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The deafening roar of the crowd echoed through the dense forest as they cheered for Martin. Martin tried not to focus on how those naked bodies bounced in that open lush meadow. However, his eyes glanced down at his sister’s naked ass as she stood in front of the microphone. Her full, thin, plump lips curved into a smile as she looked back at him. Her hand waving to him to take the stand once again.
“Come on, I want to hear you sing again,” Michelle said winking at him.
“Yes, do sing for me baby,” Christen purred as she draped her lewd, vivacious, naked body long the left side of her son’s body. “Your mother loves it when you sing,” she blew gently into his ear. Knowing how her breasts were teasing his chest.
“Encore! Encore!” the crowd chanted as they all waited for the next song.
“Martin. Sing!” Rachel’s voice could be heard over the joyous crowd.
Michelle moved off to the side as Martin moved up to the microphone. His finger scrolled down the list of songs on the display monitor. Gooseflesh rose along his skin as his sister’s hands ran up his back.
“You have no idea how wet your voice makes me,” Michelle whispered into Martin’s ear, “I can’t wait until we get back to our cabin. Then I’m going to show you my appreciation for singing for me,” she said lightly kissing the back of Martin’s neck before moving off to join her mother. The crowd went silent as the intro blared through the speakers.
“Last night a little dancer came dancin’ to my door.” Martin began to sing lightly bouncing on his feet. His deep baritone voice caused the crowd to rush to the stage. To his surprise Rachel was there along with Janis pushing to get the spot right in front of the microphone. “Last night a little angel came pumping at my door.” Martin sang mimicking Billy Idol’s arm movements. “She said, come on baby, I got a license for love. And if it expires, pray help from above. Because…”
“In the midnight hour she cried, more, more, more.” His hips swayed as Martin danced from foot to foot. “With a rebel yell she cried, more, more, more.” Pointing the microphone towards the crowd as they sang along.
“She don’t like slavery, she won’t sit and beg. But, when I’m tired and lonely she sees me to bed. What set you free and bought you to me, babe. What sets you free, I need you here by me. Because…” Martin smirked as the crowd sang the verse.
“He lives in his own heaven. Collects it to go from the seven eleven. Well he’s out all night to collect a fare. Just so long, just so long, it don’t mess up his hair.” Martin nearly took a step back as the older women squealed in delight as he ran his hand through his hair. The way they were looking at him and his elongated manhood made him wonder if he would survive the night. “I walked the ward with you, babe. A thousand mile with you,” he sang pointing out to the crowd as his arm moved over the group.
“Martin, let me touch it!” Janis pleaded as she bucked against Rachel.
“I dried your tears of pain, babe,” knelling as he kept to the beat. His eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the hordes of hands that fought to touch his manhood. However, it was Janis who was a little sneak and took half of his cock into her mouth. “A million miles for you.” Martin had no idea how he kept his voice steady as Janis placed a kiss on the tip of his head before Rachel pulled her off. “I sell my soul for you, babe. For money to burn for you,” noticing how the women’s eyes were always on his glistening cock. “I’d give you all and have none, babe. Justa, justa, justa, justa have you here by me.” Martin caught Carrie playing with her breasts, her tongue running along her lips before blowing Martin a kiss. “Because…” Martin sang tilting his head back moving the microphone away from his mouth.
“In the midnight hour she cried more, more, more. With a rebel yell,” his mother and sister quickly moved up to side.
“We cried more, more, more,” they sang before dancing beside him.
“In the midnight hour, babe, more, more, more,” Martin again returning to the arm movements he had seen Billy Idol perform. “With a rebel yell,” moving the microphone away from his lips.
“We cried more, more, more,” his mother and sister sang in unison.
“I know I be,” Mrs. Anderson shouted out.
“Oh yeah little angel. She want more. More, more, more, more, more,” Martin sang bringing the song to a close.
“Oh Martin!” his mother and sister threw their arms him.
“Thank you, for sing for us, my sweet boy,” Christen purred her nose nuzzling along his neck.
“Oh yes, my this is as stiff as a board,” Michelle said her finger slipped off the head of his cock causing it to spring back. Ensuing a round of “Whoo hoos!” from the crowd that pressed against the stage.
“Do it spray us!” the crowd of women chanted.
“Should we Mom?” Michelle asked with a coy smirk.
