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(This series is a collaboration with my good friend Sanchez. His ideas, I ran with it. We will see how it evolves. He has a sound concept, and characters, I’m primarily piecing it all together and seeing how it plays out. We hope you enjoy our efforts.)
“Take a right up here.”
“This place is in the middle of nowhere Clinton.” Mindy Biles followed directions out to Harbinger Shoals. She was right, while yes it was along the Atlantic coastline, the sea in Harbinger’s backyard by less than a quarter mile, it was indeed lost to the world. What better place for someone like Nick Sanchez who was escaping a past of not so good fortune. Black Ops in his day, pilot, soldier, diver, all of the above and more. The Shoals was ideal for a residence far away from the beaten path, lost in time, rugged, mysterious, full of ghosts. Time to make some more he thought. Meaning, he intended to live out the remainder of his life here. The plan to fulfill his dreams and desires both dark and light with careful balance. He was a devil to some, a God to others. Purgatory story! Somewhere in the middle!
“Creepy out here too. It is looking better than it did though. You could barely see the house and barn before the overgrowth was cut down. Now it’s looking more like a plantation.”
“So, this Sanchez guy got you released from jail just that easily?”
“First offense. According to Sheriff Roster, I would have just got probation and a strike one on my record. Honestly Mindy even if you had tried getting me off, I was told the State wouldn’t have let you. Dolan put in a good word for me with the local Judge and got my case thrown off the books before it really had a chance to go Stateside. I’m pretty grateful to all of them.”
“So, am I Baby. I still feel miserable over that 9-1-1 call. We should have worked it out without involving the law. I think I worried more that you might hurt Grant and get worse charges brought up against you.”
“Probably so. I was pretty angry. Hurt too.”
“Baby, listen…” She reaches her hand over and holds his, ” … I will never betray you again. Now that we’re communicating over what we might both need to be happy there’s no reason to ever go behind one another’s backs.”
“We can sort out the details later. I’ve got three weeks community service out here to work off before I can technically go Deputy Biles. While it’s not court ordered I made that bargain with Dolan and Nick. You know I always keep my word.”
“Yes, I know. Can I run home and grab us some clothes and personal things from the apartment? I swear I won’t even speak to Grant. You don’t have much here, and we really aren’t going to leech off of Britney, are we?”
“Only if someone goes with you. I can’t go there, or I’d hunt Grant down. Brit is too new to our life still, and besides she has her mom to deal with. I can’t impose on her. So, for the moment I need you to go grab my clothes at the hotel and take them to a laundromat. I need to feel clean.”
“I can do that. I do need to quit my job though if you expect me to live over here with you. Which means I need to see about that dispatcher job at the station if the Sheriff even allows it.”
“He will. Dolan’s a good cat. We have a lil’ savings to live off of now that it’s not needed for lawyers and all. Left up here and we’re there.” She flips the turn signal on their Camaro and makes the corner headed down an old, paved road not so well cared for. It was getting spookier by the minute. “We can stay at the hotel a while longer. Week at least as long as it’s the room the Sheriff got me. I need to bodyguard CC this week too.”
“She sure is a pistol. I absolutely love her tattoo arrangement, if I’m being honest her body too.” She giggled. “Can I play with her?”
“That’s up to her. I’m not going there, because I respect Dolan.”
“I understand. I’ll settle for Britney. Do you really think she can handle a three-way fulltime relationship? I mean you and I are married; she’d just be the mistress.”
“I think she’s cool with that. My biggest issue is I want her to feel we’re not using her for her money.”
“Yet you’re letting her buy you a Harley? A home for us all to live in?”
“Those items stay in her name. We only reside and ride. Long as she has the titles and deeds, we’re not abusing her. I intend to treat her like she’s you but give everything I got to our marriage too. We will all sleep in one King size bed. We share everything. We communicate our thoughts. Understood?”
“I love this new you. Baby I’ll adjust, I swear.”
“You got no choice Mindy … after that 9-1-1 wakeup call there won’t ever be another or I’m done.”
“I won’t ruin our marriage any further. I live for you Clinton. If I have to, I’ll live for Britney too.”
“We’re here!” He nods at all the trucks, trailers and a Rez Rider bus that had dropped off the local reservations Santee employees. “Park up there and I’ll show you around a bit before I çan escort go to work. Nick’s not here yet, but I’d like you to meet him.”
“As long as he doesn’t yell at me.”
“Might paddle your ass.” Clinton winked unhooking his seatbelt.
“Is he cute?”
