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Lee’s eyes lit up when she saw the well-dressed forty-something gentleman walk into the restaurant she was waiting tables in. He sat in a booth in her section, to her even greater delight, for she knew who he was, and had hopes that by making him rise, he’d return the favour and help HER rise.

Before she went out to serve him, she hurried into the back of the restaurant, to where her locker was. She took out a tight white blouse from her locker, went into the washroom, and changed into it. She left the top three buttons undone, and bra-less, the shapely, buxom twenty-two-year-old brunette left the washroom and went back out to the customers’ area. She approached his booth.

“Good afternoon, sir,” she said, leaning forward so he could see a generous amount of tit. “What can I give you to eat?”

He was dazed as he sat there, staring at her tits, and said nothing for about five seconds. She noted where his eyes were aiming, and smirked, saying nothing, and just allowing him to enjoy the view.

Finally, he snapped out of it, and said, “Oh, uh, sorry about that.”

“That’s OK,” she said, leaning nearer to give him a better look. “Take as much time as you like, sir.”

His eyes were indecisive about looking back at the menu, or staring at those tits, which were exposed to the point of the edges of her areolae showing.

“I’ll have y-, uh, the chicken breast,” he stammered, now too embarrassed to look at her tits. She smirked, and left her cleavage easily accessible to his eyes.

“A good choice, sir,” she said. leaning still closer to his face. “We have the best chicken breasts in all of Los Angeles here.”

“I’ll bet you do,” he grunted.

She scratched her upper chest, moving her open shirt an inch to the side and exposing her left nipple. She knowingly left it that way, and smirked again when she saw his eyes locked on her tit. “Anything to drink?”

Realizing she was teasing him on purpose, and assuming correctly that she knew who he was, he continued staring at her exposed tit without inhibition. “I don’t know. What do you recommend?”

“Well, let’s see…” She reached over with her left hand to flip the menu over to the ‘Drinks’ page, letting him see her tits even closer. She stayed in that position for him.

“Yes, let’s see.” His eyes were roaming all over her tit-flesh.

“There’s milk,…” she began.

“There sure is.” He noted a beauty mark under her areola.

She smirked. “There’s also orange, apple, grape, and grapefruit juices, Fanta, coc-er, Coke, coffee, tea…”

Or you? he wondered, stroking the bulge in his pants. “I’ll just have a hot coffee, please.”

“Any dessert?” She was still bent over on his table; she used her upper arms to push her breasts together. When she did this, both nipples were exposed. “We have lots of yummy sweets to eat here.” She pointed to the brownies. “These are pretty good.”

He took a deep breath. “Oh, I think I’ll pass. But I’m curious: if you don’t mind my asking, why are you just a waitress? Surely, there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

“I’m an aspiring actress.” She squeezed her exposed tits together again, noting his eyes aiming down there again.

“Really? I’m Harry Weinberg. I was an executive producer for the film, ‘Wolfgang’. Did you see that one?”

“No, but you DO look familiar to me. I’m sure I’ve seen your face in the pictures in the entertainment sections of newspapers and magazines.”

“Yeah, sometimes I’ll be chatting with movie stars when the paparazzi are around,” he said, still staring at her tits without any fear of making her mad. “If you suspect I’m lying about being a movie producer, just look me up on Wikipedia. My page there includes a photo of me.”

“Oh, I believe you, I believe you,” she said, smiling at his roving eyes. “Which way to your casting couch?”

Oh, shit, he thought. So many Hollywood heavyweights have had their careers ruined recently by people coming forward with sexual misconduct allegations. And while many of those women’s complaints were more than legitimate, I don’t wanna be the next victim of a girl trying to sleep her way to the top, then accuse me of sexually harassing or assaulting her the moment I do something she doesn’t like. All the same, this girl IS tempting. Both of her tits are exposed to my face! “H-how about we have dinner tonight, and you can tell me about your acting experience then?”

“Sure,” she said with a grin, then played with her open shirt, exposing her breasts even more, even wiggling them. He never took his eyes off them, and she just let him look.


That night, Harry and Lee were in an Italian restaurant, eating pasta. He was in the same navy blue suit he’d been wearing at lunch in the restaurant she waited tables in; but she had changed into a tight black evening gown and high heels. Her face was painted up in bright colours, including red lipstick.

