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This story takes a bit to get going. This is called plot. This is a story inspired by old fashioned pulp tales, the kind of fiction, I devoured as a child and still favor. I hope that you enjoy it.
Michael Pierce and his brother-in-law, Denton Whitemarsh burst into the constable’s office in Calcutta, both were in extreme excitement, but Michael seemed especially distraught. After loudly demanding to see “The man in charge.” both were led into Inspector Croft’s office. Like so many members of India’s ruling class of English bureaucrats, perspiration beaded his forehead below his rapidly thinning hair and weak attempt at a comb-over.
“What’s so bloody important, you impertinent American?” he stated with obvious disdain.
“They’ve been taken, you oaf! You have to send your men after them, NOW!”
“Calm down.” stated the inspector, “Who has been taken and why should my men exert themselves?”
Michael raged, “You stupid, stupid man, Our wives have been taken. A mob of men in concealing robes pulled up in a carriage and abducted my wife and my sister-in-law! It happened so quickly neither Denton nor myself was able to comprehend, at first, what was occurring. By the time we gave chase, the carriage carrying our abducted brides vanished into traffic. Inspector, you MUST alert all of the Raj’s gendarmes in the sub-continent. Those women could be …”
At that point, Michael Pierce’s emotions completely subsumed his reason and he sputtered into silence
The inspector’s eyes turned from the flailing American to his companion. The inspector realized that he was dealing with a civilized man when the taller, stouter of the pair began speaking in a delightful upper crust British accent.
“Please forgive my brother-in-law, Inspector. His account of the events is correct in all particulars. While I do not often see eye to eye with my relation by marriage, I must aver with his assessment that time is of the essence.”
“Eton?” asked the inspector.
“Quite. I am Denton Whitemarsh and Mr. Michael Pierce on my left are on vacation. My family is in the import business, Pierce here is a chemist in the States. I must stress, Inspector, the question of time. Those men have quite a jump on the law at the moment.”
“I see.” said the inspector as he mopped his brow. “Much as it pains me to say, a pursuit at this point would be a futile gesture. The best avenue of approach is to trail these men to wherever it is they have
taken the women.”
His eyes met Michael’s and he said calmly, “Put your fears to rest Mr. Pierce, I am sure that the abductors of your wife and her sister have nothing more nefarious in mind than a simple kidnapping for ransom. Two strong men such as yourselves would, no doubt, fight back. Your brides were simply opportune targets. It would not surprise me in the least for you and Mr. Whitemarsh to discover a telegram message at the front desk of your hotel, stating the terms and remuneration facilitating the return of your spouses. When they attempt to collect the ransom, my men will nab the perpetrator. He will lead us to the ring leaders and your brides. The locals understand quite well how the Empire’s justice deals with those who harm, in any matter at all, a member of the white race. Your wife and sister-in-law, after their initial excitement and discomfort, will be ensconced in some quiet room, possibly a civilized place. Why even now, they are probably a bit bored and sitting down to tea with their abductors. No doubt the two of them are discussing what a marvelous story their current adventure will make for their future, children, nieces, and nephews.”
The inspector’s matter of fact assessment revitalized Michael Pierce. “Do you really think so, inspector?”
Inspector Croft smiled slyly at Pierce and replied, “Why do you think they made me an inspector in the first place, Yank?”
After a brief pause, Inspector Croft continued, “Although nothing untoward will happen to the wives of you gentlemen, we should have descriptions of them. If you have photographs, I can make up handbills and posters. Perhaps one of my officers will have a lucky break. A mere pittance of a reward from both of you for information is also likely to find a sympathetic soul. For a few Guineas, these wretches would turn in their own mothers.”
From his vest pocket, Michael Pierce withdrew a surprisingly large oval portrait of his wife, Ruth. The fact was that Michael was quite proud that he had captured such a beautiful and wonderful woman. He never tired of displaying the carefully hand tinted photograph of his bride. Michael always delighted in the gleam in the eyes of other men when they gazed upon the portrait of the beautiful petite woman with hair the color of spun gold, stunning blue eyes, and gorgeous complexion. The six months since Ruth had become his bride, had been the happiest Michael had ever known. 1910 had been a most memorable year for both husband and wife.
