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Chapter 5
AN: I missed you all! Thanks for sticking along this far, it’s only going to continue to get better from here. Further down in this chapter (Part 3), will be the Ceremony: Ciara taking her vows for a life of incest, anal, bdsm, right before she goes through Initiation when Daddy will pick her cherry (next chapter). FYI: don’t try this at home. Warning: in the Ceremony, there will be scat and branding.
I am writing according to my muse not chronologically, so that’s why it’s really Chapter 5.
Need to get off ASAP? Skip to Part 3.
“Are you nervous?” I asked an obvious question.
Ciara pouted in a thoughtful expression, before replying, “A girl is always nervous to lose her virginity, but I think the challenges and the fear of the unknown is a repeat theme in life, so might as well conquer it now.”
Really, Ciara was thinking that her parents have been relatively considerate, respectful, and unmean. She just really hoped they would not change once she took her vows.
Currently her and her mother for-all-intents-and-purposes were shopping boutiques for her initiation outfit, which consisted of her long-sleeved, white gown, white front-close bra, and a white thong. There was just something so enticing about sliding panties to the side to lick a wet virgin slit.
When Ciara walked in, she realized maybe this wasn’t so bad. Maybe she should just get over it because there were other females present, who were even younger than she was and they didn’t look scared and dreadful. They were actually, dare she say, excited! They were excited to have their fathers take them in such a way. Excited to join a family tradition, even if it meant they did not know full well what it entailed.
After fits of giggles, and outfit after outfit, she finally found what she would bleed in:
Soft bra with white roses stitched on the round cup, and and a clasp in the shape of a heart on the front.
Pure white lace thong undies, but she decided to go crotchless. Charnu gave a heart-filled laugh and eagerly approved her choice. She told her that feature would come in very useful for the years to come.
For her dress, nearly as important as picking out a gown, she went with a silk A-line garment that reached to her heels, and the sleeves flared out, stopping mid-palm. The neckline had a sharp V, where it held crossing ties over her breast, to be undone in order to release her breasts from their cotton prison. Ciara chose a gown with out design or decor, preferring the sophistication and shine of pure clean off-white silk.
As Ciara peered at herself in the mirror, with her full outfit on, her heart began to beat rapidly, full understanding this is the outfit she would become a woman in. Mother came behind her, settling her hands on Ciara’s voluptuous hips, and looking at Ciara’s reflection in the mirror, told her, “I am so proud of you, honey.”
Then Ciara’s mother preceded to plant a full kiss on her lips, slipping her tongue in Ciara’s moth for a quick mating of tongues. Of course, Charnu couldn’t let go without a quick pinch to they younger girl’s nipples.
Her mother had one more mysterious stop, so she waited in the car as her mother ran in. Charnu had to visit the locksmith to pick up her family’s branding iron. Each member on initiation was branded with their father’s crest to show ownership and protection. Then on a woman’s wedding night, she received a second one, of her husband’s. Individual family’s did not keep these; instead, they were kept at the ironsmith’s for some men tend to get carried away and brand outside of those two special dates.
Fortunately enough, the brand was all around three-fourths of inch, but each patriarch choose the level of intricacy. Some where very elaborate and resembled find artwork, others were no more than three letter initials. The one Charnu received from her father rested on the middle of her inner labia major ; she screamed so loud, her mother had to clasp her hand around Charnu’s mouth as she writhed against her arm chains. The one from her husband lay right above her anus – her husband was definitely an ass man. She grunted and uttered a short yelp as she had a decade of pain and torture under her belt.
As the head of my own family, it was important the Father during Ceremony presented with biggest cock. This took much preparation.
Friday was Ceremony, and Sunday was Initiation were I would take my daughter’s virginity. On this Friday, my beloved wife and two sisters were in my bedroom with me, preparing my erection.
My knees were on the bed, with my hands fisting the head board. My sisters and wife have been giving me head with a cock ring on for an hour. Now I was hunched over with my wife laying on the bed sucking my tip, fisting my shaft and my sister milking my prostate.
Sis started with a sounding stick, then firmly rubbed my prostate with türkçe bahis three of here fingers. It was its own challenge just getting her fist back there. Now she strapped up with a strap-on, 10 inches long, 3 inches wide veined dildo to again hit my prostate over and over.