“Ain’t ugly! Military stature! By the looks of him I don’t even want to know what he’s done in his life. I can piss my pants without knowing any of that.”
“Mmm! I love a man in uniform.”
“Uh huh! I recall you attacking me in my security guard duds. He only wears black, that whole tall, dark, and mysterious vibe. Oh … wait until you meet his … Midnight.”
“His midnight?” She winced.
“Slave. A hottie named Midnight. He locked her in my cell with Shantel Bigelow. Naked and unmoving the entire day. It was crazy.”
“Oh, my! So, he’s into that BDSM stuff?”
“My gut says it goes beyond that term. I might take lessons and tie you and Brit up.”
“You had better handsome.” She bats her eyes, “That’s part of what I’ve found missing in our marriage. I’m going to halt my schooling for now too. Let’s just work on us a while.”
“Deal! Come on.”
Leaving the car, they walked hand in hand down toward the ravine bridge. With it stabilized better big tractors had been brought over to the other side to begin tugging up stumps of trees he had cut the day prior.
“There’s an alligator.” Mindy dropped her jaw, her first ever visual of a live one. “He’s huge.”
“That’s Steeltoe. Nick’s guard dog.”
“I like how this man sounds more and more. I’m picturing him leading the gator on a leash.” No, only two slaves, but that was thirty minutes ago.
“You strapped naked to the gators back?” He chuckled.
“Stop that, you’re turning me on.”
“Might be good for your back.”
“My front too.” She wagged her tongue at him. In their flirting they hadn’t realized the arrival of the man of the hour. Pulling up to the bridge in the Ford Raptor belonging to Dawn Bearpaw, Nick blared his horn at them. Scurrying off the bridge to the other side out of harm’s way Nick drove the giant truck up over the bridge. Creaking planks, well supported, handled the weight without issue. Mindy looking up as Nick drove by in his dark sunglasses dropped her jaw yet again. “Oh, my God! He’s…” She couldn’t find the perfect end to her sentence. In their walk to meet up while Nick parked out of the way they reached him as he climbed out with his lunch cooler and a huge thermos of tea.
“God!” Mindy finished her thought. His physique was insanely built, his poise regal, so it just made sense to refer to him as one.
“Morning Boss.” Clinton greeted the property owner. “I’ll get to cutting here in a few. I just wanted you to meet my wife, Mindy. Everything is okay between us now.”
Nick stared at her coldly. Swallowing dryly at his expression she cleared her throat and waved rather than dare shake his hand. “Thank you for helping Clinton. I just want you to know I’m never going to hurt him again. You have my word.”
“I thought I told you one month away from her.”
“I came to him. Don’t blame Clinton over my initiative. I had to prove how sorry I am. We’re going to move to Caretaker and start fresh.”
“You break out your chainsaw.” He sternly looked at Clinton, then at Mindy, “You get off my land.”
“What?” She flared her eyes. “Don’t be a dick. I made the mistake here, not Clinton. I’ll get off your fucking land no problem. But know this … I’m dead serious here Mister. I’m not going to lose my marriage over my stupidity. I thank you for being there for Clinton, but if you’re going to be a prick, I don’t care to know you.”
“No! He has a right to deny me for what I did. I totally accept that, but I won’t be treated like crap when I’m sincere. So, get off your high … high … horse.” She pointed at the Raptor. “Nice truck by the way.”
“You’re hired. Consider it community service on your part.”
“What?” Her eyes trembled as he tossed the truck keys at her.
“Take it into Caretaker and get it detailed inside and out.” He then handed her three-hundred-dollar bills. “Fill the gas tank. Buy Clinton lunch and be back here by 2:00.”
“Where do I fit in laundry?” She mumbled at Clinton.
“We can go do that after I get off work.”
“Hired? Wait a minute?” She looked confused, “You throw me off your land in one breath then hire me to drive your truck?”
“If you’re going to prove things to Clinton, you’re going to prove your worth to me.”
“Okay! I can agree to that. I had plans to go back to our apartment and grab a few things for Clinton. He’s got nothing here.”
“How far?”
“Forty miles or so.” Clinton huffed.
“Detail place over there?”
“Yeah, actually!” Clinton looks to Mindy, “Shiner’s out by the marsh. Only thing is Nick, I really don’t want her to go alone.”
“I need you to section those trees you dropped yesterday and get them ready to use as pier pylons.” Nick looks çanakkale escort about and sees Veronica Redmane fawning over her man Will Gullivant preventing him from working on the interior of the house. A loud ear-piercing whistle drew their attention. Following his wave over Will and Veronica join them. “You’re not getting anything done here besides turning heads.” He pats Veronica on the cheek almost briskly, enough to flare her eyeballs at his subtle strength. It made her rain down her inner thigh. “Will? I’m sending V with Mindy here to … where are you going?”
