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“Mentor Adored”
This is preceded by “Mentor Wanted” and “Mentor Found.”
It had been months since Jack and Katie-Jane had their first sexual conversation. What started as proofreading a story with a sexual scene turned into a full-fledged, online affair. Katie-Jane did not call it that, for she was honest with her husband. However, in Jack’s eyes- it was an affair.
“So did you and your online boyfriend talk today?” Eric asked one night while he and his wife cuddled.
“We text. We don’t talk all that often.”
“I drove my online corvette today. She purred like a kitten.” Katie-Jane love-punched her husband in the gut. “Hey, don’t be jealous of the relationship the two of us have. What did you two lust birds talk about?”
“Today was pretty boring. Mostly about my work. He said he had sex in the shower last night. I congratulated him.”
“Did you tell him that you had sex in the shower, too?”
“We didn’t have sex in the shower, so why would I tell him that?”
“Damn. I was hoping you would match his experience, and we would have sex in the shower. A guy can dream.”
“Are you sure none of this bothers you? You seem to take it in stride that your wife is having a sexting, online relationship with another man.”
“Baby, if it makes you happy, and you feel secure, then why would I deny you?”
“Do you want to have a sexing affair online?”
“Why would I do that to myself? Between you and our daughter, there are plenty of women in my life. I’m good. You do it, and then share it with me.”
“How about I share a picture of myself in the shower and send it to you?”
“Because that’s the same as having sex in the shower, but I will take it.” Eric’s sarcasm was not lost on Katie-Jane.
J: TMI- I want to know what your lips feel like around my cock.
KJ: I want my lips around your cock.
J: Simpatico.
That was all Katie-Jane heard from Jack, and that was three days ago. Since booking his trip to Chicago, he had been better keeping in contact, but recently he was back to talking intermittently. Katie-Jane was concerned that she was getting played. What used to be conversations about writing and sweet nothingness had become almost explicitly sexual in nature. For two people having an affair, it seemed pretty inconsistent to her. She knew though that the minute she heard his voice, she would melt like butter and his little hiatus would be forgotten.
It was a Tuesday night, which meant her son had a basketball game. Katie-Jane was sitting in the stands with her husband, daughter, and other son when she received a text.
J: Can I call you?
Jack and Katie-Jane never talked at night. When he got home, it was too risky for him to be on the phone, so their communication always ended by 5 PM. Katie-Jane looked at her family. “Hey, guys. I gotta step out real quick. My principal wants me to call him about something.” Her two kids were oblivious. She could have told them that she needed to call baby Jesus on the phone, and they would have mumbled their approvals. Eric, however, gave Katie-Jane the eyes. He always knew when something was up. “I’ll be right back.”
KJ: Call. I am free for five minutes.
The phone rang not thirty seconds later. “Good evening Kathryn-Jane. How are we?”
“Who is this?”
“Huh? It’s Jack? What do you mean who is this?”
“Ohhh. Jack. I remember now. As in jack me around.”
“Okay. I deserve that. I know that I have been a little MIA lately. The wife needed some extra time. I should have told you.”
Katie-Jane wanted to fight this battle, but in her heart she knew that it didn’t matter. He was a married man living states away. She had no right to be hurt. Besides, it became clear that Jack only sent her a message when he wanted to get his rocks off.
“So,” she began, “what’s up? I don’t think we have ever talked at night. All good?”
“I have a business thing in Chicago. I want to see you.”
“Woah. What?”
“I need to set up some things, and those things are in Chicago next month. I can either send a junior partner, or I can fly up there and take care of it myself. I chose the latter if you would see me.”
Katie-Jane’s annoyance with his absence apparently had been forgotten because she replied, “Of course I want to see you,” before her thoughts were fully developed!
“Perfect. I booked my flight already.”
“I thought you said you may send a junior partner.”
“Whether it was he or I, a flight was needed. I had arrogantly hoped you would accept seeing me.”
“I accept it.”
“Perfect. Until next time.” The phone went silent. Katie-Jane and Jack apparently couldn’t say bye like normal people. She was stung by his abruptness the first few times she had talked to him, but over the months she had realized that’s who he was. One could not rise to the top of an architectural firm and not have some firmness. The problem was, Katie-Jane dikmen escort was attracted to the wrong type of firmness. She tried to mask her giddiness as she walked back to her family.