“Well ladies, do you want to be covered in my son’s cum?!” Christen asked taking the microphone from her son.
“Yes!” canlı bahis the crowd answered.
“Well, you heard them baby,” Christen said leading her son by his cock back to the edge of the stage.
“Relax Martin, give your fans what they want,” Michelle said turning his chin towards her. Alternating between kissing as she and her mother stroked him off together.
“Oh fuck,” Martin moaned.
“Yes stroke that cock,” Janis shouted her arms raised trying to get another touch of Martin’s tool.
“Look at them baby,” Christrn whispered lustfully into her son’s ear. “Look at all those women that just wants to be covered in this things hot spunk,” she purred before tugging on his ear. “This cock has been so naughty since we have been here, I think I’m going to have to fuck it once we get back to our cabin.”
“Mmm, Martin, I love the feeling of your pre-cum on my skin,” Michelle said in a husky voice as her palm rubbed along the underside of his mushroom top.
“Martin,” Carrie whispered having somehow made her way to her daughter’s side. Pressing her breasts together telling him her orbs longed to feel his cum coating them.
How Martin remained standing as his mother and sister jacked him off, he had no clue; nor why everyone was hungry for his cock and cum. Sure, he’s manhood was an oddity of nature given most men were only about half his size. Yet other than his mother no one seemed to be able to take all of him without being in pain afterwards. What’s the point of having a large monstrous thing like his if you left your partner in pain? Would that not just end any future coupling? Yet as Martin peered through his eyelashes, his mind trying to focus, but their touch was making it very hard for him. Those upturn, eager, hungry faces told him one thing they didn’t care about the pain. They wanted what his mother and sister were currently pleasing.
Martin thought for a second punches were going to be thrown as his semen jetted through the air. He had never seen so many women pushing each other out of the way just for a taste. Glancing down watching how his mother’s index finger ran up the tip of his cock gathering up the last drop of his cum. Michelle quickly pounced on it sucking her mother’s finger skin, which only reignited his libido.
“My, my, mama is going to enjoy fucking this all night long now that I know you can get it up more than once,” Christen said licking her lips hungrily.
“Martin!” Rachel shouted in joy rushing up the steps of the stage. Jumping into his arms allowing her naked body to slide down his. “That was so awesome! I never thought you could be so…hot,” she whispered into his ear, “you should feel how wet my pussy is just from hearing you sing. Now I think we should let someone else sing. The camp can’t hog you all night,” Rachel said pushing herself away. Hoping she could lure him away from his family, so she could spend time alone with him and his beast.
“Come sweetheart,” Christen said taking hold of her son’s hand, “let’s give someone else the chance to sing,” she said leading him off the stage.
“Hey,” William said waving at Michelle and Christen, and lastly Martin, “man, I got to say I did not expect that,” he said smiling all friendly like. Yet his eyes shyly absorbed Martin’s sister’s and mother’s naked bodies. He couldn’t wait for the time when they would be servicing his cock. “Never once have I seen this lot of women so…,” William smirked pointing at Martin’s tool.
“Yeah,” Martin said in wonder as he stared down at his member, “one has to wonder just what doors this thing can open,” he chuckled.
“I know it opens my door all. Night. Long,” Michelle said sensuously.
William’s mind flashed back to an hour ago when he was fucking his sister, while watching Michelle and Christen fucking Martin. He wondered just how he and his sister were going to talk Martin’s family into a little swapping. He already knew his father wanted to be hilt deep in Christen and Michelle, hell, he wanted that very thing too. It was his mother that caught him off guard. She was never one to openly show how interested she was in someone. Behind closed doors, yes, not like she was when Martin was singing. Not that his father saw. No, he had sneaked off with one of the daughters of a very old client that visited the camp.
“Hey,” Mr. Berti said holding out his hand, “that was some great singing up there. Don’t know how I’m going to follow that up,” he said smiling warmly. “Why don’t you go say hi to my wife and daughter they are dying to meet you. Just don’t wear them out,” Mr. Berti said winking as he passed.
“That’s a good idea,” William nodded knowing this was the opening he needed. “We are all friends here, right? No sense of always having your family at your side.”
“Hmm,” Christen mused she knew exactly what William wanted. Although, she did enjoy fucking her son, as her eyes glanced down at the man’s hard cock. It wouldn’t hurt having a normal cock every kaçak iddaa once in a while, to give her cunt time to heal from her time with Martin.
