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Part 8 – Until the Cows Come Home
Once all the guests had departed, Mistress Eva came back to tend to her slave. Claudia was still spaced out when she saw the Mistress’ face appear hovering above her.
“You did very well tonight Shitlips,” she complimented. “However, your training is not complete.”
Claudia wasn’t even troubled. She lay in her pool of shit waiting for what her Mistress would ask of her.
“Tonight you will serve the cows,” she instructed.
“Yes, Mistress,” replied Claudia without battering an eyelid of resistance.
“While I granted you the privilege of removing the gag earlier tonight, I will not afford you such luxuries this time. Human shit and cow shit are very different propositions and you must prove yourself.”
“Yes Mistress.”
Mistress Eva bolted the gag firmly to the trough and back into Claudia’s mouth. She also inserted more shit into Claudia’s vagina and locked the dildo back in as well as the anal plug in her ass. Robert helped move the trough to the back of the barn. The cows were tied close together; lined back-to-back (or ass-to-ass) in 2 rows of 4. Their waste fell into a communal gutter beneath the half a meter space between their rear ends. A space reserved for Claudia.
“Place her head between the two bigger cows at the end,” advised Mistress Eva to Robert.
Claudia couldn’t see anything other than Robert and the barn ceiling as she was being transported. Eventually, as the trough was pushed into the waste canal, cow tails and rear ends appeared and surrounded her. They all seemed so massive to a petite girl like Claudia. Ever the perfectionist, Mistress Eva took special care to line up Claudia’s mouth within the firing line of the nearest asshole.
“Leave the lights on, Robert,” directed Mistress Eva. “I want her to watch while awake.”
Robert did as was told and they both left Claudia at the Mercy of the cows. Eight of them, aimed at every square inch of Claudia who was still many shades of brown from the 20 or so loads she’d been served during the party.
Middle of the night in the middle of winter, Claudia was freezing; as was the piss, shit and cum that lay on and around her. The coating of shit covering her entire body was drying and hardening. She trembled against the surrounding steel and restraints. So much so that Claudia began hoping some cow shit would blanket her with some warmth.
Claudia didn’t have to wait long. The cow standing by her hips and thighs, lifted its tail and out surged a gigantic mountain of greenish Eskort Kız cow dung. It was so heavy and broad, covering a vast section of Claudia’s body, but it was at least warm. Cow shit smelled different to human shit, it was still distinctly and unmistakably shit, but different. Probably worse thought Claudia as another enormous dump came courtesy of the cow by her left leg and foot. Within minutes that cow by her head and hands pissed out with the force of a fire hose, drowning her in a waterfall of cow urine. She’d blocked her throat, but couldn’t do anything about her nostrils. By the time it stopped Claudia’s mouth was entirely full and had to send it down. She couldn’t believe the volume of piss and shit expelled by the cows.
“At this rate I’ll drown,” she worried.
An hour more had passed and Claudia lay wide awake. Too cold and with too many trains of though screaming through her mind. Sunday day was beckoning and only a few hours away, Claudia had no idea what Mistress Eva had planned for her after this.
“Where do I go from here?” She contemplated. “I have work on Monday.”
There was now a sense in duty and obligation to what Claudia had started this weekend. She wondered how she would escape back to her life without breaking some moral slave code of Mistress Eva’s. Technically she hadn’t consented all of this, but then she wondered if her responding to Mistress Eva’s ad was consent in itself. She incredulously asked herself if now she could, or even wanted to go back to her life and what concessions would be made by Mistress Eva if she did? “The ad said to be ‘used as the Mistress wished’ and I presented myself without rebuttal. “Maybe I subconsciously wanted this all along and that’s why I never spoke up,” she reasoned.
A moving tail caught Claudia’s eye and interrupted her mental crossroads. It was the tail directly above her face. There was no denying her trepidation. Staring straight up at the colossal shit erupting out of the cow’s rectum, plummeting towards her gagged mouth and hooked nostrils. The first impact hurt as it smacked down and Claudia could feel successive lumps landing, repeatedly, for what felt like an eternity. A tide of cow feces spread across her vulnerable face; it ran down over her neck, across the sides of her head, and covering over her hair. Some even made its way as far as Claudia’s clamped hands. It was heavy and coarse, just as Mistress had warned, but it moved like a tsunami; blanketing everything in its path. Dwarfing all the shits that came before it and push itself down, with its sheer weight, into the bottom of Claudia’s mouth. With her nostrils covered, she had no choice but to start gulping it down. She could swallow it down fast enough though. She coughed and choked violently for a while which helped her clear a breathing passage.
