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This is a complete fantasy. In my world there are no STD’s nor unwanted pregnancies. Showers are only mentioned if they involve sex. My characters all enjoy good hygiene. All participants are over 18.

Enjoy and vote, please.


We all saw Indhira on her knees with Melinda’s dress pulled up to her waist. Always amazing me, Indhira was eating out the sister’s pussy.

This little Indian woman had to be seen to be believed. I have long labeled her a cocksucker extraordinaire. But that started with her being able to deep throat her own son, Ravi of the monster cock. Her technique was amazing, she took her time and made love to the cock in her throat.

Her technique when it came to eating pussy was wholly the opposite. With her face in a pussy, she became an entirely different woman. The languidness gone and her easiness with the sex organ in front of her would almost seem like she became another woman.

I turned my hot school teacher and the pastor’s wife around in order to make sure they weren’t missing any of the action. Standing behind them, I put a hand on each ass and started rubbing. I made sure my hands would slide into and along the cracks of their asses.

Indhira was still expending a terrific amount of energy on the cunt in her face. She had one arm and tiny hand wrapped around the twin’s ass so she could get additional leverage to pull the sister’s slit against her tongue.

The other hand was reaching up the front of Melinda’s dress and molding her hand to the twin’s tit. Melinda must have big breasts as even with a bra restraining them, Ravi’s mom was able to reach them. If Indhira’s arms had been any shorter or Melinda’s boobs any smaller, they would not have reached.

Noticing the other sons were sitting on the couch just watching Ravi’s mom and the twin sister, I realized they needed some action too. I told Janet to start taking care of the guys. I told her that no matter what, I wanted her to end their brand of festivities with her going airtight. By the look on Janet’s face, I knew that she had no idea of what airtight meant in terms of sexual activities. What eighteen year old boy doesn’t know the meaning though? Seeing the grins on their faces, I knew there would be no problems there. The boys almost leaped on the double D mom in order to get her clothes off as quickly as they could.

My attention was almost on my two ladies when I saw that Mom and Gina were locked in each other’s arms, feeling each other up, and staring at Indhira in action. Plump little Gina seemed to have a fascination with Mom’s pussy since her hand was buried under the waistband of Mom’s jeans. Mom, in turn, was busy working over the plump tits in her reach.

Now concentrating on my two women, I nuzzled Melissa’s neck before speaking to her.

“Do you like watching your sister getting her pussy eaten?”

Melissa only moaned in response while pushing her ass back at me.

“Doesn’t she have a beautiful pussy?”

Melissa moaned and nodded her head in agreement.

I took a flyer. “Does she taste as sweet as she looks?”

“Yesssss…” My twin reached around trying to get her hand on my ass. The other arm was around Maygan’s waist and trying to wage a battle of hands with me allowing her to caress Maygan’s ass through the granny gown.

Based on her answer, I decided to take a new tack with Melissa.

“Did you eat her pussy out when you were young or even after you were married?” My lips were still floating around her neck and ears as I asked her the question. I could see goose bumps developing.



Melinda only nodded her response this time. I moved my arm around Maygan and made her face my twin. Maygan needed no further hints. She moved so she could begin making out with the pastor’s wife.

“Did the pastor ever watch the two of you in a sixty nine?”

Her lips being engaged by Maygan, the church’s number one wife nodded more.

“Did the pastor eat your sister and your pussy?”

She removed her lips from the school teacher’s lips. “Just Melinda’s,” she said. “Just Melinda’s.”

This seemed to awaken awkward memories for Melissa so I decided to ask one last question.

“Did you ever suck the pastor’s cock?”

Definitely a downswing in her mood. “Just Melinda.”

I caught Maygan’s attention for a moment and signaled her to move in tighter on the pastor’s wife. It was incredible watching this amazingly hot teacher of mine mashing her body against my twin’s body and locking their mouths together.

“So mine will be the first cock you have ever sucked, Melissa,” I declared. The brunette was much too busy with my blonde teacher to respond.

Tugging on them gently, I led the two to the couch and had them sit down with Maygan and me on either side of the pastor’s wife. Melissa turned her body so she was facing more towards my sexy blonde.

I couldn’t argue the positioning as this allowed me additional ease of access to Melissa’s Avrupalı porno ass and tits. I was groping and mauling those two body parts while watching the activities across the room from me. I loved the tightness and firmness of her gluteus muscles. And her tits! I was finally able to get good grip on the boobs the pastor had had at his disposal these past few days.