“Where did you go?” asked Mika, Katie-Jane’s older son.
“Oh good lord! I told you I had to call my boss.” Her son just looked at her and went back to playing on his phone. Katie-Jane never understood why her children came to “watch” their brother play basketball, but then just played on their phones.
“All good?” Eric asked.
“All good.” My boss wants to set up a meeting to see me. Katie-Jane’s eyes widened, and she smiled her famous joker smile- as Eric called it. Eric knew full well they were not talking about her principal.
“Oh really. Interesting. You’ll have to tell me more about it later.” Eric changed the subject, for he noticed their daughter was listening to their conversation.
Katie-Jane watched the rest of the basketball game, but she couldn’t even tell you what she was watching. Her mind was racing about Jack. She was finally going to meet the man she had been talking to for months. Katie-Jane realized that Jack had this mystical power over her. She was attracted to his intelligence and his power at work. She loved his throaty, deep voice and his use of the English language…especially the verbs he used when stating what he wanted to do to her body. She was also incredibly attracted to him: his professor-like, dark rimmed glasses, his salt and pepper gray hair. She even liked his gray goatee and slightly crooked front tooth.
The man could be her father, but she never looked at him that way. He was Jack. Her special, intimate Jack. She knew him but didn’t know him. According to him, he never talked to his wife the way he talked to Katie-Jane. He could share his deepest secrets with her and foolish admissions. And they could laugh. It didn’t matter what it was about, one or both of them would make some type of lame joke that would send the conversation into giggles and lame innuendos.
As Katie-Jane sat in the bleachers that night, it slowly dawned on her that she was falling for a married man. Something in the back of her mind told her that she was going to get hurt, but that small voice was snuffed out rather quickly by all of her desires.
By the time they got home that night, everyone was too tired to talk. Eric and Katie-Jane went to bed, and the week went along as it always does. However, Jack’s pending trip was on the forefront of Katie-Jane’s mind.
J: October 24 is only a month away. Are you ready for me?
KJ: Of course I am. I can’t wait to see you.
J: Breakfast. We will have french toast and coffee.
KJ: And you will walk me to my car like Dow walked Maria to her car after coffee
J: You sly devil. You make me hard.
KJ: You make me wet.
J: What if you make me hard on Oct 24?
KJ: What if you make me wet on OCt 24?
J: I need to stand up. There’s pressure in my pants.
KJ: Do you want me in your pants?
J: I do.
KJ: Simpatico.
J: Coffee and French toast. Maybe a cold shower.
Jack could make Katie-Jane wet with two words “I do.” He wanted her just as much as she wanted him, and that was dangerous. Once again, a heavy conversation needed to be had with her husband, but she was too scared to look at him and tell him she wanted another man. Thousands of people-Jack included- would get together, and their spouse would never be the wiser. However, Katie-Jane could never do that to Eric. Ever.
Dear Eric,
Isn’t it cute that you are getting an email from your wife? It’s like the good ole days of You’ve Got Mail. What a cute movie with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. I love Tom Hanks. I am also stalling. I didn’t email you to talk about movies. This is hard for me to share, so I wanted to email you because I am a chicken shit.
Jack is coming to Chicago next month for business, and he wants to have breakfast. I know you would be fine with that. Eric, I love you. You know that I love you. That is why this is so hard to talk about. I want Jack. It’s more than flirtatious emails. I want to touch his skin. I want to be selfish. I spend all of my days helping students, and then I come home and help the kids and you. I am asking for 8 hours or 4 hours or 2 hours of Kathryn-Jane time. I am sure most women ask for a day at the spa, so I know what I am asking is selfish on a whole new level. I don’t even know if Jack would go through with any of this, which means this email is moot. But I rather it be moot than ever hurt you. I am asking for your permission. You know me better than I know myself, so I doubt any of this is a shock to you. Maybe it is. IDK. Just don’t leave me and don’t love me less.
I love you.
Katie-Jane hit send. No turning back now. The truth was out there, and she knew that she and Eric would have some hard conversations. Katie-Jane also realized dinar escort that Jack may not want any of this, so it could all be for naught.
KJ: Hey babe. I emailed you. I hope we can talk.
E: Yep. I read it. Give me some process time. We can talk tomorrow.