“Just so you know I’m not that easy to win over,” Michelle said crossing her arms. She did enjoy looking at William. She did wish her brother had the man’s physique. However, she did like how Martin was if he looked like William than he wouldn’t be Martin anymore.
“So there’s a chance then?” William asked laying on the charm as he led Christen and Michelle away.
“Maybe.” Martin heard his sister say before the crowd of women surrounded him. Pushing him towards the darker parts of the clearing, he felt like a prized pig as all the women of the camp encircled him. He didn’t know which way to look as women began to encircle him, touching him each and every way they could.
Gasping as Janis and Mrs. Anderson pinned him in. Moving his cock in-between her legs, peering back at him as she ran her lips along his hard rod. Mrs. Anderson took procession of his hand guiding it to her cunt.
“God Mom,” Janis Anderson moaned as her clit rubbed along his nearly foot long rod. “I so want to be fucked by this thing,” she said practically drooling.
“I know honey,” Mrs. Anderson purred making Martin finger her cunt. “What do you think Martin, can you handle two women at once?” she asked wanting to feel his hard pole deep inside her. It had been too long since she’s had a sizable man in her after her husband’s death. Before Martin could speak Rachel appeared at the edge of the ring of women.
“There you are!” Rachel said aloofly trying to keep her emotions from showing. “There’s some people that wants to meet you,” she said walking up to him. Nearly pushing Janis off of his cock, yanking him away from Mrs. Anderson as politely as she could. “Come. I’ll try to get him back to you,” Rachel lied as they disappeared into the crowd. “I thought I told you to stay away from them,” she said glancing out of the corner of her eye.
“Hey not like I could get away,” Martin said not liking the tone of her voice. To him it kind of sounded like Rachel was jealous and hurt. Which seemed odd to him since they weren’t dating. Not that he hadn’t thought what it would it would be like, yet there was also Lula to consider. He did enjoy Lula’s company and she knew all about them. Martin wondered just how she would take it if he was dating Rachel and vice versa. Would she use the knowledge of what his family does against him? He knew Rachel wouldn’t given that he too know about her taboo secret. Then again, the mind of a scorned woman was hard to fathom for Martin.
“Hmm, I think you need to make it up to me,” Rachel said moving closer to him. “How about tomorrow night you, me, on the shore of the lake alone?”
“Umm…listen,” Martin said unsure on how to bring this up.
“Yes?” Rachel said bring them to a stop between the group of men and the throng of women behind them.
“There’s this woman back in Boston.”
“Oh? Do you like her?”
“Yeah,” Martin said wondering what to do next since this was the first time, he had been anywhere near a love triangle. “I just don’t want to lie to you, if whatever this is goes anywhere,” he said truthfully uncertain if he ended anything before it started.
“That’s so sweet,” Rachel said placing her hand on his arm, “well do you think I be telling you that you could only fuck me given what our families do? Wouldn’t that be hypocritical of me to say you can’t fuck them while my Dad is fucking me behind your back,” she said shaking her head. “It’s true I do like you, and it was my hope that maybe you liked me too. Obviously, you do, because if you didn’t than we wouldn’t be having this discussion. I like to think maybe we can coupe with an open relationship between us. Ever since yesterday I knew I wanted to pleasure this thing always,” Rachel said reaching down giving his cock a few loving strokes. Trying not to sneer when she felt Janis’ moisture on his rod. “I know we just meet, and sex isn’t what you build a relationship on. So how about we just take this one day at a time, okay? You can keep having sex with your family and this woman and whomever here at camp and so can I, and no one gets mad at the other person, alright?”
“Okay,” Martin moaned softly.
“Good,” Rachel said quickly reaching up bring Martin down to her lips. Tasting the man that would be sharing her bed once they got back to the city. “Maybe you would like to see me with this woman, hmm? Maybe have me and her fucking this cock together,” she said smiling coyly as Martin groaned at the thought. “Plus,” Rachel leaned in her lips brushing against his ear, “a little swapping between our families would be good for us, don’t you think?” Laying the seed of their plan in his mind. “I know Mom wants so much to ride this cock, Martin.”
“That I do,” Carrie said from behind Martin. She had stood back while Rachel and Martin talked. She didn’t want to interfere in whatever was between kaçak bahis them. “So I see your father has run off again,” she said resting her chin on Martin’s shoulder. Wondering if Martin liked the feel of her naked breasts pressing against his back. “Baby since you have already had your ride mind if I have a spin?”
