the bedroom sat on the bed and watched as Kim selected her clothes and got dressed. When Kim finished she looked in the mirror then asked Hanna, “Are you ready to go get some coffee?”
Hanna smiled saying, “Yes, but I loved watching you, I hope I can do this again some time.”
Kim hugged Hanna’s naked body to her saying, “Hanna, I can’t stress this enough but while you are here, you can do anything you want to. If you choose to sit gaziantep fetiş escort and watch someone then please feel free to just do it. We are very open in this house. We don’t close doors so anyone at anytime can watch whatever another person is doing. We want you to feel comfortable here so stay within your comfort zone. If you want to participate in something others are doing then that’s the only time you need to ask. As you’ve heard us say, everyone has to consent to participate.”
Hanna smiled at Kim saying, “I understand, but all of this is new to me and I don’t want to upset anyone.”
Kim and Hanna walked down the stairs into the kitchen where they joined all the others. Ted and Marion said good morning to the new arrivals at the same time. Kim asked, “Ted, did you and Marion sleep well?”
Ted smiled saying, “Oh yeah. There were no horns honking, there weren’t any sounds of cars racing in the street and it was so peaceful I fell asleep and I don’t think I even rolled over once.”
When Ted finished speaking Marion said, “Kim, this is like heaven out here. I love the peace and quiet at night and the bed is perfect. I don’t think I’ve slept as sound as I did last night, in a very long time.”
Suddenly the door bell broke the silence and everyone looked towards the monitor and saw Bill standing on the other side of the door. However, for precautionary reasons, Terri and Shelly walked to the door together. Terri opened the door slowly welcomed Bill into the house saying, “Good morning, come right in, how are you this morning?
Bill stepped into the house and Terri closed and locked the door before she turned and looked at Bill. For some reason he seemed nervous so Terri asked, “Is there anything wrong, Bill?”
Bill shrugged his shoulders and looked around the room then back at Terri and Shelly before whispering, “I came over here early this morning because of what Mary said yesterday and I am a nervous wreck. I don’t want to sound or act like a sex maniac or something. Do you know if she may have changed her mind?”
Terri stepped up and hugged Bill to her naked body saying, “Oh, God no, Bill. The offer Mary made you yesterday is real and she is looking forward to your arrival this morning.”
Shelly giggled, and then said, “When she was licking my pussy last night I was reminding her how you were going to be filling her pussy with that wonderful cock this morning. She got so excited she wouldn’t stop licking me; even when I begged her to stop.”
Shelly stepped forward and started lifting Bill’s shirt and saying, “Let’s get you out of that tee-shirt and those shorts.”
Bill stood still as both Terri and Shelly stripped him. Once he was naked both of them held Bill’s semi-hard cock and stroked it as it came to life. Bill’s cock was standing up when Terri leaned forward and kissed the head of it then opened her mouth and stretched her lips over the head swirling her tongue over the sensitive rim at the base of his cock head. Bill shivered, saying, “Oh Terri, if you don’t stop, I’m going to cum.”
Terri pulled back and stood up saying, “I want you to save that for Mary. She’s looking forward to you sliding this monster into her pussy and packing her full of cock.”
Shelly stepped forward, asking, “Can I try that? I’m in love with your cock too and if you are as gentle as you say you are then my pussy is next after Mary’s.”
Bill stood still as Shelly stretched her mouth over Bill’s cock and sucked on it for a few seconds before she released him and stood back up. She smiled at Bill then said, “Don’t be nervous, you are among friends here.”
Bill hugged Shelly then Terri saying, “You guys are the greatest, but I hope you understand my nervousness.”
Terri put her arm around Bill’s back from one side and Shelly did the same from the other side and the three of them walked into the kitchen. Everyone looked up and saw the trio and welcomed Bill by saying, “Good morning.”
Terri asked Bill if he wanted a cup of coffee and something to eat but he only accepted the coffee. Kim said, “Let’s move to the dining room table where there’s enough room for everyone to sit down.”
Terri said, “I’m making French Toast this morning so if someone wants to cook eggs I can use the help.”
Both Shelly and Mary volunteered to help with breakfast and after taking orders they went to work and in a short time everyone was enjoying their meal. While they were eating, Jenna told Kim she could ride to work with her. When they were finished eating they got up and there was a mad rush for the kitchen with everyone except Bill. Kim and Jenna started laughing when they realized they would have to pass the gauntlet and get hugs and kisses from everyone before they could get to the door leading into the garage.
Once Kim and Jenna left for work, everyone walked back into the dining room where Bill was sitting, by himself. Mary walked over to Bill saying, “I think I made you a promise yesterday and I’ve been waiting all night. The wait is over, come with me, I want to see how much of that magnificent cock you can fit in my juicy pussy.”
Mary took Bill’s hand and started leading him towards the stairs then stopped and looked at Bill saying, “You know the Morrison’s have a unique policy others can watch the action. I hope you don’t mind if anyone who wants to watch us comes along too.”
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