Katie-Jane felt so small. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt her husband. She was already lucky that he was fine with her little online fling, but now she took it to the next level and asked for actual, physical permission. She was a shitbag of a wife.
KJ: I emailed my husband. I admitted to him that I wanted you. Did I just make a mistake?
Jack didn’t text her back, which made her feel even worse. Katie-Jane was out of control. She had a wonderful life, but something was missing. Or at least she realized over the last few months that something was missing. She was missing Jack. Was he really worth hurting Eric and jeopardizing her marriage? What the hell was she thinking?
When she got home, her boys wanted dinner right away. She was too distracted to be annoyed. Eric was quietly sitting in his chair playing on his phone.
Katie-Jane walked over to him. “Is this seat taken?” she asked. He looked up at her and smiled.
“Nope.” Eric put his phone down, and his wife climbed into his lap.
“Do you want to divorce me?” she asked.
“Do you hate me?”
“Are you going to say anything other than ‘nope’?”
“Nope.” Katie-Jane gave her husband a kiss on the cheek and went downstairs to change out of her work clothes. It was going to be a long, emotional night if Eric remained quiet.
That next night Katie-Jane and Eric had a long, hard conversation about her needs and desires. It was incredibly hard for her to admit to her husband that she wanted another man to touch her. She was selfish. She knew that, but she was lucky enough to be married to a man who accepted this change in his wife.
One evening after the kids had gone to bed, Eric asked his wife, “Do I still turn you on?”
“Of course you do! This isn’t about what you don’t provide me. Desire isn’t a fixed point. I don’t have twelve percent for Jack, which means I only have eighty-eight percent for you.”
“Then explain it to me.”
“Can I show you instead?” Katie-Jane set down her wine glass and walked over to husband’s chair. He went to make room for her in his lap. “Nope. I don’t want to sit down.” She kneeled down in front of her husband, never taking her eyes off him. As she looked at him, she undid his belt and unbuckled his jeans…making sure to slowly pull down his zipper. She pulled his jeans down just slightly, so she could have access to his growing erection.
Kneeling before her husband, she pulled out his cock. Still looking at him, she smiled and licked her lips. Katie-Jane leaned forward and took the entire thing into her mouth. She sucked somewhat firmly for the first few minutes, making Eric nice and hard. As his erection grew, she deep throated him, which was quite a task given his eight inches in length. The head of his cock reached the back of her throat, and she fought the urge to gag. Her warm, moist lips worked his shaft leaving little skin untouched.
“I need a little flavor,” Katie-Jane said to her husband. He arched his eyebrows and looked at her. She stood up, pulled her panties down, and lifted up her dress, so Eric could see her mound. Her lips were swollen with desire. She moved closer to husband and straddled him. Katie-Jane eased down on her husband’s cock and moaned. Using her knees she pushed herself up slightly and then back down. As she continued this rhythm, she kissed her husband deeply. As she pushed herself up, she kept going until Eric’s erection slid out of her wet pussy.
“Ugh,” he moaned in disappointment until he noticed that his wife got back on her knees.
“I told you I wanted a little flavor. I want to smell my pussy and taste it on your cock as I take you deep into my mouth.”
“Holy shit, babe. You’ve never done that.” Eric gasped as Katie-Jane sucked his cock with such passion that all he could do was close his eyes in disbelief. She knew that Eric was enjoying her talents because she could feel his already large cock swell. “K…I’m gonna cum. Baby…I’m gonna cum in your mouth. You sure?” Katie-Jane increased her sucking as her husband grunted. “Holy fuckkkkkk…”
Good God I hope he doesn’t wake up the kids, she thought. She could not handle all of the cum that he released into her mouth, so the rest ran down her chin. She continued to suck her husband clean as he slowly came down from his release, and his cock fell in size.
“What was that?” Eric asked.
“I have more desire and appreciation for you now than I have ever had. What you give me, no man can ever touch. I can’t explain why I want Jack. If I could, I would. But I can tell you that I only want to be honest with you. I never want you diyarbakır escort to worry that my selfishness is due to a lack of fulfillment in this marriage.” Katie-Jane crawled into Eric’s lap and snuggled her husband. She had no idea where this weird journey was taking her, but she knew that Eric would always be by her side helping her to figure it out.
