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Thursday morning starts out as any other except Sarah is there with a case of being horny. I understood from the start as Sarah is bobbing up and down sucking my cock with Puppy excitedly watching, her fingers doing a dance with her pussy. The sleep still in my eyes but the extraordinary feeling of her mouth waking me from my slumber quickly attunes my senses. I put my hand on her head to feel her soft silky golden locks, wishing I hadn’t as she quit her sucking skills. Sarah quickly moved, capturing my cock with her juicy pussy in reverse fashion. Sarah started slowly but gathered speed making sure my cock was well coated. Sarah trying to control her moans of pleasure already.
Puppy moved also and is in front of Sarah as far as I could tell. Sarah is almost in a sitting position using her legs to ride my cock, her hands gripping my thighs tightly for balance. Her unmistakable groans permeate the air of her pain and pleasure at the same time. Her cooing ouch from the sudden audible slaps of hand meeting flesh. The sudden gripping of my cock with her pussy as Puppy must have administered the action. It drove me insanely nuts from the feeling as I start bucking up into her driving me quickly to my own euphoria. The long trilling groan of ecstasy and cock gripping driving me over the edge. Sarah slamming and gripping my cock with her cumming cry suddenly muffled. The collapse of bodies a short while later as nothing is heard but heavy breathing.
A minute or two later, the disentanglement with Puppy and her talented mouth at work cleaning my well satisfied cock. Round two but my bladder is about to burst as I gently push Puppy away, telling her of my need. Sarah had retreated from the bedroom already to make breakfast I assumed. Have you ever tried to piss while having a hard on and a beautiful woman wrapped around you trying to direct with her hands? Nearly impossible as I couldn’t get my swelled cock to subside from her teasing hands, the need won out in the end however. A rather painful and messy aftermath for me as Puppy was laughing. Cleaning the bathroom would give her something to do today. Then again it was cleaning day or laundry day at any rate, maybe why she chose to do it.
It was different having a cast free Puppy in the shower surprising me. I wondered if she had faked the pain to get the cast removed to a better solution for herself? No, I saw the protruding wrist bone, scraped from the old cast and covered with a bandage when she removed the cast. It had somehow been exposed and rubbing or possibly something had accidentally intruded, lodged and caused the problem. All the exercise may have made the cast too loose as well. I didn’t know for sure and I doubted Beverly would tell me the truth. It didn’t really matter to me at this point in time as she was being careful in its use.
I watched as she did her makeup to perfection with her arm now available. She put a bandage with ointment to her wrist bone, a removable arm sleeve next much like she did before with her ribs then put on the adjustable cast securing it in place.
“Much better, don’t you think Sir?” Puppy smiled with a wink. I knew right then she figured out a way of having it changed or at least knew the consequences before she went to see Beverly and why she didn’t tell me.
“Yes, my Love, much, much, much better.” I replied. What else could I say? The timing was even so perfect if you ask me.
The girls were in place smiling and waiting as I emerged dressed. The first time since Monday as poor Sarah had been given extra sleeping time. Five folders laid on the table beside my plate. I nodded and started eating, I figured the folders were from Sarah, she wanted my help once again.
I perused the folders while I ate and gave the girls permission to eat as well. Nothing glaring to note other than the status of the background checks for four of them. Most of them stated no further update from last request except for the last that was labeled pending, all done in the last three months. Evidently, her boss kept an ongoing file of possible employees. I hadn’t thought of that and Sarah must not have known either. Why would he have done it all in secret? Maybe it wasn’t and just never explained his actions as it wasn’t necessary til now. It made sense to have ready candidates screened and ready in their line of work just in case. Keeping the most recent four or five on file. Maybe he isn’t the biggest lazy sleaze ball I had pictured him, just not very forthcoming.
All were female college students but one and she had the pending background check that was weeks old. That sent a red flag on that individual. The four worked in the fast food industry currently and were probably looking for an upgrade, easily understandable. They could quit and move jobs quickly or Sarah could work around their schedule for two weeks, that was her and their problem not mine.
