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You rest against me for just a few minutes, long enough for me to start to catch my breath.. my need to climax eases back from that agonizing knife edge but by no means disappears. Long before i feel ready, You are unhooking my hands and pulling me to my feet to stand on trembling legs, wincing at the plug stretching me as i move…blushing crimson as i realize i am drooling seriously…not being able to see.
i flinch when you again take my hands and draw them behind me hooking them together, the pain in my throbbing nipples reanimating when Your chest leans into mine. Your arms are tight around me, Your hands sliding to grip my ass firmly and I writhe against You. You tease my tongue with Yours through the ring in the gag and i grind against You harder, moaning… reduced to this mindless needing creature… Your pet on the end of a leash. You now use that leash to pull me forward. Though i can sense Your impatience, You stay close until i figure out how to walk blind and off-balance behind You. You grab Your bag, hefting it over Your shoulder and W/we start walking down the path into the woods once again.
Walking along behind You.. sightless, silent, bound, plugged… your come seeping out of me, wetting my thighs. i am still so aroused; i would throw myself at Your feet and beg inarticulately if i thought it would do me any good. But i know it won’t…i can only await Your pleasure. After a few minutes that seems like an eternity to me, You stop in front of me and turn off the path, telling me this is the spot You were looking for. You move a little farther and sit down. Then, with no warning, you tug hard on the leash, pulling me kuşadası escort down to land hard over Your lap.. head hanging down…ass raised up.
My heart jumps into my throat… breathing arrested for a second… blood rushing to my face and i tense like a worm on a pin as Your hand moves over my ass, caressing the shrinking flesh just long enough for me to start breathing again. Suddenly You slap me sharply… two, three, five, ten times… the noise shockingly loud to me. i am struggling, crying out with each blow. Just as quickly, You stop… and the silence seems profound except for my noisy breathing. You make reassuring noises and stroke me, calm me… and help me up to turn and sit in Your lap.
You undo my gag, telling me not to speak and You wipe my chin and neck with a soft cloth. Telling me to drink, You pour a little water into my mouth which i swallow gratefully. You snuggle me in the curve of Your arm even as You push my legs apart… scooping some of O/our mingled juices off my thigh and wiping them across my lips before You lean in to kiss me. O/our tongues compete. You keep doing this until once again i am wriggling and becoming noisy trying to capture Your hand between my thighs. My efforts make You chuckle. You kiss me once more hard and then pull back, telling me i am ready for the next installment. You stand, gently dumping me to the ground and easing me to my knees.
i hear You rummaging around in Your bag, whistling tunelessly as You move away. You come back and, using the leash, pull me up gently but steadily. You pull me a few feet away and then You position me, using Your feet to slide kuşadası escort bayan my legs widely apart. You kneel and lock my cuffs to the ends of a spreader bar, running Your tongue up my right side as You stand, making me shiver. You uncuff my arms from behind me and let me shake them and rotate my shoulders a few times before You cuff them again in front of me. You then raise my arms over my head and connect them to something. They are being raised further still, until i am stretched out.. almost on my toes.
You move in close, dragging Your nails lightly down my arms, to my breasts, trailing over them. You pinch a nipple hard enough to make me open my mouth to cry out, then You expertly gag me again with a very small rubbery-tasting ball gag. You whisper that You don’t want me to bring unwanted attention, making me shiver harder. You step back and i hear You rummaging again, giving me enough time to consider my total accessibility and helplessness in this position. i pull unconsciously at the bonds, feeling the pulse in my neck beating hard against the collar, my ass burning where You’ve already hit me, making the leather of the flogger You trail over it seem icy cold and making me cry out.
You slowly drag the soft strands up my back, over my shoulders, down over my chest, my belly, my leg. Up the tender inner thigh and across my wet hungering flesh and down the other leg. You pull it away and wait, stirring the tension in me to a fever pitch, wondering where it will fall and how hard. Wanting to cringe, unable to move that much , but still jumping when it slashes against my ass, low where it meets escort kuşadası my thighs. First one cheek then the other… the sting intensifying after the sound registers. The muscles in my ass and legs tighten in an attempt to contain the sting, or avoid the next blow… wasted effort that.
You cover every inch and then move down to my thighs, working the flogger in such a way the ends curl inward, impacting the incredibly tender white flesh there. i am moving to Your rhythm, crying out behind the gag, neck arched back, head dropped so far my hair tickles the center of my back. my face is flushed, a fine sheen of sweat all over my body, my hair wild and curling from the heat rising from my body. my limited motion causes me to clench on the plug in time to Your arm raising and falling. And when i am welted and burning from my waist to my knees You bring the flogger up once between my stretched wide legs and i scream and go up on my toes and it is over.
You brush my hair back off my face and kiss my forehead. You make me groan, dragging two fingers slowly and deliberately up my dripping wet slit, lingering over my clit til i start sounding frantic behind the gag. You pull away, licking Your fingers and telling me how good i taste.. Then You crouch down to release my ankles, and stand to release my arms. You let me shake feeling back into them, then ease me again to my knees to catch my breath. You release the gag and stow Your toys before returning to me, sitting down in the sweet smelling grass and drawing me to lie down with You, stretched on our sides. You kiss me and run Your hands over me, telling me You are pleased with me, smiling against my mouth when You play with the welts and i gasp. You take the blindfold off me, saying W/we will take a little break now. And i slowly open my eyes, blinking in the bright sunlight, focusing on Your face smiling at me before i take in the beautiful clearing You brought me to.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32