Michael saw the same glimmer in the inspector’s eyes as he studied the Bakırköy travesti portrait. Despite himself, Michael felt the familiar warmth that came whenever he imagined his young bride. Michael’s mind quickly recalled the marvelous body hidden by the prim blouse of the portrait. Naked, Ruth was like some woodland nymph secured behind the doors of his bedroom. Michael recalled the delightful cries and moans, Ruth emitted between the sheets. If Ruth was a nymph, then Michael was definitely a satyr! Married life was fun indeed!
Michael’s spontaneous revelry was interrupted when his brother-in-law handed a much smaller portrait to the inspector.
“You will forgive me, inspector. Esther and I have been married a bit longer than my honeymooning companion here. Esther is a bit less ostentatious as well. This is the portrait she permits me to tote about.”
The inspector was struck by the contrast in the sisters. While the family resemblance was apparent, Esther was taller, with midnight black hair and clear eyes that appeared to be blue in the black and white photograph. She seemed paler, as though she were some porcelain sculpture come to life, she also appeared to be a few inches taller than her sister. It was clear in the way the woman carried herself and in the more sober expression that Esther was the older of the siblings. While Ruth was, perhaps, more classically beautiful, any man would be more than content to have Esther’s love.
After filling out reports and interviewing each man extensively, Inspector Croft informed the grooms,
“This has, no doubt, been a tiring night for all involved. Why don’t you men return to your hotel and await word from the kidnappers. I am positive that you shall receive such a message no later than noon tomorrow. If the kidnappers are smart, they have transported the women some distance from Calcutta. Even in this new century, travel takes time. Best that you get some sleep and allay your fears.”
Michael strode into the outer office of the constabulary. He was amazed to see that it was already dark. Ruth and Esther had been abducted before noon. A few moments later, Denton followed Michael’s path into the outer office.
“I say, Mike, I think we should follow the inspector’s suggestion to the letter. Let us have dinner sent up to my room, then we can turn in and be fresh tomorrow. The inspector is probably correct, our brides are currently feeling as though they on some adventure akin to a lark.”
Michael gazed up at his taller brother-in-law. “Yes, I suppose you are right, Denton old boy.”
Denton smiled and replied, “Why on earth do you Yanks always react as though the sky is falling?”
Over dinner, Michael was astounded at his brother-in-law’s poise. He was as unruffled as the inspector had been, “Perhaps this stiff upper lip business has its merits.” thought Mike as he masticated his steak. Feeling the need to make small talk he asked Denton, “How is business?”
“Much better of late. You can’t keep an Eton lad down for long. How is life in that tiny province of Delaware?”
The Brandywine Valley is breathtaking and the explosives firm is a growing concern.”
“Splendid!” exclaimed Denton as he held his glass of wine aloft. “Let us toast to good fortune!”
“Amen to that!” Replied Mike as he clinked his glass against Denton’s with enthusiasm.
Michael was less sanguine the next day. Noon had come and gone, now the evening bells on a protestant church could be heard outside the hotel.
“Why haven’t we heard from them yet?” asked Michael anxiously as he paced the floor of the lobby of the hotel.
“Give the process some time to work.” replied Denton. “Perhaps they are not sure which hotel we are staying in.”
“The girls would have told them!”
“Really, Michael? You and I made the accommodations. Ruth and Esther were so wrapped up in the conversation between themselves that they probably never even read the name of the hotel despite its being in letters a foot high!”
“I wish I could be as calm as you.” stated Michael enviously.
“Inside I’m quite wound up. I just have a firmer hold on my emotions. You really should try to relax. Our worrying won’t return our women any faster.”
But as the evening passed into night and another noon had arrived, Michael was fit to be tied.
“Damn that pompous inspector!”
“What else can we do, Michael?”
“Well I, for one, am not going to sit on my heels any longer. I am going to give that inspector a piece of my mind and then I am going to start my own investigation!”
“In an alien nation, with a polyglot culture? Be reasonable, Mike.”
“I’m done being reasonable!”
Michael Pierce was white hot when he returned to Inspector Croft’s office. After a long stream of invective and American idioms, he, at last, calmed down.
“If you are finished insulting my parentage and asking me to perform the physically impossible, Mr. Pierce, one of my men uncovered a clue. I was about to wire your hotel and summon Bakırköy travestileri you.”
At that moment, Denton strode into the inspector’s office.