“Choose two from these four. This one has a red flag. You know he is probably going Betturkey to be pissed at your actions when he returns.” I said.
“Yes Sir, I know. I will handle it.” Sarah replied smiling.
“I will be knocking off an hour early today and tomorrow.” I told them both. They both nodded their heads in understanding. Today for drinks at the Station and tomorrow for the launch party, both company sanctioned of course. Kathy had already taken care of the reservations of course.
“Anything else I should be aware of?” I asked and they shook their heads no as I had kept them quiet this morning.
I gave them a wonderful long lasting kiss good bye to make up for it and a swat on the ass playfully before wondering to the elevator. Their wonderful smiles as I waved to them and their naked forms before the elevator doors shut. It was a fine day as the rest of the crew showed up after lunch and finished their highly successful reports.
The little after work party was great. I thought I would be a bit down without my girls present but I wasn’t. Matter of fact it was kind of a relaxing change. Kathy being nosy wondered why they weren’t there of course, beauty salon appointment satisfied her questioning mind. Mike and Kathy kept things low key though they did kiss from time to time. Everyone had figured out they were a couple by now anyway or office gossip. I think everyone was happy for them.
My favorite waitress, Farrah, accused me of her being a wintertime fling. I had to laugh but truthfully she was right. So many other things going on during the warm months that I never went as much. She was married so I never considered her an actual possibility. We just liked to tease each other, her more than me most generally. The ex rarely went with me, even on the weekends to watch a football game. I liked to watch the games and have someone to talk with even if they are strangers. Strangers have a habit of turning into friends during football season, especially when we were all regulars. I took an interest during basketball season of going, just for something to do after football season. That is how I scored the sky box tickets on a bet. I imagine she plays with all her favorites for better tips though I never saw her act that way with anybody else. Then again I never paid that much attention.
Beer, wings and good friends have a habit of providing a good time. Kathy was making sure she didn’t go overboard this time with her drinking. Don showed up and was in his normal mode with a flame hanging on his arm, though this one looked familiar for some reason. Younger than most of the women he comes with, needless to say, much too young in this instance but of drinking age. They didn’t act as a couple so the interaction was weird, more like friends or acquaintances. She was introduced as just Meg, didn’t eat anything and drank a beer just to be sociable.
We all filtered out about six as tomorrow was on tap. My waitress made sure to tell me not to be a stranger as she was happy with her tips and gave me a peck on the cheek. Probably made more in tips those two hours than the whole week. I took a taxi home from that point and too early to start the noodles for dinner. I changed clothes and had another beer while I watched TV for a little while. I started the noodles when it hit seven as I figured that was a good time.
I wasn’t far off as my two giddy women arrived about fifteen minutes after the noodles were done. Jenifer with french tipped nails with hair trimmed shorter by maybe a half inch but looked fuller. Sarah sporting long loving red nails with her hair cut to a slightly different style. The thick long blonde bob had been thinned to a more shapely shag but kept just as long. Probably to fight the battle of the frizz she has at times.
The kisses were long and deep from both of them as I found out by taste they had went all out and had champagne with their beautification process. Puppy had the hint of orange juice as well. Might not have really gone over well with my beer taste as a reward, I laughed at the thought. Dinner was great as usual. Sarah had hired the two new people that were high on her list and both started training tomorrow.
I had to explain about tomorrow so it didn’t take them by total surprise. The company event is a type of business meeting and charity event all wrapped up in one. Everyone was given a lottery number to start. Jenifer and I would be dancing the first song of course, so I would need to deposit our numbers together with a hundred dollar bill into the charity tank. Sarah, being an escorted non-company single, would either need to find a dance partner in the early mixer portion, go on the auction block before the first dance or I could cover her with another hundred and she could sit out the first dance. Sitting out was kind of frowned upon but in this case acceptable. They want to give the impression their people are a little refined I think to the outside world.