Janet was completely nude now, of course, as were the sons playing with her. Mark was entertaining himself with his mom’s big beautiful boobs. Mark was fascinated by the bodacious tatas he had nursed on as a child.

Every female in the club was equally fascinated by Ravi’s monster cock. Janet was no different. With his balls in one hand and the other stroking his cock, Janet was fellating him as best she could. The woman was good but needed more practice on the monster cock.

Jimmy was fixated on eating Janet’s pussy. I’m sure he was doing a good job at it, based on Janet’s moans around Ravi’s cock in her mouth, but I knew he couldn’t be as good as his own mother. More practice needed. I’m sure his mom would be happy to help if a willing pussy could be found. I’m so funny.

Indhira’s mouth was still locked against Melinda’s pussy. I doubt I was watching the twin’s first orgasm at this moment but there was no doubt Melinda was enjoying herself. The twin was ensuring that Ravi’s mom didn’t escape her clutches. Melinda had her hands tangled in the little Indian mom’s raven colored hair locking her pussy against Indhira’s face. Indhira must have taught herself how to breathe through her ears. An Indian thing, maybe?

Looking beside them to my Mom and Jimmy’s mom, I saw that they had slowed down their activities. They were no longer enjoying their earlier frenzy. I called out to them to work at stripping the two women making lesbian love.

While watching them, I continued to maul the big breasts in my hand. I tugged one of my twin’s arms free and placed it on my cock. The pastor’s wife simply left her hand there, not doing anything. That couldn’t continue without correction. I squeezed her hand which in turn squeezed my dick. Anytime she stopped her squeezing, I would squeeze her hand more. Pastor’s wife or not, she was going to get very familiar with the prick under her hand.

Looking back across the room, I saw that Mom had Indhira out of her clothes. Indhira’s petite yet intoxicating ass was glowing from an inadvertently well placed lamp. Moments later, her butt was shadowed by Mom pulling those cheeks apart and rimming Ravi’s mom.

Gina was still stripping Melinda of her clothes. Apparently taking her time, Gina had the twin’s dress off. She was doing her best to devour this sister’s breasts even though they were still restrained by a sturdy but sexy mango colored bra.

I called Mom over to join our threesome. Standing in front of us, Mom leaned over me to give me a strong French kiss. I could taste Indhira on Mom’s lips. I broke up the school teacher-pastor’s wife embrace instructing Maygan to remove Mom’s clothing.

Maygan stood up, facing Mom, her first action to take Mom’s face in her hands and kiss her. I would never get tired of seeing the black skin of my mom juxtaposed with the tanned white skin of the school teacher.

I eased the pastor’s wife back against me a little so she could watch my Bitches together while continuing to squeeze my prick through my pants. I had my arms over her shoulders allowing me to play with those heavy tits of hers.

Mom’s clothes were coming off slowly. Maygan seemed to find it necessary to caress and lick every new piece of accessible skin previously covered by clothing.

Putting my mouth close to Melissa’s ear, I whispered to her, “Do you like the black woman standing in front of you?”

Melissa was so focused on the goings on in front of her, she couldn’t speak. She merely shivered and nodded her head.

“Do you want to feel those black tits in your hands? Isn’t her black skin so soft looking?”

My white woman nodded and shivered some more. I don’t really know why I was concentrating on Mom’s black skin. I gathered that Melissa was sexually inhibited as her husband the pastor and her twin sister had a more exciting sex life than Melissa. Something just told me to explore the racial side of the suppressed woman. I seemed to have hit the proverbial nail on the head.

Every time, the blonde removed a piece of the Mom’s clothing, I would comment on it. And the pastor’s wife would nod excitedly in response. “Look at her lips. Can you picture them mashed against yours?”

“Have you ever seen nipples like those? So long. So Hard. Like black quartz.”

“I bet you would like to rub your face across her black skinned stomach. See how well defined her muscles are? Her skin so soft and velvety looking.”

“Do those thighs excite you? Do you want to feel her legs wrapped around you? Her black skin against your white.”

“Can you see her ass? Her fine black ass?”

This Video porno time the pastor’s wife whimpered and shook her head. I knew Mom’s beautiful butt was hidden from her gaze due to the positions of these two women.

“Look! Her pussy! Isn’t it just inviting you to kiss it?”