“For God’s sake, Mike I could hear you from the street outside!”
Inspector Croft’s countenance brightened as he gazed at Denton and stated, Ah, Mr. Whitemarsh, I see that Eton timing is no exaggeration. Won’t you sit, this news is for your ears as well.”
My men investigated the spot where your wives were abducted. It may mean nothing, it may be our first solid lead.” From his desk, the inspector produced a small octagonal object embossed with stars forming a strange constellation.
There was red silk lodged in the pin that affixed this item, whatever it is, to the fabric of the wearer. You DID say the men who stole your brides were clad head to toe in scarlet material?”
“What is that thing?” asked Michael.
“I haven’t the foggiest. It appears to be an insignia or a badge or something like that. Now it may be innocent, but I’ve never encountered this metal before. It seems to be iron, but it is as hard as steel. I’ve called in an expert and he should be here shortly. Why don’t you two have a cup of tea while we wait for Doctor Chandra to arrive?”
As the two men related by marriage tried to enjoy their cups of tea in the office beyond Inspector Croft’s, their mood was pensive. “What could it mean?” asked Mike of Denton.
“Apparently, not even the inspector knows. I feel certain however that this expert will be able to tell us if it has any significance.”
“I hope you are right, pal.” returned Mike.
Some time later, a stooped, positively superannuated, Hindu strode into the office of the constabulary. Judging by how he was greeted by the officers, the man was a familiar sight in the office of the Empire. He strode right to Inspector Croft’s door. After knocking several times, and being made to wait for an extended period of time, Croft’s office door opened and closed behind him. An interminable time later, an officer ushered Mike and Denton back into the same office.
Mike noted that the inspector and the ancient Hindu wore the same sober expression as he and Denton entered.
“Gentlemen, this is Doctor Chandra. From time to time the Empire deals with things unique to this country. Doctor Chandra is a walking encyclopedia about the sub-continent.”
The inspector faced the old man and said, “Doctor Chandra, can you repeat to this men what you know about this object?”
The inspector extended his hand containing the octagonal object but the very old man seemed reticent to even touch it.
“This item, gentlemen is very old. It is the sign of the Yajna. I have never met a man who wears such a sign, nor do I want to. The Yajna are older than Islam, older than your Moses or Jesus, older even than the Hindu. It is said that they are the true power in the world, that their leader, whom they call the Master, controls all things, like a malevolent spider in its web. If the Yajna have your loved ones, it is best to forget them. No one, it is said, neither man nor beast returns from the land of the Yajna.”
“What is happening to Ruth?” spat Mike excitedly.
“No man can tell. Perhaps your wife is meant to be sacrificed to the Master. All I can say for sure is that she is gone for good. If you are a wise man, keep her memory alive in your mind. If you pursue her, surely you will die or worse. Those the Master does not kill he drives mad.”
“Croft, what kind of insanity is this?” asked a desperate Mike.
“Doctor Chandra has never lied to me or anyone else, he is the sanest and wisest man I know. If he says something is a fact then it is a fact. I may run the police in Calcutta but, if push comes to shove, we white men are grossly outnumbered in this country. Mucking about in their ancient beliefs is a good way to get me and a lot of other men, women, and children, killed.”
Mike was rendered speechless for a moment before consternation boiled over in him, “You expect me to wash my hands of my wife, of Esther as well and return to my life and start over as though she were swallowed up by the earth? You are both insane! If Ruth is alive, I WILL track her down. I fear NO man. If this Master person has mussed even a single hair of Ruth’s glorious head. I will tear him limb from limb!”
“Doctor Chandra’s eyes glistened with emotion. “You are a very brave man. But you are very foolish. It is best for you that you DO believe that you wife was swallowed by the earth. That is better than considering the alternative since you will NEVER see her again.”
Mike reared up to punch the ancient Hindu in the face but was restrained by both Denton and Inspector Croft.
“Easy, lad.” stated the inspector. “Beating this man will not change his mind.”
“How can you accept this, inspector? How can you give up?”
“For one thing, Doctor Chandra tells me that this sect or cult or whatever is located in the far north of India, well beyond my jurisdiction. Travesti Bakırköy As to giving up. Things suddenly make sense. Ten other, mostly western, girls from all parts of India have vanished in recent months, all without a trace. I withheld that information from you because I sincerely hoped that the abduction of your wives was local trouble and that the ransom scenario was the proper one.”
