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I’m writing this story with a male as the main character; however, please excuse any faux pas I may make in this regard. Due to my own sexual orientation, I know little about a male’s sex life except what I’ve been told, lied to, read and/or seen in porn. I highly doubt that those media are accurate in any way, shape, or form.
This story is meant to be ‘tongue in cheek’, but whose tongue in whose cheek and which cheek? That’s for you to decide.
Alexandrea (Alex-an’-dray-uh) I borrowed the name of my Fold Maitresse for the planet – –
Alexandrea: a human populated planet several light years from Earth:Origin. It consists mainly of arable farmland and exports agricultural products. The population is considerably below what would be considered poverty level on planets with more diversified exports. Farmers attempt to grow a pharmaceutical-grade floral opiate known as ‘Glow’ [plagiarized from Frank Herbert’s Dune ‘melange’] that is highly prized everywhere but grows no where else but on Alexandrea. Unfortunately, it grows so inconsistently that growers are ever in debt.
When debt reached a certain cap, family members can be sold into slavery to repay loans. Older folks and men were of little value, so slavers took only nubile girls and women who were more marketable and could be easily sold for more than the farmer owed. Paradoxically, the slavers, through the money lenders, would return to the family any difference between their gain and what was owed plus interest, of course. This ploy kept the Interplanetary Bureau of Investigation and Universal Courts from making an issue of this so called indenture system.
Jimm Bradston, Engineer’s Mate/2 class, came ashore on Alexandrea after a three hundred and ten day tour in space. His pay, §930 I/U Credits [$372,000 in Earth:Origin dollars] would, if he were frugal, last about350 two to three years without having to sign on for another tour. His first concern was to find suitable quarters and then look for a job that might pay for his entertainment expenses. He intended to party hardy after a year without more earthy pleasures. He was a hard man but was too soft-hearted for his own good.
As he strolled through the small town outside the space port, he noticed a shop with a sign reading: Real Estate Agency / Business Agency / Entertainment Agency. He entered and was greeted by an unsavory looking shop keeper. Jimm explained his need for living quarters and asked what was available. He was given a list of both rental and sale properties. He picked out a relatively inexpensive rental in town and asked to see it. Sulifen, the shop keeper, suggested that Jimm check out other wares before deciding on a place to live.
He was taken to a large room in the rear of the shop where about twenty
women were languishing. “All these women are for sale,” Sulifen stated. “You might consider one or more to take care of whatever household ‘chores’ you might have.”
Jimm’s interest was piqued, and he began circling the room checking out the wares. After his second circulation, he stopped in front of a young woman and checked her out more thoroughly. She wasn’t exactly gorgeous but was very attractive and had a lovely figure. “How much is this one?” he asked.
Sulifen said, “This piece is virgin and is priced at §250 I/U Credits.” When Jimm winced, Sulifen said that most of the other merchandise were priced much lower; some as cheaply as §100 I/U Credits.
“No,” said Jimm, “this is the one I want, but that’s an awfully high price to pay for just one woman. Will you bargain?”
“Well, I’m overstocked and over-extended at the moment. I thought there would be more buyers; however, business has been slow of late, so I might come down a Credit or two, but no more.” After some haggling, a price of
§235 I/U Credits was agreed on.
The woman, probably in her late teens, spoke up, “Sir, that is my sister, Emili, over there. Please don’t break us up. Please buy her, too.”
Curious, Jimm looked at the girl who appeared too young for his tastes. Sulifen offered them both for §450 I/U Credits. Torn between his good nature, at not wanting to break up the sisters, and his wallet, Jimm finally agreed to take them both. Kyri, his first choice, spoke up and said, “Sir, these two young girls next to me are my cousins, Jaqlin and Silvi. Please buy them, too.”
Jimm was about to forget his first choice and began looking for the door. Afraid of losing a sale, Sulifen said, “You’d be robbing me, but I’ll sell the four for §800 I/U Credits.
“I have only §930 in my account. How can I live for the next two years until my ship returns?”
“I’ll throw in a large enough housing unit for six months if you buy all four girls,” offered Sulifen. “I’ll even pay the recording fees and the ‘start up’ kits.”
“I still won’t have enough to last two years,” said Jimm.