“Turncoat!” Mindy informed him, smiling at Veronica.
“Sounds like you.”
“Fuck you.” Mindy laughed at Nick who grinned ever so little. “Come on V, we can go off roading in this bad boy, before I get it detailed.”
“Wreck it, you buy it.” Nick walks away dragging Will Gullivant with him without even letting him kiss Veronica goodbye. As he escorts him off, Clinton points at Mindy ordering her to drive safely. Veronica was surprisingly all in on a road trip just to get out of town for a while. Like a gallant Hubby he helped Mindy up into the truck, V joining her. Watching Mindy settle in behind the wheel to adjust her seat and bulging her eyes at such a monster of tech, she started the beast. Carefully performing a U-turn in the yard, she ventured back over the bridge squealing at how narrow of a fit it was between rails. Out on the main road Mindy hit the gas. V yelled out, “Woooohoooo!” Ladies’ night out, during the day!
Keep on Truckin’!
The REZistance clubhouse, aka the automotive garage in the woods away from the REZidents.
“Hit that bitch!” Virgil Halfcock wailed as a dozen new male recruits that were mechanics and the like for the club savagely held down petite, so sweet, Alexis Roster to the clubs meeting table. Thus far in the day, little Miss Firecracker had fucked eight members of the REZistance, eight of their ole’ ladies in the LEZistance bearing Strap-Ons and giving her entire body a rash of hickey’s. Now on top of those sixteen they brought in twelve more local Santee troubled teens who were wanting to join the club but only worked for them in varying ways. Sitting at twenty-six lovers in three hours, Alexis was flying high. She loved sex waaaay too much. The point of this whole drama was for Oliver Heavy Feather to get even with Ali’s dad Dolan the Sheriff of Caretaker for stealing his girl, Caprice.
Making Alexis believe he wanted her to be his backseat bitch and that she had to be accepted by his entire charter, Oliver had her under this thumb. While he did find Alexis interesting his soul was with Caprice even if she didn’t want him anymore. The thing with Alexis was simple, she was not only a used target, but she did resemble a young Caprice minus the tattoos and about four inches in height. She had the long blonde hair, the big blue eyes, the sexual prowess of a tiger. Who knows, Ollie might just change his thoughts once his club got done using her. Oh, lest we forget, Oliver himself and his brother Calvin were included in her body count, so technically twenty-eight lovers in roughly twelve hours’ time. The kid was growing up.
“Anal! Anal! Anal!” A chant grew amongst the new recruits as Alexis screamed her pretty little heart out at the undertaking. She would never go without anal again, it made her crazy. Even if she were cast out by Oliver, Alexis was going to fondly remember this day. Independence Day in her wicked brain. More! More! More!
Leroy Blackrock dialed his PREZ of the REZ to inform him of the progress, Ollie off Rez at the moment in a town nearby called Flotilla right on the water. In devising his plan and knowing Dolan was on his scent Ollie set out to cover his tracks. He knew a young blonde who lived over here that somewhat resembled Alexis. Recalling her from a party he attended, he aimed to hook up and use her similarly. Locating the girl Paulina, it was beyond easy getting her to go for a ride. A troubled youth herself, Paulina Karin Kowers was easily swayed into saying and doing whatever Ollie asked of her. While pulling over on his Harley to answer his cell he made Paulina suck his dick right alongside the road. Cars were driving by gawking as he lay back on his seat in a models recline of egotism. Listening mostly, Ollie only spoke as needed. Leroy knew his brother in arms well enough that he was off playing even with his potential bitch being gangbanged.
“Might want to keep this one Ollie.” Leroy chuckled, “She’s begging for more. Ain’t no downtime neither. She’s had two dozen dicks if you include the strapping young Lasses. She’s cumming up a storm. Fun watching her convulse and beg at the same time. Where’d you find this one?”
“Just see it through, I’ll be in touch later.” He stood up and made Paulina follow him right into the middle of the two-lane road. Towering over her he fucked her face like a defiant God, making traffic ease around him too afraid to even honk or give him hell. Ollie was çankaya escort one arrogant motherfucker. Nutting hard in her throat he pulled her up by her blonde hair and kissed her. “Come home with me.”
No arguments there!