The Betturkey Giriş lottery numbers were for door prizes, nothing really elaborate. Dinner for two at a fancy restaurant, spa therapy sessions, a free month at the gym, those kind of prizes. There is also an auction for theater, concert and sporting events. These are prime tickets meant to raise big cash quickly for the charity. Those usually went to the big wigs of course, but sometimes departments pulled their resources to try and out bid them and becomes a game of chicken. There are others as well not as good, not terrible as they want everybody to be able to get in on the action.
I had already decided I would toss in the extra hundred for good reasons. She could buy a dance partner at auction if there were any, there always were. Corporate execs and their wives played the auction game quite well usually staying away from non-company people. They tend to want something in return and what happened to me the first time. Kathy tried to bid for me that first time but lost out. It was a fun roll bounce in one of the upstairs offices though I don’t even remember who it was even. A cougar on the prowl for sure and I was the young, naive, half drunk kid at the time. Kathy had come to the rescue afterward and we talked most of the evening and danced a few times, connection wasn’t there truthfully. She had actually ended up putting herself on the block for fun. Rumor said she gave an exec a blow job in the coatroom and how she came to be under my roof at work. I wondered if I got my current position from being that nights entertainment as well.
Jenifer explained that Lionel took her to several after hour parties like I was describing, so she knew what it was like. She also had been to a couple big parties where all the slaves were put on the auction block for the night like a swap meet. Might be ten to twenty people at the gathering, Lionel shelled out ten grand for a blonde woman in the last one she attended. Jenifer never explained further and I am pretty sure why, it didn’t look like she was all that upset about the consequences that ensued.
I had a bad dream that night about Sarah. She had put herself on the auction block for fun. A corporate exec and his wife bought her for a hefty sum. It was three days before she wondered home crying her eyes out. She had been enjoyed thoroughly by the couple and wanted to keep her permanently. She had agreed because of the PA job as a reward. I woke up yelling NO at that point. I really hate nightmares. It was a wonder I didn’t wake everyone else up and took me another hour before I fell asleep again.
I wasn’t in a very jovial mood all day long with the nightmare haunting me. It should have made a wonderful start to the weekend but that wasn’t the case as I kept to myself until time to go home and change into my tux. Another slight problem I suddenly encountered, it was getting a little tight. Jenifer and Sarah had added ten pounds from their cooking. Even with the extra walking and exercise, albeit sex, my weight had increased a little, not a bad thing as I was a little underweight for my frame, another ten to fifteen wouldn’t exactly hurt. Something that wasn’t exactly noticeable in my everyday wear but would need to turn it into muscle instead of fat.
Jenifer was stunning in the white hi-low dress with four inch white heels and her makeup was impeccable. Sarah was just as stunning in her blue halter, a red choker, red four inch heels and a wide red leather belt for accent. With her red nails she looked absolutely mouth watering. Sarah added a silver chain belt to Jenifer’s attire. I really liked that idea as it sort of reminded me of a leash around her midsection. Sarah is the fashion expert while Jenifer never really excelled in that department. Jenifer never really had to worry about being in the world of excessive fashion and kept things simple. Jen was always told what to wear and when and how to keep herself presentable but was learning.
I always thought it funny the guys had to wear a tux to these events but the ladies didn’t have to wear a ball room gown so to speak, though some did. Dressed to impress, I think is the proper nomenclature.
I called down and ordered a taxi for the ride to our destination. I even put them in inspection pose before walking out the door. I couldn’t help myself, teasing their exposed pussies, pinching and rubbing their nipples. Last but not least, a deep tongue wagging kiss for each, they would need to fix their lips on the ride. I was in a much better mood with the two beauties at my side. Our look got a WOW and a whistle from Erica as we went through the lobby. I just smiled and waved to her.
Needless to say I was the envy of all my worker friends when I arrived with my two beauties on my arm including Don. Kathy had been busy and had set up the first dance for Sarah. I was relieved to hear that. It seemed Mark, the other single guy at work Betturkey Güncel Giriş was dateless. His life partner was called out of town on a family emergency at the last minute. A perfect match since he was openly gay, none of us minded that fact. I left her to be chauffeured with Mark, that would turn some heads. Mark is partnered at work with Millie and they get along great so I wasn’t worried that he could handle himself with a beautiful woman.