“So, you studied dramatic arts in university?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “I paid my way through eskort gaziantep university by stripping, lap dancing, and occasional hooking. I even did a few porno movies, so I do have some experience in front of a camera. To strip and hook, you have to be a bit of an actress, too.”


“No joke. You have to know what the guy’s fantasy is just from looking in his eyes, and be that fantasy. It isn’t just my body that got those guys off. I had to behave like their fantasy girl, and convincingly.”

“I-if you don’t mind my asking, w-what kind of movies did you do?” he asked.

“Oh, gang-bangs, mostly,” she said, then cut into her lasagna.

He spat out his food on the plate, and gawked at her wide-eyed. “Oh, excuse me.”

“I did a lesbian film or two, too.”

“I see.”

“Would you like to watch one of them?” she asked, with a facial expression that suggested there was nothing at all naughty or embarrassing about such a film. “I’ll do a search for one of them. Gang-bang, or lesbian?” She looked in his eyes, as if there were nothing shocking about such a question.

“Oh, uh, g-g-gang-bang, if that’s OK with you.”

“Sure.” She began searching through a porn video website.

Is this girl real, or what? he wondered. She’ll just do anything to be a movie star. I’m surprised she doesn’t just want to be a porn star. She has no illusions about what the Hollywood big brass are like, too, by being so openly sexual with me.

“OK, here we go,” she said, then handed him her smartphone. “Probably my best…umm, performance.”

“Holy shit,” he gasped, with an agape mouth and wider eyes, as he saw her, with nothing on except high heels, on the floor on all fours, with cocks going in and out of her mouth, pussy, and asshole. She was moaning and squealing. At one point, the camera got a closeup of her face, and she took the cock out of her mouth for a moment: yes, it was definitely Lee!

Both of the other men pulled out of her pussy and asshole, and all three sprayed bukkake all over her face. She was giggling.

“You’re…quite extraordinary, Lee,” Harry said.

“Did you enjoy that?” she asked, again, in a tone that showed she felt there was nothing to be ashamed about getting off on bukkake and gang-bangs.

“Oh, uh…yeah.”

“Do you like how I look naked?” She smiled with a calm confidence.

“You’re flawless.”

“Thank you.” She was grinning all the more. “Do you think you can make me a movie star? As you can see, I’m willing to do nude scenes.”

“Oh, uh, I think I can make a few phone calls, arrange a few screen tests,…”


He drove her to her apartment. He parked on the sidewalk in front of it. They looked at each other.

“You wanna come in?” she asked.

“Oh, uh…yeah, sure,” he said, and they got out of his Maserati.

As they walked into the building holding hands, she wondered, Why did he hesitate? Surely he knows I’m perfectly willing to let him fuck me, and how could he not find me desirable? He saw me naked in the video, and how well I fuck and suck. I even have Viagra in my bedside table drawer, if he needs it.

As much as I’d love to fuck her, he thought, I still have to worry about what’s happened to other big names in Hollywood: people speaking out about powerful men like me taking advantage of girls like Lee. Will she make such a complaint in the future, and ruin my career? Imagine my wife finding out!

They went into her apartment, and she closed the door behind her. He sat on the sofa. She stood before him.

“OK,” she said. “What do you want me to do?” She looked down at him with an uncanny insouciance. She didn’t look horny, or in any way sexually interested in him. She had an emotionless, blank face. It was obvious she imagined she was just doing a job…making a transaction. She makes him come, he makes her a star.

“Well,…” he said in hesitation, as worried about her mysterious intentions as he was turned on. “What’s off limits?”

“Don’t hurt me, and don’t make me do anything sick.”

“How do you define ‘sick’?”

“Don’t pee or crap on me, don’t make me eat your shit or drink your piss, don’t make me lick your asshole. Gross things like that. I don’t mind peeing on you, or having you eat my asshole, though; you can watch me pee, too, if you’re into that. But no shitting: that’s too weird for me.”

“I see,” he said, looking up and down her curvy, delicious body. “And what do you want in return?”

“I told you. Make me a movie star. You have the connections, right?”

“Yes, I do. But if you do screen tests for us, and if-no offence-you act terribly, what can we do?”

“Lack of talent? What does that matter? This is Hollywood. It’s all politics and money.”

He tittered a bit. She’s got me there, he thought.

“Kim Novak, Jayne Mansfield, Raquel Welsh: none of them had any real acting talent, yet they became famous for their beauty, their T and A, which gaziantep eskort bayan I have, as you have already seen. It doesn’t take much to act better than they could; and I’ve got the sexual equipment, which you saw in the video, and which moviegoers should like.” She turned around and gestured to the zipper on her dress, motioning to him to unzip her. “Wanna see me naked again?”