Kyri spoke up, “Sir, we girls will work and bring in an income. Please buy us. We’ll swear fealty and obedience, and promise Bahçelievler travesti to give you no trouble whatsoever, but please don’t separate us. That’s the only thing we ask of you.’
Jimm thought about it; four girls earning money just might make this a paying investment. He agreed, shook hands with Sulifen, and electronically transferred the money to Sulifen’s account.
Jimm was given a list of rules and regulations regarding the ownership of slaves on Alexandrea. “Whoa, wait a minute. This says I can only use my slaves on my own property. So, I won’t be able to farm them out as workers elsewhere. I want my money back.”
Sulifen just shrugged, “The sale has been concluded. All sales are final as the sales agreement indicates.”
Kyri offered, “Sir, I was unaware of that regulation when I said we’d work. I’m sorry if I misled you. Maybe you could find work, and we’ll stay home and take care of your household chores. We’re farm children; we could plant a garden that would help feed us. We won’t need any other clothing if we aren’t permitted to work outside your property. We can wear the shifts that we’re now wearing. We’ll try hard not to be a burden. Again, all I ask is that we aren’t separated.”
Jimm mused over that. He said, “I’ll promise you this. As long as you never say no to something I order, demand, ask, or even suggest, you won’t be separated. However, if any girl says ‘No’ to something I ask of her, she will be sold to whoever will buy her. Are you agreed?”
Without thinking, Kyri agreed and told the other girls about the agreement. All three nodded ‘yes’.
Kyri’s plaintiveness was heart warming, and Jimm decided to make the most of the situation. It was too late to do anything else, anyway.
Jimm asked Sulifen, “What do you mean by ‘start up’ kit?”
Sulifen explained, “The kits consist of lockable collars, lockable ankle chains, and an iron to brand your slaves. It’ll take a day or to have the iron personalized, and you can pick it up at that time. The kit will protect your ‘goods’ from predation. Anyone attempting to steal or abuse property is automatically sentenced to death. We don’t have prisons, so we get rid of criminals immediately.
“I advise a branding iron consisting of a three cm geometric figure with your initials inside. I have a database of existing brands on Alexandrea, and yours will be made unique. You can brand the girls anywhere you please, but I suggest both outer buttock hip areas, so they will be eminently visible when the girls wear the usual slave loin cloths. I’ll even throw in four sets of loin cloths for them. They don’t require upper clothing.”
“I apologize for the work misunderstanding, but whenever the girls lose their appeal to you, I’ll take them back for §80 each as they will no longer be virgin but will be marketable for §100. Come to me if you have any problems or questions. I’ll be glad to help — for a price, of course. Here is the key and address to the villa I’ve lent you. It hasn’t been lived in for several years and may need some dusting. There’s over an acre of land attached so you could grow some crops and a garden. Tell you what. You can use the place for a full year.”
The girls were fitted with collars, ankle chains, and loin cloths. They were leashed and led behind Jimm. They carried the shifts they had been wearing. This was the first time they were so naked in public and were very embarrassed.
They made several stops along the way. The first at an animal feed store where they were able to buy flour, yeast, some stale bread, and a block of concrete hard coffee extract. While the girls had their heads turned, Jimm bought a bag of hard candies.
At a farmer’s market, they purchased salt, cheese, eggs, and salad greens.
Next, they stopped at a medical clinic where the girls were checked over. They put their hands, palm down, into a machine that focused light through their palms. They were pronounced to be in good health and with no diseases. Little Emili did have a few head lice, but the medic took care of the problem. Jim bought a portable medical monitor to keep check on the girls’ future health. It required that the person’s thumb be placed inside where a laser beam reflected any blood anomalies.
Their next stop was to buy sandals for the girls and a pair of boots for himself. He also bought a pair of work pants, work gloves, and some hand tools.
Their final stop was to buy a power pack for lights and other equipment at the villa. Jimm’s wallet held less than §25, enough to tide them over for only about a month or two, when they headed home.
The girls followed Jimm to the outskirts of the town where they found their ‘villa’. It was still in good repair but was filthy and contained many varieties of local fauna and insects.
