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Chapter Two – The Physical
Dr. Johnson held open the door to FNS Bank for Tessa, who entered, still somewhat confused.
“Mary Beth, this is our new secretary, Tessa Truman. Ms. Truman, meet Mary Beth Wonton, our receptionist.”
“Miss Wanton,” Tessa proffered her long, slender hand.
“WonTon, like the soup,” the receptionist snapped, and then smiling broadly inquired, “Nice trip up the elevator?”
Tessa, flushing still further, said nothing.
“Ms. Wonton,” Dr Johnson continued unruffled, “there will be the usual formalities … employment application … scheduled physical …”
“What usual? We’ve never had, that is, the organization has never had a secretary before.
Ah, still the perfect bitch about it, isn’t she, thought Dr. Johnson, but merely replied, “Ms. Wonton, please issue our standard application form. I shall arrange the physical exam. Thank you.” And he exited, all pomp, circumstance and canned semen.
Scowling after Dr. Johnson’s departure, something amusing apparently passed through Ms. Wonton’s mind as she, smiling broadly, pulled out an application form and rose from her desk.
“This way please,” Mary Beth Wonton led Tessa into a secluded room.
“If you will just sit here,” indicating a chair behind a broad oak desk, “and fill this out. Take your time. Dear.”
Without any warmth, Tessa definitely decided, and cynical as hell. Oh well. There’s always one in every organization. Gaziantep Elden Ücret Alan Escort Not right off the bat for the most part, but there always does turn out to be at least one bitch. Though Tessa had never met an Oriental bitch before.
The application was only one page, your basic information: name, age, address; last place of employment; who to call in case of emergency. Tessa decided not to risk leaking any erotic residue on the fine oak chair and completed the form standing up leaning over the fine oak desk.
“What! You’re done already?” Mary Beth exclaimed when Tessa returned the form to her desk five minutes later.
“It wasn’t all that complex,” Tessa replied.
“Well, I mean. Oh, never mind. Larry! Donny! She is ready for the physical.” Mary Beth cried out.
The nineteen-year-old twins Larry and Donny instantly appeared in green hospital garb.
“Follow them.” Ms. Wonton told her. The twins led Tessa down the hallway to an antiseptic looking room and began systematically removing her clothing.
“Hey, wait! I can do that,” Tessa protested
The boys merely smiled in explanation. And Tessa allowed them to continue, realizing again that this was not your average job interview. Larry was slowly unfastening Tessa’s bra while Donny, equally as slowly rolled her black thigh hose down, one at a time.
They handed Tessa a pair of green crotchless underpants and matching green bra with holes for the nipples to protrude. They indicated she should put them on and climb up on the examining table.
Tessa donned what there was of the outfit and climbed up on the table noticing the stirrups. “A gynecological exam?” she wondered, “and for a secretarial position?”
Larry and Donny lowered a bar they then attached to Tessa’s exposed nipples. The bar felt heavenly. It felt like a warm friendly mouth licking, sucking and gently biting each nipple.
Shortly after Tessa began moaning, Larry and Donny exited the room.
And immediately thereafter a man introducing himself as Dr. Williams entered.
“Pleased to meet you, Miss Truman. Feet in the stirrups please.”
Again, Tessa did as she was told.
“Everything looks fine from down here,” Dr. Williams said from down there. He had apparently taken a pap smear, the only one Tessa could remember ever having that didn’t hurt. Not one bit. In fact, it was rather enjoyable.
“Procaine,” Dr. Williams later explained. Plus the fact that he was massaging Tessa the whole time and had turned the magic massaging breast bar up to full capacity.
“And now,” Dr. Williams unzipped and entered Tessa; her feet were still in the stirrups.
Upon completion Dr. Williams pulled out and emptied into a silver vial, snapping tight the plastic cap, just as Dr. Johnson had done.
“What kind of a bank is this, anyway?” Tessa inquired, still panting.
“Why, the First National Sperm Bank, my dear. I thought you knew.” Dr. Williams, distinguished looking referred to all women as ‘my dear’.
“Sperm bank,” Tessa muttered. “No. No, I didn’t know.”
“We also deal in, shall we say, specialized accommodating paraphernalia, which happens to be my specialty.”
“Specialized accommodating paraphernalia?”
“Yes, such as that Titilizer you’ve been linked to. We’ve lately been a work on a portable model to fit inside the bra.
“Great idea,” Tessa thought.
“There will be one more of our associates, Dr. Smith examining you – not specifically for the physical – and then our resident Ph.D. in genetics. Enjoy, my dear.”
Dr. Smith turned out to be tall, dark, a little sinister, and handsome with an oral and, Tessa would later discover, anal fixation. Dr. Smith was also FNS Bank’s accountant.
The oral sex provided Tessa little rest. She wasn’t even expected to swallow, for, as with Drs. Johnson and Williams, Dr. Smith saved his semen in a silver vial, snapping shut the plastic lid.
Dr. Smith had invented one of his own specialized accommodating paraphernalia—the Ever-Growing Penis—which was even better than the Titilizer. Once inserted, the Every-Growing Penis was true to its name.
“Quite satisfactory, Tessa. Quite satisfactory indeed,” Dr. Smith helped Tessa to her feet. “You may keep that,” he told her when she offered to return the Ever-Growing Penis.
“Dr. Doctor will be in shortly.”
“But,…” but Dr. Smith was gone. “Dr. Doctor?” Tessa wondered.
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