Back to nodding fervently.

“When her cunt lips are pulled open, her pussy is a bright pink. Wouldn’t you like to see that?”

More fervent nodding and tiny shivers.

“Would you like to see my mom’s pussy, Melissa? Would you like your tongue in it?”

Growing enthusiasm.

“What about her ass? Will you kiss my mom’s ass?”

Extremely enthusiastic nodding.

“Will you take turns licking her ass and my balls while I fuck my mother?”

Melissa shivered so much, I thought she was enjoying her first orgasm with the Bitches.

“Maygan,” I said, “please do to Mom those things I just described to Melissa.”

“Melissa, change places with me and undress me.”

The pastor’s wife did as she was bid but seriously less enthusiastically than she had ben displaying.

I took advantage of the time to check out the rest of the room. Things were progressing with the sons’ assault on Janet. She was now sitting on Mark’s lap with his dick apparently buried in his mother’s ass. Jimmy was getting his cock sucked and Ravi was titty fucking those double D pleasure sacks.

Next to them, Gina had everyone nude. Including herself. Her plump body was definitely enjoying the goings on. She had a finger up Indhira’s ass, her other hand on her own pussy. Melinda looked exhausted from I don’t know how many orgasms achieved by the little Indian’s mouth. Indhira was giving her tongue a rest by just working over Gina’s plump tits. Jimmy’s mom, in addition to fingering Indhira’s ass, was swapping spit with the twin. No one was hurrying, they seemed to be winding down.

I was naked by this time. Pulling Melissa to me, she ended up straddling my lap. I adjusted myself so my cock was sticking straight up, rubbing the crotch of her pants. In a moment, I was kissing the pastor’s wife. Me a heathen and her married to a pastor. What a turn on that was.

Melissa seemed to save her best kissing skills for other women. With me, her lips were locked tight and unmoving. I tried to slip my tongue past them but no way, not happening. Using my teeth, I nibbled at her lips. Nothing doing.

I was getting a little exasperated when I was forced to give my head a shake. The fucking bugs! She had been bitten. I was getting so accustomed to everyone doing what I wanted with the least amount of resistance that I forgot the power of the insects.

With my hands on her breasts, squeezing then, I simply leaned forward and told her to kiss me. A slight pause, our faces touched again, and she was kissing me with fervor. They were hard kisses, passionate kisses, and closed mouth kisses. I traced the outline of her lips. I tucked first her upper lip and then the lower one between my teeth. She seemed to like it as her kisses increased in intensity. No tongue yet.

Looking over her shoulder, I saw Mom and Maygan dancing to the tune of the light jazz still playing on the sound system. They were draped over each other like two lovelorn high school kids.

I sat back a bit and began undoing the buttons of my twin’s top. Looking at me tremulously, she did kiss me back when I pushed my mouth back to hers. One button, one kiss, one button, one kiss and so on until all the buttons were undone.

I had not cheated myself of my first sight of the twin’s chest. I teased myself, sliding my hands under the top, before opening it with a flair. Revealing her breasts to me, even with her bra still on was a tada! moment for me.

I’m sorry but I have to admit that I was a little disappointed. I think the pastor’s wife was wearing my grandmother’s brassiere. It was big and bulky, doing nothing to enhance the appearance of the tits hidden away underneath. Perhaps the bra was even a size too small for her as her boobs looked to be jammed in there.

I had deliberately refrained from gawking at her sister’s naked tits across the room. I really wanted that wow moment with this twin. Oh well, never say die. As I returned to kissing Melissa, I felt we were making some progress on the oral front. My twin’s mouth had softened and her lips were more pliable.

My hands nudged under Melissa’s armpits trying to get at the rear clasp of her bra. The pastor’s wife tucked her arms as close to her body as possible making it almost too difficult to achieve the success I was seeking. Never having met a boob I didn’t like, the whole five sets of them, I was sure my enthusiasm would return once the bra was discarded.

After kissing her for a couple moments longer, I told Melissa to relax, I wanted her naked tits in my hands. For a moment she had the deer trapped in the headlights look but her arms relaxed. I was getting tired of this convincing people shit, a guy shouldn’t have to work so hard to get into a thirtysomething woman’s pants.

Finally able to snake my hands behind her, I found the clasps and unpinned all three clasps. I pulled the bra out of the way and the pastor’s wife revealed her tits to me.