Kathy of course, looking sexily haute couture herself, grabbed Jenifer and took off to the bathroom leaving me with Mike to get drinks. The best I could do of course was white wine and seven for Jenifer. Mark seated Sarah and came with us and ordered them each an appletini. I knew Mark would take care of Sarah so I didn’t get her a drink.
Don usually sat with the upper crust at these events and tonight was no exception and Jolene, the HR director was on his arm, accompanied by the young woman he was with last night. No wonder she looked familiar, it was her daughter and boy she looked dressed to fuck. Long curly brown hair, crisp white blouse showing off a hint of cleavage, mid length black leather skirt with four inch black ankle strap sandal heels. What a looker compared to last nights common blue jeans and t-shirt look.
Kathy and Jenifer came back giggling as we all grabbed our drinks to mingle with the crowd. That is what the night is about to begin with. I didn’t inquire about the bathroom confab as our little table stayed as a group to mingle with the rest of the crowd. That is how these affairs always seemed to fabricate themselves. With me being low end management of course, I had to delve a little deeper into things, expectations.
After dinner was over the girls, Kathy, Jenifer and Sarah, had another confab in the bathroom. They were probably up to something but I wasn’t sure what. I asked Mike and he didn’t have a clue. Mark had questions about Sarah as he was confused about who she is to me. I had kept a rather close eye on Sarah of course, I couldn’t make it obvious that she was with me as a lover at the same time. She was smart and if she needed guidance, went to Jenifer. I just told him, she was a very close friend of Jenifer and I. Kathy was the only person here that knew the partial truth, Mike maybe.
The auction had a funny twist this time around as there were usually more, only five women and five guys. Jolene’s daughter was one of the participants. It is the free women that gets to choose first of course. Meg wouldn’t bid, lack of money maybe or preset is more like it. I figured they would just pair the two off but that isn’t what happened. The pair were auctioned off to the corporate CEO and his wife for ten grand each. It was a setup of course to make the charity coffers bulge a little. I will bet a grand myself that Meg would have a job with the company before long. The other doufus, I didn’t know at all, promoted maybe or like Meg with a job.
I had a feeling Meg was with Don last night to give her inside information. There must have been a job available that Meg wanted badly. I could see it now, Jolene telling her daughter to go fuck my boss if you really want the job. I am not sure any mother could really do that, okay, probably a few, very few. Even knowing is probably tearing Jolene apart but would never let it show. Then again she could be fine with it, you never know.
I had to think about this for a minute. Your daughter brings a guy to dinner she has been dating for a while. You think the best but you really know deep down they are having sex. Is it any different? It is her choice after all, not yours and your fine with it in the end. You have to because you don’t have any other choice in the matter. You could make a big scene about it but what would that accomplish? Never seeing your daughter again, alienation? The answer is simple, you have to hope she is making the right decision.
As usual I didn’t win a door prize. I would have bid on the Met tickets but five grand for two box seats for an opera just isn’t to my liking. Might have been romantic in Pretty Woman which is what I was thinking. Trust me, you really need to like that kind of entertainment, actually I don’t but that doesn’t mean Puppy wouldn’t. I did bid on the four tickets to a Mets game but a grand was well over the top for six hundred dollar seats in my opinion. I stopped bidding at eight-fifty.
I enjoyed my first official dance with Jenifer and the second. I swapped partners with Mark for the next number dancing with Sarah because it was a tango. Jenifer had to sit this one out because of her arm. We set out the next couple also, I wasn’t too keen on jive or quickstep. I danced a foxtrot with Kathy, we had done that one before together, she was a little flirty with me over the dance I thought. Maybe it was the drinks, though we had all kept them to a minimum. Jenifer was drinking her second that Mark fetched with Sarah. I was on my third screwdriver but am nursing this one. Another waltz and I was back with Jenifer in my arms, she had learned a few nuances on her own from watching. Keeping her body tight and rubbing me just so, her dazzling knowing smile ever effervescent. Sarah and I did a rumba later on and we were smoking on the floor if you ask me.
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