This was hard work. Mistress Eva had threatened to clamp her nose, but it hardly would have made any difference. In fact, Claudia believed she was probably worse off now without it, as her nasal passage was blocked by the heavy excrement. Her respite was brief as the dung she’d coughed up began seeping down again. The bolted gag meant Claudia needed to be efficient in her consumption, which was a huge endeavor considering the nausea and the amount of feces ingested thus far. Not having the biggest of appetites at the best of times, she felt sickly and bloated as though she’d gorged on her most hated foods.
Having just swallowed enough to breathe again, Claudia involuntarily regurgitated it back up into her own mouth to create a pool of shitty vomit; which she had no choice but to swallow it down again. It was draining Claudia physically and mentally, but fortunately the next release of hefty stool was from the other cow lingering over her waist area on the opposite side. It pissed first though, like a fire hose, before completing a huge mountain of shit that had been started by the opposing cow. Claudia’s was grateful for its warmth, but was aware that the depth of muck around her head was now at ear level and slowly creeping in.
Next was the cow over her chest and stomach, which up until then had only pissed lightly (by cow standards), eclipsed the moons of Claudia’s breasts with defecation. Her right foot and leg eventually received the same showering of shit the left had and the cow who started it all off would land its second shit right on Claudia’s crotch. After the second cow above her breasts unloaded, the level of shit and urine around Claudia’s head had reached the other edges of her face. What would she do if the level arrived at her mouth and nostrils? Would she be able to swallow fast enough if it flowed over into her mouth?
With a thick layer of shit over her eyes and the level of ‘sewerage’ around her head now over her ears, Claudia could not see nor hear. Almost every part of her body was covered in inches with feces of some description; she was in the process of being buried alive in shit. Sensory deprivation, no sight or sound, and even her sense of smell and taste was clouded by the volume of shit in her nose and mouth.
There was still one cow, the second above her face, who hadn’t shit yet, and its tail was lifting. Not the Claudia could see or hear it. Her last available sense felt the avalanche of fresh cow shit piling up on her face. Claudia knew she couldn’t waste any time, swallowing it while it was warm and soft. It went down easier that way and imagined that this improved technique was all part of Mistress Eva’s intention. Her ‘training was not complete’ she had mentioned earlier. Telltale clues that her service was far from over.
Somehow, Claudia was lucky enough to create a small tunnel of air through the shit in and over her mouth. She could breathe, but it was obstructed heavily enough that she needed constant deep breaths. At least she didn’t have to swallow anymore; for now. For anyone looking into the trough, it would have been hard to identify Claudia if not for the shit covered outline of the lower half of her body. The cows had a substantial food supply in front of them, so as morning broke they just continued shitting. Claudia, still awake and with shit still in her mouth, could feel now that her head was close to being submerged in the rising shit levels. It was right at the edge of her mouth and as she felt the patter of another cow shitting over her breasts, she knew that it was about to start spilling over her lips. She tried pushing up against the gag, but it was bolted hard to steel brackets. The more she pushed the more it hurt her mouth.
Feeling so sick in her stomach from the volume of shit in it; not helped either by the shit and dildos stuffed into her vagina. Then came the spillage; a waterfall of soft, runny sewerage filling the last passages of air in her mouth. Vigorous swallowing was required and Claudia had to oblige or drown, fighting the constant gag reflex from the array of vile flavors. Cow shit, human shit, semen, urine; anything that had collected at the bottom end of the trough was now flowing into Claudia’s mouth.
“I’m going to die,” she conceded. “God knows how much bacteria or viruses I’ve ingested.” She bit down hard against the gag as she tried desperately to swallow fast enough to keep up with the overflowing river of excrements; so hard that she felt her tooth chip. She coughed then choked as the waste surged through nasal passage and throat. Claudia vomited again, it was practically diarrhea. It had to go down again. Pulling violently against all her restraints was futile; her only escape was to swallow as fast as possible with the added handicap of not using her tongue. By the time she could breathe again Claudia was exhausted; panting. Still unable to see or hear anything, there was a jolt.
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