“You son of a bitch!” spat Mike.
“Again with the invective, Mr. Pierce?”
“You should be turning over every rock looking for my sweet Ruth!”
“Against an invisible enemy in an alien country?” asked Denton.
“Don’t tell me you are on this asshole’s side, Denton!
“Certainly not!’ answered Denton. “Don’t you think I’m as horrified as you are? Esther means everything to me. But going off half cocked will only get yourself killed. Perhaps this man can give us some help.”
“If you are bound and determined, lad,” said Croft. “I’ll assist you any way I can. Not in an official capacity, however, this is way over my pay grade.”
With a sigh of resignation, Mike forced himself to be calm. In a very gentle inquiring manner he asked of Doctor Chandra,
“Can you tell us where this cult is located? None of us will implicate you. All I ask is that you get me to where the Master is. I can handle the rest on my own.”
After a moment’s pause, Doctor Chandra asked the inspector for his atlas of India.
Adi knew that the final two women would be arriving momentarily. She hustled to complete her duties. The women currently in her care needed to be fed and bathed. All were blissfully oblivious in their drugged stupor. Sometimes, Adi envied the women their contented existence. True it was only temporary, as the women were weaned from the drug, the new personalities, and identities that the Master had imparted to them would come to the fore and there would be days when they were tired or sad or hungry, but never again would they be who they had been. The beautiful Indian woman shuddered involuntarily, as much as she adored the Master, she knew that if she were to displease him, even in a small way, the Master would use his skills upon her and she would vanish as assuredly as if she had been buried by a landslide of swallowed by the sea.
The bell rang softly, denoting the arrival of the specially built automobile. Adi went to meet it. After bowing to the crimson-clad men who exited the vehicle, Adi entered the car.
As always, Adi was astounded by the Master’s taste. Both of the women in the horseless carriage were staggeringly beautiful. There was a blonde, so pretty it almost hurt to look at her, and a raven-tressed woman nearly as intoxicating. Using skills that Master had taught her, Adi soon had both drugged women out of the carriage and into the sanctuary.
Now that they were on their feet, Adi noted that the dark haired one was a bit taller and heavier by only a few pounds at most. They wore the same ridiculous layers of clothing as every other western woman in India. Adi considered her own brief, midriff-baring attire, “How can westerners be so intelligent in so many other areas but lag behind Indian men and women in their fashions? If it is their god who compels them to wear so much to shield themselves, he is not a very powerful god.” thought Adi, not for the first time.
Adi truly enjoyed the next part of her job. Each time, it was like unwrapping a delightful, expensive present. She decided, to begin with the blonde. The Master’s disciples were adept at their job. Only a few loose hairs betrayed the fact that the woman had been abducted. Before she had even had time to react, the powerful narcotic was in her bloodstream. Now, aside from the slight glaze in her eyes and the few stray hairs, she looked just as she had when she had been taken in Calcutta the previous day.
“The hats these western women wear,” thought Adi, “of what use are they?”
Ruth wore several pheasant feathers in a silly tan hat, held in place by pins. Adi addressed the woman, quite aware she did not comprehend, and stated, “I’m afraid, Ma’am that hat decides it. I shall undress you top to bottom.”
Adi’s fingers gently touched the towheaded woman’s scalp .Her dexterous fingers sought and removed every pin attaching the hat. The chapeau and its pins tumbled into a bin at Adi’s feet. The Indian woman was quite sure that the American woman had a fine set of breasts beneath the constricting butternut jacket. Savoring the experience, Adi pulled buttonhole and button apart, revealing a starched white muslin blouse. Adi worked the brown jacket off of Ruth’s fine strong arms and deposited it in the bin with the hat and pins.
The blonde woman wore a voluminous skirt which rode high on her frame, well above the waist. It was the same butternut color as the jacket and was held in place by a wide belt. Adi loosened the belt, unbuttoned its rear closure and tugged it over the petticoat and absurd bustle. At an uttered command from Adi, the Blonde woman stepped out of the skirt. Aldi began to appreciate that the woman had a very attractive figure hidden from the world. The petite Indian woman noted the lovely brooch closing the neck of the blouse. It was such a shame, she thought, that she could not keep such enchanting items, but the Master’s instructions were firm.
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