The girls removed their new sandals which were their only other possessions and began sweeping out the cobwebs, dust and vermin. Jimm did the heavy lifting Bahçelievler travestileri and the needed repairs. They worked until the two suns set, showered, and the girls fell asleep exhausted on mattresses they found in a store room. Jimm slept in the only bed. No one had strength left for anything but sleep.
Jimm awoke during the night to find Emili, the runt of the litter, snuggled up against him. He put his arms around her, spooning her, and went back to sleep. When he awoke in the morning, she was back on the mattress with Kyri. When she awoke, she acted as though she had spent the entire night with her sister. Jimm thought he may have dreamed that she had been in his bed. He thought she was very cute.
When they were having breakfast of stale bread dipped in gawd-awful coffee, Jimm learned that Kyri was nineteen and the other three were eighteen, that they had been raised on a farm, were used to hard work, had graduated from an all girls’ school, and were quite intelligent if very naïve and completely unworldly. They knew all about sex from watching farm animals but had never had a chance to date or even meet boys. Jimm asked them how Sulifen knew they were virgin to be priced as such. It seems that he had checked them out physically. The younger three were still vaginally intact and Kyri swore an oath that she had never been touched.
Her hymen had probably been torn by gymnastics or riding horse back or … whatever.
After breakfast, the younger girls began scrubbing and cleaning everything in sight while Kyri surveyed the back lot and planned a garden and crop field. She drew up plans and decided what seeds to buy at the feed store. At least they wouldn’t starve once the garden started producing. She returned inside and offered Jimm a list of items they’d need to start planting. Jimm groaned, “There goes a large percentage of my remaining §.”
A few days later, they returned to town to purchase the garden supplies. They stopped at Sulifen’s to pick up their branding iron. Sulifen was in low spirits. He hadn’t been able to sell any more of the remaining slaves and cost of upkeep was a huge burden. With Jimm’s permission, Kyri made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. If he would send the slave women to the villa each morning to help with turning over soil and planting, she would see to it that they would be fed, and he’d save the cost of feeding them. He cheered up a bit and said he’d find out if that were legal and let Jimm know.
Jimm asked Sulifen what would happen to the girls when he signed on for a space tour the next time his ship came to port. Sulifen said that he could sell them IF there were a market; OR they could be sold to a ‘dog and pony’ show which meant that they would be on AudioVid ‘performing’ with animals; OR they could be sold to exotic animal shops for resale as actual pets.
Jimm was sorry he asked. He couldn’t let any of that happen to these nice girls, but what could he do? He couldn’t take them with him aboard ship.
They were working so hard to make the villa livable that Jimm had no thought of sex. Anyway, the thought of having to deflower one of these children made him slightly nauseated. How would he handle their pain and the blood? The BLOOD? YUCK~!. He liked his women to be ‘broken in’ before using them himself. However, he wasn’t cut out to be a father either, especially at twenty-eight. As men and women were now living well into their hundreds, even marriage wasn’t usually considered until their forties.
That evening, during a dinner of freshly baked bread, greens, hard-boiled eggs, and a delicious, but smelly cheese, little Emili brought up the subject of sex. Jim choked, ostensibly on a piece of bread. “What about sex,” he asked, wishing he could visit a brothel.
“Well,” Emili started, “you bought us as household and sex slaves. We’ve been working very hard at household chores. When will sex start?”
Jimm thought fast and furiously before he spoke, “What have you been doing for sex? Have you been masturbating?” His question was met by blank stares.
“What is masturbation?” Emili asked. Jimm almost choked again.
While he explained the procedure, the girls kept shaking their heads. No, they hadn’t been permitted that as it was a sin. “Crap,” Jimm thought. “What do I do now?” He began slowly, thinking his way through this problem, “Since I now own you and you must obey me, you can start masturbating at bed time. After a while, you’ll get the hang of it. You are absolved of sin because I ordered you to indulge.
Emili piped up, “Can we go to bed now and start practicing?”
It was all Jimm could do to nod yes. “What in the galaxy was I thinking when I bought these children? I let my heart overpower my head.”
The girls rushed off to shower and then to bed. After a while, Jimm could hear their heavy breathing, then moaning, then crying out — time after time. After about an hour, he went into their room and said, “Enough Travesti Bahçelievler practice for tonight. Go to sleep before you wear out your little nubbins.” Later, he could hear them whispering together and then more muffled screams. He went back in and demanded that they stop whatever they were doing and go to sleep. His words were met by “Aww” from Emili, but they did as they were told. He just may have created four young sex addicts.