Esteban Amador took his lunch break at the Seafood Processing Docks. Here where fishing boats dropped off fresh catch to be processed and sold to local markets, he had worked for five years now. Fenced in, he was still trying to figure out how that crazy bitch Shantel Bigelow got inside and past everyone to lay in wait for him. Somehow, she managed to crawl inside a fishing crate and literally lay on the still flopping catches. Gross enough that in itself, without her being nude and stinky before her added scent. While he himself wasn’t exactly pleasant having to wash up in convenient store bathrooms he was still better off than she was. Punishment for leaving himself homeless after burning his home to the ground and nearly killing his wife, Irene. Demon alcohol had brought the party to him that day. Now, he simply camped in his car alongside ashes and skeletal remains. Desolate and lonely!
Heading to his Buick he kept watch around him to see if any of his fellow dock workers were watching, so far so good. Shantel waiting on him in his backseat with dead fish she had swiped for dinner laying on the floorboard, had her fur coat off and her legs wide. Touching herself as he opened his car door, he nearly hurled.
“Climb aboard Sailor.” She spoke with her raspy voice. “Time to make things up to me for trying to spring your ass.”
“Ye did not have to do that Shantel. Twas ye who put yourself in that place. I would have gotten out just like I did, without yer help. I am at work, I can’t…” Her toes rubbed his crotch. It had been a few weeks since getting laid, that last piece of ass being her, only added to the odd allure. Smell or not he undid his pants and crawled in over her and sank his cock in a swill of turbulent waters. Her hormones always on high, she wrapped her legs around his hips and drug him into the undertow. Three minutes later he nutted inside her and lay there wondering why he just did that.
“How did ye get out of jail?”
“Sucker punched the dispatch gal. Old bat didn’t know what hit her. I gotta bottle of Johnny Walker with our name on it.” She coaxed him. “Front seat Romeo.”
“I can’t drink until after I get off work. You busted out of jail? They’re looking for you?”
“Can’t catch me, I’m a ninja! Beverly Hills Ninja like that fat Farley guy.” She karate chopped his shoulder cackling. “Mind if I shack up with ya wherever you’re campin’? I’ll chop ya all over like that after a long day’s work.”
“I live at my … what’s left of my house. My bed is this car. My home was burnt to the ground.”
“I’m still mad at ya for being married.”
“I told you I be married. Just not happily hitched. You were too drunk to hear me clearly.”
“Lyin’ sack a turd. I gave you my heart, my sweet spots. You even had a kid, not a bad looker either. I’d lick her.” He concurred! There was a time he too contemplated taking his daughter Midnight. Just before the fire he got all handsy. Now? Now, he missed both his wife and daughter. Where was the ultimate douchebag he used to be? Being all alone now, his mind reflected upon better days. Now that Shantel was here, he had company again. The problem was, she was a fugitive now. “Let’s go back to the boatyard, I wanna pet my pussy Gilligan.”
“Would the police not look for you there? They will question me as well.”
“So, lie like you’re doing with me. Fuck me again, I’m needy.”
“I don’t have time. Wait for me here and we’ll think of somewhere for you to hide. After I clock out, we can go cook those fish at my … home. I have fashioned a firepit.” Uneasy saying that after burning down his real estate. Hell never seemed to end.
“Awww we can get all romantic.”
“Aye! For old times’ sake.” Esteban pulls out of her and tickles her feet hoping to keep on her good side. Zipping up he eyes the rank whitefish, “Let me put these fish in the trunk.” He grabs them from the floorboard and steps to the back of his car to unlock the trunk. Lid up he finds an old blanket and covers the fish to conceal some of the scent. Spotting a patrol car coming in off the main road he grits his teeth. “Shantel … the cops are here. Quickly, hide in my trunk.”
Grabbing her fur, she crawled from the backseat and ducked down. In a panic she scurried around Esteban and rolled up into the trunk to hide. “Be still, I’ll get rid of problem.” Door shut he grinned. Waving down the car a local Abingdale officer named Clyde Runk aka Drunk to his friends, pulled up.
“Are ye be looking for a Shantel Bigelow?”
“There is a bolo out on her. You have info?”
“Better than info.” Este pointed at his car. “Catch of the day.”
“You have her in the trunk of your car?”
“Aye! My good deed of the day.”
“Aren’t you Esteban Amador?” Este nodded, “I came here looking for you.”
“I figured as much. Come I’ll unlock my trunk and you can apprehend her.”
A call for back up another cop just down the road pulled in behind them. A female officer named Violet assisted Clyde as they popped the trunk. Seeing daylight Shantel smiled, “They gone Este?”
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