He gulped, then pulled the zipper down slowly. “Why is being a movie star so important to you?”

The dress fell to her feet, revealing a black lace bra and thong. Her buttocks were smooth, round, and flawless.

“Because I want the whole world to admire me, to desire me.” She kicked the dress aside and turned around for him again. She swayed her hips and ran her hands through her hair. She smirked at the bulge in his pants. “You like this, don’t you?”

“Yeah.” He reached for her bra clip.

“You want this, don’t you?” She let him unhook her bra.

“Yeah, but…”

She whipped off the bra and wiggled her tits. “But, what?”

“I wanna get it on with you,” he said as he pulled down her thong, revealing a landing strip shaving of her pussy. “But Hollywood’s been shaken up with accusations of men like me taking advantage of girls like you. What guarantee do I have that you won’t embroil me in a sex scandal, say, ten to fifteen years later, and ruin my career and marriage?”

“Just stick to the limits we just set, and you’ll be fine, I promise.” She kicked aside the thong. “Do you like nude with high heels, or barefoot?”

“W-which do you prefer? It doesn’t matter to me.”

She removed her heels. “These are hurting my feet.” Now nude from head to toe, she turned around for him. “Well? Do you like my naked body?” She sat on his hard-on and began rubbing.

“Of course, but…why is…being admired…and desired…by the world…so important…to you?” he moaned while fondling her tits.

“Because, when I was younger, people used to say I’d never amount to anything, including my dad.” Just then, a split-second flashback popped into her head, one of her father lewdly smiling at her when she was eighteen. “I wanna prove them all wrong.”

“I see,” he sighed, his hands giving her breasts little squeezes.

As she got up, she rubbed her buttocks against his belly and chest. He put his hands on them and spread them wide open to see her asshole.

She looked back and noticed his studying of her chocolatey swirl of anus-wrinkles. She smirked as he sniffed her up close, knowing she’d cleaned herself thoroughly, inside and out, back there. She bent over a bit and pushed her ass even closer to his face to give him a better look. She felt his nose touch her asshole.

As she felt his lips and tongue rubbing and rolling all over her asshole, she reached into her purse and took out a tube of anal lube. “Here,” she said, giving it to him.

“Wow,” he said as he unscrewed the cap. “You really are willing to go all out to become a movie star.”

“Damn right,” she said, getting on the floor on all fours, with her legs spread out wide and her ass pushed out so her inviting asshole was in plain view. “I’ll do whatever it takes, take whatever’s to be taken, wherever it’s to be taken.”

“I can see that,” he said as he smeared the lube all around and inside her anal ring. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his hard cock, and smeared lube on it. He put the tip of his cock against the finger-wide gape of her anus.

“Please be gentle,” she said, closing her eyes.

“Don’t worry, honey, I will.” He gave little pokes to coax the hole open wider. Then he slid in an inch.

“Ohh!” she sighed with a long exhalation.

He pushed in further, his cock in halfway now, and looked over to see if she didn’t like how it felt, all the while loving how it felt for himself. Oh, divine tightness!

The look on her face told him she didn’t seem to care either way how his cock felt in her ass, so he pushed it in all the way. “Oh!” he grunted.

As he slid in and out of her rectum, she looked back at him with a narcissistic smirk. You want me, she thought. Every man wants me. No man can resist me. I have the goods, I know how to use them, and I can get any man to do anything I want him to do, simply by offering my goodies to him. Hollywood exploits women and children for sex all the time, but I’m exploiting Hollywood with sex. I may be one hell of a cocksucker, but men are the real suckers. Daddy will see me prove that someday soon.

“I’m..gonna come!” he groaned. “Oh!”

“Pull it out,” she sighed, “and spray it on my ass. Ooh!”

He pulled out, then shot spurts on her butt-crack, her left buttock, her crack again, her right buttock, and on her upper right leg, just under her ass. He put his spent member back in his pants and zipped himself up. Then he watched his come dripping off her ass, and admired her anal gape.

She stayed in the same position to let him enjoy the view.

“Did you enjoy that?” gaziantep eskort she asked with a proud smirk.

“Of course,” he panted, still staring at her dripping ass.

“Will you make me a star?”