As the meeting date crept closer, Katie-Jane’s desire and excitement grew. She knew they were going to connect even more in person than they did over the phone.
KJ: I get to see you in two days
J: Yes you do.
KJ: I am really excited. Do I get to hug you?
J: I will allow it.
KJ: What else will you allow?
J: What if I allowed a kiss?
KJ: Then I will kiss you. Will you kiss me back?
J: Possibly
KJ: I think you are too old to play “hard to get”
J: I’m not too old to fuck you
KJ: Fuck. That got me wet
J: Show me in two days
KJ: I plan to
J: look forward to it
Before she knew it, the day had arrived. Finally, she was going to meet Jack. Her Jack. The Jack she had come to care so much about, yet she didn’t even know his last name. She wore a casual dress with tan cowboy boots. Her long, auburn hair fell on both sides of her shoulders. Katie-Jane never wore a lot of makeup, and today was no exception. She liked to look natural.
She could not hide the grin on her face when she pulled up to the cafe and saw Jack standing there in his dark blue jeans and sports coat. He was more handsome in person. Her heart raced. When Jack noticed her, a smile crept onto his face. She quickly parked the car and walked up to him.
“Hey! I know you.”
“How are we Kathryn-Jane?” he asked. He was nervous. More nervous than she had expected. He looked side to side as if someone were watching him.
“We are doing quite well.” She didn’t quite throw her arms around him, but she eagerly gave Jack a hug. “You feel better than I thought you would,” she whispered into his ear.
He casually patted her on her back and said, “You too. You too.”
The two of them went inside and had breakfast. The conversation flowed just as she knew it would. They talked about his travels and his latest project. They rarely talked about Jack’s job, so Katie-Jane listened intently. At one point she ran her foot casually up his leg, and Jack’s eyes got bigger; and then he smiled. For a man who had no problem saying cock and pussy over the phone, he was much more reserved in person. The check came and breakfast was over.
“Would you like to come back to my place?” Jacked asked. He didn’t even have the entire question out before Katie-Jane accepted. “You’re a little too eager there, Ms. Kathryn-Jane.”
“It’s doctor,” she smiled. While she may be eager, she had no problem going toe to toe with the man.
“My apologies. Why don’t you follow me? My place is about fifteen minutes from here.”
“I will follow you anywhere, Jack.” Katie-Jane sounded like a love-struck school girl. While she meant that comment to come out as seductive, it was more endearing than anything else. Jack did not respond. They walked out of the restaurant and headed for their cars.
“So Jack?”
“Are you going to walk me to my car like Dow walked Maria?” Jack froze. He had a slight smile but wasn’t sure of how to proceed. “I’m kidding, Jack.”
“As much as I would like that, it probably would not be wise in such a populated area.”
“You’re probably right.” The two of them got into their own vehicles and headed to his place. Katie-Jane didn’t say much on the ride up to his room. She wasn’t sure if he was nervous or if he was having second thoughts.
“You’re tall,” was what Jack said to break the silence.
“Indeed I am.”
When they got into the room, Jacked used the restroom and removed his jacket. Katie-Jane sat down in a chair and removed her boots. It was a beautiful fall day, and the room was bright with sun and Midwest colors. When Jack came out of the bathroom, he stood on the opposite side of the room as Katie-Jane.
“So…” he began slowly. “I’ve never done anything like this, and I’m not sure what to do next. There is only one chair in here, and you’re sitting in it.”
“Well, I am no pro either,” she replied. “Would you like your chair back?”
“No. No. I was just thinking that if you wanted to, we could cuddle on my bed. I’ll be honest though, it may take me a while to move to the level of kissing.”
“Don’t wait too long. You’re old.” Jack laughed and the two of them climbed into bed. He laid on his back. Rigid. Katie-Jane put her arm around his midsection. She loved how he felt. He looked at her from the side.
“Why are you smiling?” he asked. Jack loved her smile, and she knew that.
“Because I get to spend time with you. Why aren’t you smiling?”
“This is my smile.” Katie-Jane laughed, and then Jacked leaned over and kissed her. It was soft and delicate. There was no tongue involved, but he did not pull away quickly. He slightly moved his mouth, meeting her lips. Then he pulled away and smiled.
“I thought you said it was going to take a little while for you to kiss me?”
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