Though I was the master of my domain, if it wasn’t for the force of the tight leather cock ring, I would have blown my balls to the ceiling. Lord forbid someone took a blue light to this room…
“Ugh,” I grunted shunting forward. My sister was the first born girl, meaning before she graduated and left the house, she mated with my father. If it resulted in pregnancy, it meant she would have to stay and help raise the rest of the children. Her own incestous child would serve as a guarantee the family tradition would continue. In the matter at hand, this meant my sister was trained in preparing men for Ceremony, so though she knew better than to be so dominant in her own home, it also meant she knew best how to get a man’s dick up by means of pounding the hell out of his anus and the love gland that lay beneath.
My wife kept looking into my eyes. While she practiced the lifestyle, she was a bit different than the rest. It’s what drew me to her. Goddamn, do I love her. And I don’t say that just because she had my dick buried into the back of her throat – it was because she helped me build my empire, and brought me to the max of my capabilities for our joint success.
“Goddamn, how much longer can this girl pound into my asshole,” I thought to myself, a sheen of sweat broke out over my body with the control not to cum.
Blessedly, she stopped, and my wife pulled off my cock, and my other sister off my balls. The relief was only momentary.
My wife and sister brought out the needles, while my other sister sat on my face. With the top of my cock held securely in my wife’s left hand, her and my eldest sister pierced and poked all up and down the shaft of my cock. The inflammatory response from the pricks would draw blood to my member, enlarging my cock. I screamed inside the pussy of my sister, smothered by her rolling her pelvis over my face. This was indeed the fact why she was sitting on top of my face. On top of that fact, I did also miss her and eating her out.
The excruciating part really began when they moved onto my balls. If I wanted that hung like a horse look, I was gonna have to have a swollen sac.
36 sticks later, my penis was forced into the vacuum of the penis enlargement system. Shit, if it was up to me, my wife and I would not have any more daughters after this.
With the air sucked out of the tube, my dick was drawn along the glass walls and blood rushing to fill the new space, but again, my eldest sister begin to fuck the hell out of my prostate with her ten inch long, heavily veined strap on. She was trained well. She fucked quick. She fucked *hard*.
I had tears in my eyes from the restraint not to cum.
A hard 45 minutes later, I stood at nine inches tall, four inches wide, my cock nearly purple – balls swollen enough to be an undeniable sight.
I gave my sisters an appreciative kiss on the mouth. However, once she popped off the plastic penis, I must whip her. Her episode of dominance must not last or carry over. She was on her knees facing the front of bed, as I took a belt and whipper her back down to her ass, then whipped her breasts to her neck, focusing on the nipple.
Fuck, this was only making me harder. To her credit, she only gave small twitches and gasps. I did not miss the slight sadness in her eyes, but did not explore it further to avoid punishment she might endure if she had thoughts that were night along the guidelines of La Formation.
Before leaving the bedroom, my wife gently wrapped her hand around my forearm to pause me.
“Dear heart, please remember while we love her as our own daughter, flesh and blood, please remember all this is unheard of. You will have to grant her tenderness you would not grant a normal girl growing up in this lifestyle.”
With a smile, she dismissed herself to finish assisting Ciara.
Once the hard business was done, I left to finish last details with the minister and the brother that would man the branding pit.
Before I could have sex, and Daddy could really get dirty with me, I had to go through the Ceremony, which would signify his promise to take care of me while he pushed my physical sexual endurance to its limit. Ceremony, allowed me to fully understand & feel the weight of what I had gotten myself into.
It was 6pm. The sun was approaching the horizon, and through the window of Tonnerre and Charnu’s expensive bedroom and impressive bathroom, I could see the members of what would become my family. Men and women standing in throes, in loin clothes and women bare – chested with only lace tape sealing up their puffy lips, they mingled with thick chain collars around their necks. I did not know iddaa siteleri the who’s who, but I was told Charnu and Tonnerre’s brothers and sisters, cousins, and a few of the older young adult children were in attendance. What a way to meet people for the first time!