I was still underwhelmed. Her tits were big. Janet was a 34DD and if I had to guess, Melissa was maybe a 38DD. Her boobs were much more than a generous handful but there was a lot of sag to them. If she were to lay back, those tits would hang to the side of her chest.

I looked up at Mom and Maygan for a moment as they weren’t dancing anymore. They were watching us. Maygan was whispering something I couldn’t hear to Mom.

I told the pastor’s wife to stand up. When on her feet, I quickly undid her pants and pulled them down her legs along with her panties. Ewww, gross! The woman had some pussy hair. A freaking jungle down there. I didn’t realize how spoiled I was by the moms being clean shaven and Maygan with her landing strip. So much for going down on this one, I’d be picking hair out of my teeth for weeks.

I lay back on the couch. Mom curled up along one side of me and she instructed the pastor’s wife to cuddle up on the other side. You know, in some ways, this day was becoming a grave disappointment to me. I didn’t know for sure but I just wasn’t impressed with the two newest Bitches in the club, although to be fair I hadn’t really checked out Melinda yet, and Maygan had decided to dress very unattractively in her Granny gown.

Yeah, I wanted my mommy. Hahaha. And here she was lying slouching on me completely naked. Mom told me to keep my eyes on Maygan. My sexy school teacher, my blonde bombshell wanted to entertain me.

With saying that, Mom reached across me to grab this sister’s hand. Mom tugged on it and placed it around my cock. Using her own hand to guide Melissa, she kept the pastor’s wife squeezing my dick. Then Mom nibbled on my earlobe and told me to watch Maygan.

With a new slow song just starting, my teacher began to sway her hips. Very slowly and sensuously. Her hands travelled up and then down her body, not quite touching herself but suggestive of the body that lay beneath the granny gown. Maygan turned to face away from me still swaying in time with the music. With hands on her hips, the sexy blonde pulled the gown tighter to her body allowing her ass to be better defined than at any other time that day.

Despite the lack of nudity and the sexlessness of the granny gown, this teacher of mine was getting me so turned on. My entire focus was on her. I didn’t even notice that Mom had the pastor’s wife between my legs instead of at my side. The twin was stroking my cock and sucking on the tip of it.

Facing me again, Maygan was stroking herself while continuing to move her body in time to the tune playing on the sound system. She cupped her breasts and held them up and out for me. The school teacher’s hands travelled down her thighs molding the granny gown to her skin. When her hands started their journey back up her body, Maygan had some material clutched in her hands.

Bit by bit, the hem of the granny gown lifted clear of the floor. The pastor’s wife was busy slurping on my dick as she sucked more and more of it into her mouth. I couldn’t even bother watching the pastor’s wife with her first ever cock in her mouth. I didn’t even notice Mom pushing the wife’s head down and then pulling it up. I was fucking her face and didn’t really care.

Looking at Maygan, her toes were revealed to me. The gown continued upwards showing me that my teacher was wearing stilettos, I love a woman with fantastic legs like these in stilettos. And, stockings! The beautiful blonde was wearing pale orange colored stockings. Still the gown moved upwards, Maygan swaying to the tunes, and turning around slowly highlighting her awesome legs.

This woman was ruining me for all female teachers in the future. I could never see another teacher again in the same way. I could see the tops of this teacher’s stockings and her garters holding them up. Fucking the face of the pastor’s wife was adding to the dimensions of sexuality being demonstrated. Truth be told though, I didn’t care who was attached to my cock right then. I just wasn’t impressed.

With her back to me again, my Bitch had the gown high enough to reveal her ass to me. She held my interest. Have I mentioned she had a beautiful butt, especially standing atop the stilettos? Wearing silky orange boy shorts which were hugging her ass cheeks, Maygan kept her back to me while lifting the gown over her head and discarding it.

The pressure in my cock was building. Mom still had me face fucking the pastor’s wife but I didn’t see the head Mom was holding, just felt the effects of a nameless mouth on my dick.

Maygan, of course, wasn’t stopping. Bending over, the sexy school teacher was sticking her bum out while caressing her own asscheeks. She was rotating her bum showing it off for me. She began a slow twerking motion, one like I had never seen before. The slowness of the moves were so sensuous increasing my desire to possess her body.

The pressure in my cock was building. I’m not sure how much longer I could hold back my sperm from the mouth sucking my cock.

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