They were awakened next morning by someone pounding on the door. Jimm opened the door to find sixteen women, naked except for wide brimmed straw hats, standing there holding gardening tools. It took him several seconds to gather his wits and realize the purpose of their being there. He thought, “I’m a simple man. I wanted only to help these girls. How did I get into this mess?”
He turned to Kyri and let her take over the situation. Jimm went back to sit on the edge of his bed and hold his head in his hands. “Why in the entire galaxy did I come ashore here? I should have extended my tour. Well, at least, the garden plot will grow a lot sooner.”
The women worked until the suns were overhead. Then, the girls fed them bread and cheese. The chattering cacophony drove Jimm outside. “Maybe I could join a convent,’ he mumbled. He had the worst headache ever. He was nearly broke; he owned four girls he called ‘children’ whom he couldn’t bring himself to have sex with; he was supposed to brand them for their own protection; and now the house was overrun by twenty females who blathered and chattered and prattled non stop, and they would be there every day until the garden was finished or until Sulifen sold them. For the first time, he sympathized with the slave trader. He wasn’t on Alexandrea; he was in hell.
That night after the chain gang had been fed and left for Sulifen’s warren, Emili wanted to know what the next step was to further their sex education. Thinking hard, Jimm told them that they were to continue masturbating nightly until they could orgasm sequentially every few minutes. That should keep them sexually busy for the time being.
The following day, Sulifen sent word to Jimm that the woman would now be fed and quartered in the empty villa rooms; he would extend the lend lease for another year whether the women were still living there or not. He also sent word that Jimm could use the women sexually if he so desired. Neither the lease extension nor the prospect of bedding one of the chattering horde appealed to Jimm. He longed for peace and quiet — and a resolution to his problem.
Evidently, the women were not salable during the present business downturn, and Sulifen wanted Jimm to bear the burden of housing and feeding them. However, Sulifen was not willing to pay towards their room and board. Jimm no longer felt sympathetic toward the slave trader. His life was going to hell faster than he’d anticipated.
After a few weeks of sixteen women working the garden, the entire acre plus the adjoining acre of another vacated villa belonging to Sulifen was finished. Jimm was uninterested in the garden or what was planted. He was desperate for the peace and quiet for which he’d come ashore. Even the young girls finally understood his plight and tried to ameliorate the situation. Kyri set up a feeding rotation for the extra women and sent them to the villa’s back rooms once they’d been fed.
However, sex again reared its ugly head in the form of Emili’s inquisitive nature. “What do we do next?” she wanted to know. “My nubbin and ‘gina lips are sore, but I’m still not satisfied. We’ve seen farm animals having sex, but what do women and girls do for sex when there isn’t a male doing his duty?” Hint, hint.
Over dinner of freshly baked bread; fresh garden vegetables; and that smelly, delicious cheese, Jimm asked them, “Are your sexual ministrations producing feminine fluids? Lots of feminine fluids?” When Emili and the other three agreed that they were, Jimm said, “The next step is for you to not only get used to the taste of those same said female fluids but even learn to enjoy them.” He explained that they were to wipe the juices up with their fingers and lick their fingers clean over and over until their pubes were wiped dry. Then masturbate and start the whole process over again. “Please, Great Novae, let that keep them busy for a long time.”
However, thinking about wet pussy overcame Jimm’s previously negative sexual thoughts. “Maybe, just maybe, I’ll use one of the other, older female slaves to bed down. But how do I do that without causing a rebellion by the younger girls — and maybe by the other older women? I wonder if there’s a brothel nearby.” He couldn’t afford it even if there were one nearby.
With funds nearly depleted, Jimm began interrogating the sixteen women now sleeping, wall to wall, in the two back rooms of his villa. He tried to find some with marketable skills. Their ages ranged from twenty four to forty two. Some were daughters, sisters, cousins, wives, mothers but all were farm women and none had skills other than running a household or farming. Jimm was becoming desperate to find some income.
Over dinner, again consisting of bread, vegetables and cheese, which Jimm was beginning to dislike, Emil again hinted, “What do women do for sex when there’s no male available?”
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