The Ceremony occurred first, and then Initiation would occur intimately two days later on Sunday. Which I guess was good – I don’t know what girl wants to lose her virginity in the spectatorship. Oh right, the old English queens and some Arab cultures did and do it that way.
“Whenever your ready, sweetheart,” Charnu stroked my cheek, pressed her lips on my face, and with a soft smile joined the rest of the others outside in the yard.
I had no clothes on. My hair was in a bun on the top of my head; I would be branded tonight, and there would be exchanging of bodily fluids, so it would be easier for me to hose done if I had my hair out of the way.
As I always say, “there’s only one way to find out!” The best way to get through hell is to go straight through it.
As I pulled back the glass sliding door, everyone’s head popped up, and surprisingly, I was greeted with smiles. In small clusters, people gathered around me introducing themselves,
“Hi, you must be Ciara, right?” Duh, who else would I be?
The same girl continued, ” We are so excited to have you join our family! I’m your cousin Daisy, on your Mother’s side!” The over- excited person exclaimed to me, though by her flower name, I should have known she was related to Charnu, as her pre-Formation name was Jasmin.
“Welcome to our family, we can’t wait to play with you!”
“Glissante, that’s no way to speak to someone we just meant!”
“…you must be nervous, I was nervous too, but I also couldn’t wait to embark on all the fun I knew I would have!”
It was quite a stimulation overload, but I had to admit their giddiness was rubbing off on me, and eased my nerves.
A bell rung, and just like that, the chatter and greetings stopped suddenly. They took their places on either side of the greens of the backyard. In the middle lay a picket arch way, where a minister of sorts stood; Charnu grabbed my hand and led me there, and then took her place behind me.
Fidgeting at the altar, I could tell when Tonnerre came out as everyone stood a little taller, and the air stiffened. When I finally lifted my head to look at Tonnerre, I nearly gasped and my jaw dropped. The man was always beautiful, but holy fuck. Defined bod, defined calves, veins bulging down his forearm and hands, chest out, this man exuded an air of power that would make animals bow. His dick was bursting, hard, laying straight up on his stomach. All of sudden, I felt very luck to have that.
Tonnerre took his place before me.
He took my hand in both of his and a placed his right hand on the bottom of our joined hands.
“Ciara, I promise as father to love you, keep you under my protection, keep you as my property, make love to you every night, and help you realize your full potential as a woman.”
Charnu told me, I would know what to say when the moment came; I had asked what I supposed to do during Ceremony, and she kept it oddly vague.
“My body is yours to keep Father,” I professed solemnly with compassion filled eyes. For a second, I thought of Charnu – how could a woman be filled with such acceptance, kindness, and good- will for a woman who would not only be a permanent fixture in her home, but would be riding her husband’s dick until she got a husband of her own?
Back in the present, the minister put his hands, over Tonnere and I’s interlocked hands, “Let it stand the greatest union in humankind, man and women shall now be spread to Father and Daughter. He shall divulge the purest of fruit of her innocent and embrace this commitment. Blessed be. Let the Ceremony begin!”
With a rejoining chorus of, “Blessed be!” Tonnerre wrapped his hands around my face and pulled me in for a proper kiss.
Holy fuck, this man has been holding back. When he pulled back, I kept following his lips. Suddenly, I was pulled out of the dream like trance his tongue put me in, and the drums started.
I was put to kneel in front of the altar, the minister long gone. I tried not look at the family lined up on either side, and I tried to keep my face neutral despite my heart racing like a Nascar engine. My breast were bare and I felt a breeze perk my nipples, and felt the flesh of my ample behind on my heels. I felt Tonnerre’s presence behind me. He stroked, then pointed his dick at the nape of my neck. A torrent of hot & pungent, warm & golden piss rained from the crown of my head seeping through my hair, and down my shoulders, dripping off my ass and onto the grass. While embracing the shock of my shower, Tonnerre had come to stand before me, marking my breasts in his most personal water.
Before he could be exhausted, with one veined, meaty hand wrapped around his cock, he knotted his deneme bonusu veren siteler finger in my hair, pulled my head back by the bun, looked at me and commanded, “Drink.”
All too knowingly, with a glint in my eye and a smile playing on my lips, I sucked the tip of his love meat between my lips, and pulled on the fleshy cushion of his glans, teasing my tongue up and down his meatus, nursing from his penis.