“No, but you best not wear him out,” Rachel said shooting her mother a smile as she felt Martin’s cock surging in her hand at the idea.
“Martin!” Christen and Michelle called out for him. “Martin…” they stopped as they spotted him sandwiched between Rachel and her mother.
“I just can’t let you out of my sights, now can I?” Christen asked shaking her head as approached.
“With a son a well endowed as Martin, no you certainly can’t,” Carrie said nodding, “but you can be sure we would take very good care of him,” she said shooting Christen a smile.
“Well then,” Michelle huffed in annoyance. She knew it was wrong of her to get jealous. Knew her brother loved her. Yet she did hope that she would be the one he came to if he needed sex and their mother. Yet she herself had let her mind wander about some of the men there. Wondering if she could have her cake and eat it too.
“You don’t mind if we share do you? My son for your son?” Carrie asked wondering how Martin’s balls would feel in her hand. “I’m sure the two of you can’t continuously keep having sex with his beast. While our pussies are versatile, they weren’t built to handle something that big. I’m sure the two of you have already thought about that, no?”
“True, I have,” Christen admitted in a sigh. “Martin, I do love you and your cock but sometimes…” her eyes glanced low as William approached.
“You need something a tad smaller, yes?” Carrie asked finishing Christen’s thought.
“Yeah,” Michelle said begrudgingly. Although, she did hate the fact that she couldn’t take all of her brother and while not as impressive as Martian’s was William did have the size she likes seconded to her brother’s, of course.
“Then I propose this,” Carrie said holding up a finger, “you’ll let me, and my daughter here sate ourselves on your son’s cock, and you can fuck my son to your hearts content. We can even do it in front of one another, just so the two of you can keep an eye on this man here,” she said hoping that Christen and Michelle would take the bait.
“And where exactly were you thinking of going?” Christen asked eyeing how Carrie hugged her son.
“The saunas would be best don’t you think?” Rachel asked knowing her father wouldn’t look there.
“Yes, this time of night they’re pretty much empty,” Carrie nodded.
“You okay with seeing another man fucking us?” Christen asked looking at her son.
“About as much as you watching me with these two,” Martin said wondering how this would play out.
“Relax,” William said interjecting himself. “I know this is all new to you, I get that. I really do. I promise that neither one of us wants this to be a bad experience for the either of you,” he said trying to keep his elation from showing. He hadn’t expected his mother to be the one that sprung this on them.
“Well, if you won’t be angry with us,” Michelle said running her eyes down William’s front and back.
“Yes,” Christen cooed moving up to study the man. Wondering how her son would like seeing them draping themselves over another man. “Are you sure Martin?’ she asked looking over her shoulder.
“Mom, I’m not sure of anything these days,” Martin said shrugging his shoulders. “Just as long as he,” he said nodding towards William, “doesn’t cum inside either one of you.”
“Oh? So you don’t want another man marking your territory, is that it?” Michelle asked with a smirk.
“Damn right,” Martin said with a stern nod. Michelle and Christen shared a giggle at that.
“You heard my brother, no creampies,” Michelle said poking William in the chest.
“You got it,” William said agreeing to the terms. He didn’t care about that, he was just glad he be hilt deep inside of them very soon.
“Excellent,” Carrie said cheerfully, “William, you best take care of them no rough sex, you hear me? Unless they want that of course,” she said laying the ground rules knowing how her son was when it came to his first encounter.
“Yes Mom,” William said rolling his eyes.
“Good. Now let’s get out of here before your father comes back. You would have to share,” Carrie said sticking her tongue out at her son.
“Martin, relax, William won’t do anything bad to them,” Rachel said seeing Martin glancing over at William as they sneaked down the path to the saunas. “Plus, I suspect since they have been fucking you, you have nothing to worry about. What you should be worried about is if my mother can’t get enough of you. She does have one hell of a libido,” she said hiding her excitement about their group coupling.
“That I do,” Carrie agreed not hiding the fact of her ravenous sexual appetite.
“Don’t worry man, if you don’t like something. I’ll stop right away, okay?” William said doing every he could to make it happen.
“Don’t worry baby,” Christen said blowing Martin a kiss, “you know I’m the only one that take that beast, and mama isn’t ever going to give that up.”
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