“Baby, you already ARE a star.”


The next day, Lee did a screen test for the next ‘Transformers’ sequel. The producers considered her acting acceptable, if mediocre…not that it needed to be any better than that, of course.

Since Harry told an octet of top people in Hollywood about her, which of course included telling what she was willing to do-and let be done to her-to become a star, they all got tested for STDs (including her), since none of them liked using condoms. Once they’d all gotten their test results, knowing they were all disease-free, arrangements were made for them all to meet her.

The people Lee was to meet were executive producers (including Harry) and directors (one of them even a short, chunky, forty-year-old lesbian). They were all in suits and ties.

Lee was in skin-tight black leather…with one of the zippers along her ass-crack.

They were all in the mansion of Glenn Baxter, one of the top executive producers in Hollywood, and one Lee knew and admired for being involved in a number of her personal favourite films.

She was waiting alone in Glenn’s large living room, admiring his luxurious possessions: a grand piano, priceless paintings, a fireplace lavishly decorated, and a coffee table with several lines of ketamine chopped and ready to be snorted.

She was eavesdropping on the conversation all the big brass were having in the next room. Rather than excited about fucking her in an epic series of gang-bangs she was perfectly willing to participate in, they all sounded a little worried.

“This all sounds too good to be true,” one exec said. “OK, she wants to be a star. We all know some young women are willing to sleep their way to stardom. But she’s willing to be gang-banged by eight men? Repeatedly?”

“And have her pussy licked by a lesbian,” the woman said with a smirk.

“I have to agree with Bob,” another executive producer said of the first. “Doesn’t this little hottie have a boyfriend?”

“Nope,” said Harry. “She doesn’t even have an agent.”

“This is weird,” Glenn said. “With all these scandals about sexual misconduct among our partying crowd, I have a bad feeling this Lee Wood is part of an entrapment scheme.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Harry said. “But, that body of hers…”

“Oh, yeah,” a director said. “If she’s anything like what we saw in those gang-bang videos Harry showed us, I won’t be able to resist the risk of entrapment.”

“Neither can I,” said another director.

No man can resist me, Lee thought as she kept listening. Don’t hurt me during the gang-bangs, make me a star, and you won’t get in any trouble. Quit yakking, and let’s get on with this. I don’t want Daddy and the whole fucking family waiting any longer for me to prove them wrong about me.

“Look,” Glenn said. “You said there’s special K laid out on my coffee table, right?” Bob, the provider of the K, nodded. “I have a few things I have to do in my office, so I’ll join you all in about ten minutes. Go out and meet her first, talk to her, get an idea of what kind of a woman she is. If you get bad vibes from her, phone me so I can stay out of this, and make an excuse to end the party. If she seems OK, give her some K to snort. Don’t get any video of her snorting it, but get video of her agreeing to the sex, as well as video of us fucking her (without our faces showing, of course), so we have evidence of her consent. Don’t let her see you filming us, though.”

“OK,” the first director said. “The director’s cut of the harlot’s cunt.”

OK, Lee thought, jogging back to her purse on the sofa by the coffee table. She took out a small teddy bear, removed its left eye, then replaced it with a tiny hidden camera. She put the bear on her purse, facing the coffee table, where it would get clear video of her face as she snorted the ketamine. “In case they take things too far while I’m high.”

She heard the door open, and everyone except Glenn entered the living room. She stood facing them with her legs apart, her hips swaying, and a “Wanna fuck me?” look on her face.

“Jesus fuck,” the second executive producer gasped at the sight of her curves in that tight black leather. He already had a boner.

“Hi,” she sighed, then turned around, bent over, and pointed her ass at all of them. “Do you like that?”

“Yes, I do,” grunted the first director. “Mind if I get a little video of you?” He took out his phone and set it to camera.

“Not at all,” she said, then got on a second sofa on all fours. “Get video of the whole night, if you like.”

“Really?” he asked, aiming his camera at her as she arched her back, suck out her ass, and looked straight at the camera like a porn star.

“Sure, why not?” she said. “Let’s have some fun.”

“You’re sure about this?” Bob asked. “So many of us having you, all at once?”

“Sure,” Lee said, unzipping the ass-zipper with her ass still pushed out, so her asshole and pussy were now showing. “It’s just sex. I’ve done gang-bangs before. I’m used to ’em.”

“Amazing,” Harry said in unison with the second director, their eyes and mouths as agape as everyone else’s.

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