After that delicious meal, I was put to lie down on the grass, boobs up. Father kneeled facing my toes, with both legs on either side of my chest, ass to face.
“You know what to do,” he commanded with an authoritative whip to my flesh, “eat my ass!” He deeply bellowed, his thunderous voice nearly rocked the woods.
I parted Father’s ass with my hands, and gave his asshole one swipe with my tongue, before puckering my lips and full blown sucking his anus into my mouth. I lightly chewed on his ring, before sticking my tongue fully into him. I mixed it up, alternating from sucking his asshole with force into my waiting mouth, giving it open mouth sweet kisses, and probing my tongue inside for a brown treat. Slowly I felt his sphincter and inner walls expand and contract around my tongue trapped inside.
Tonnerre pulled himself from my tainted lips, and was now aimed between my breasts. His hands holding his each of his ass cheeks open, I watched his anus wink at me, but then watched the long thick turd slide out of his anus. It laid itself between my breast, and he extended it down my chest, and until he cut it off, where it lay between my legs on top of my pussy lips.
Daddy preceded to spread the shit around my chest, taking the time to rub my nipples with his thumbs, which had peaked in the evening air. He worked down my belly, slipping into my belly button with one hand, and taking his left hand to my pussy, and rubbing human dung all over my labia and tops of my thighs. With a hard look into my eyes, I knew to roll over onto my stomach. Everyone was still spectating intently.
Kneeling with his legs on the grass on each side of my behind so we were ass to ass, he reached behind him to spread my cheeks open. At first all I felt is his strong veined hands digging into my tender flesh, spreading me open, but then I felt the rest of the turd he cut off earlier drop down and brush my asshole, before the rest creeped and brushed down to lay the full length of my ass crack. He released my ass so now I felt the turd squished between my cheeks, warm soft and thick, touching my walls. Grabbing some from the top, he rubbed it over my lower back; if it weren’t for the stench I would delude myself into thinking his strong hands were giving me an erotic message…I could relax under his ministrations. He went back between, and with his shit covered middle finger and through his deposit, stuck his middle finger straight into my asshole.
“Oooh,” I grunted, but I was so erotically turned on to have a piece of him inside of me in such a fucked up way.
He continued to spread his shit between my pussy lips and upper thighs. He resumed his earlier position, kneeling on either side of my body, his chest to my back, ass-to-ass, only this time her wrapped his left forearm around my chest and hoisted me up. With my chest off the ground, he slid his right arm down my body and moved his lips behind my ear. Sliding his finger through my pussy lips, he started whispering in my ear,
“Are you going to cum for daddy? Are you going to come in front of all these people?” Just then I looked up with hooded eyes, and there was my family, intently staring on expressionless, though my pregnant cousin had an expectant look in her eye. I really did not want to have an orgasm in front of all these people, but a new it was something that would have to happen, so I closed my eyes to give myself some sort of dignity.
I gave a barely audible whisper of a ‘yes.’ He continued, “Mmm, atta girl. You love it when daddy gets you off with his shit on his fingers. Come all over your Father’s fingers; in just two days, you will glove his dick deep and tight in your, I mean, my pussy.”
His middle finger teased up and down my inner labia up to stroking the underside of my clit the most sensitive part. This gave mini-shocks, but his words were making me water.
“Show them what you’re capable of. Show me. Sing for me Ciara!” He kept three of his fingers buried in my pussy, and his thumb furiously stroking my clit while is was still pulled up against his chest. He started biting behind my ear, before biting down my neck. I wrapped my hands around his arm, squeezing my breasts.
I could only imagine what I looked like to the others. A girl, soon-to-be woman, laying face down in the grass, covered in human shit, with her back bowed, under the ministrations of a well-endowed older man, furiously rubbing her off. With one last look at my new family, and a peer into my mother’s satisfied eyes, I screwed my lids shut, gave out a guttural moan, and then belted a scream that came from my toes, a scream that vibrated the stars above me.
I was wetter than I have ever been before, even all the times I get myself off, I never felt such thick, full saturation between my legs. There was no rest for me yet. Ceremony was only half over.
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