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I was never a big fan of New Years Eve. It is amateurs night, along with St Paddy’s Day, as far as I’m concerned.

So, when I had the chance to cover for my friend and make some money, rather than take the wife out for dinner, I jumped at it. People can be pains in the ass, but at least I’d be making some good tips.

Different crowds moved in and out of the pub, and Larry and I worked smoothly together, enjoying the pace, seeing many of the regulars, and some new ones.

A couple came in and sat in my corner, looking around, clearly new to the joint, and ordered Scotch, single-malt, the good stuff. I was impressed by their discerning taste, and disregard for the high cost of their selections.

They listened in as I told a few regulars a joke, clearly warming to the place. Seeing them enjoy themselves felt good. Sometimes you almost feel like an entertainer, behind the stick, and their smiles were like applause.

Groups came and went but Karen and Jack remained. They offered to but me a drink, which the owner observed, and he nodded approval, since we were down to an hour left. I made sure to push a freebie across to them and they seemed to appreciate the discreet move.

They were both well-dressed, in their 60’s, and quite a handsome couple. I could picture them jet-setting around the Caribbean, aboard some yacht. But they didn’t seem aloof, like many people in their position.

He was thin, with a wisp of a mustache, reminding me of William Powell in the Thin Man. And for that matter, Karen could have been an older Myrna Loy.

They had rented a furnished townhouse in the area, Karen’s mother was ill, in a nursing home, and they felt the need to be near her. Their regular digs were in Boca Raton, and both seemed happy to find a comfortable pub to relax in. They assured me they would be back, asking about my personal schedule at the bar.

Larry and I did Last Call for the dozen or so remaining customers, and Karen excused herself, going to the ladies’ room.

Jack leaned across the bar. “Harry, this is for you.” He palmed me a $50 bill. Very nice!

“Thanks a lot, Jack, we really appreciate it.”

“No, that’s just for you. I’ll leave a tip for Larry.”

I smiled, reluctantly, not meaning to offend him. “I’m sorry, we split everything. I can’t do that, but i appreciate it.”

Jack smiled. “I tended bar in college, long ago. and it was the same back then. Good for you, Harry.”

Karen came back and I went about cleaning up the area, giving them their space. They whispered to each other, then it was his turn to use the men’s room.

Karen called me over. “What are you doing after work?”

“I’ll be calling a cab and heading home. Too many nuts on the road, tonight.”

She smiled. “I know what you mean, we have a car waiting outside and we were wondering if you’d have a nightcap with us.”

I was unsure how to take this. “Gee, I don’t know, bars are all closing down now.”

“We have a fully-stocked bar, and a fine selection of single malts to sample. and whenever you want, our driver will take you home.”

Jack was back now. “Did you ask him?”

“Yes, he’s trying to decide.”

“Well, he has Bayan Eskort worked all night, he must be tired.”

Actually, I was wide awake and would have had to wait quite a while for a cab home.

“Please?” she asked, “we were having fun for the first time in weeks.”

I really liked these two. “Sure, why not. It will take me about ten minutes to count up, you’re welcome to stay while I do.”

“We’ll wait in the car, outside. You don’t need wagging tongues prying into your affairs”, Jack smiled.

“Okay, then , I’ll be out in 10.”

They both gave Larry a big goodbye, hoping to see him again. We divvied up the tip cup and I made sure to include the fifty, along with the $20 they left on the bar, easily our best tip of the night. Larry was impressed.

It was bitter cold as I exited, and the headlights came on in the stretch limo as it eased around and they popped the door open before the driver could get out. “Hurry, Harry, it’s freezing”, Karen called.

I ducked in and they sat across the back, both with fresh cocktails from the limo bar. Karen had one poured for me and I shivered as I took it.

“Look, Darling, the poor dear is freezing!”

“A little of that, and he’ll be fine, Love.”

Jack lowered the divider and said, “Home, James”, with a chuckle.

“Is that really his name?” I asked.

“No, Darling”, Karen responded, “But it tickles Jack so to say it!”

“James” was opening our door the split-second he had stopped at the entrance, and I stepped out, giving Karen a hand. “Oh, a gentleman, too!”

“Will that be all, sir?” James asked.

“For now, James, but Harry will need a ride home sometime tonight. We will call down”, Jack replied. Once inside, we began relaxing, with Jack pouring the drinks, saying I had done enough for the night.

A gas fireplace warmed the den, which had sofas and love seats in a setting meant for mingling crowds, no rhyme or reason to the pattern, all very comfy and plush, Karen led me over by the fire, and Jack sat across from us.

They both kicked off their shoes, and she curled up next to me, tucking her arm under mine, cuddling, while Jack smiled, seemingly undisturbed.

After an awkward moment, I untensed, and Jack said, “New Years is a time for new beginnings, Harry. Karen and I try to indulge ourselves by trying something new.”

I looked at him over my glass, and saw they both had a serene smile, almost like cult followers. Now what?

“While my pleasures seem to run towards new golf clubs, or a cruise to Europe, Karen likes men.”

He nodded to her. “The way you say it, its like I’m some sort of crazy sex maniac!” She laughed heartily.

“I didn’t mean that, Sweetness. But anyway, Harry, we have a proposition for you.”

A nightcap was becoming so much more. This was really getting different.

“We would lake you to enjoy Karen’s company, and believe me, she is quite a lover.”

“Oh Jack, hush, you’re so bad! Harry, listen, he likes to be blunt. I prefer letting things develop. If you are reluctant, I totally understand, I’m older, maybe not your type, and this is all happening so fast. But you said you were married, and this may be your one night free. Actually, being married made you even more attractive, since we require indiscretion, and so do you.”

“Well, either way”, Jack said, rising. “You two can decide.” He leaned over Karen, kissed her softly. “I’m off to bed, these old bones need some rest. Harry, it’s up to you, if you choose to leave, we totally understand, Karen will buzz James, and he’ll take you home.”

He reached out his hand. “G’night, Harry, it was a pleasure”. He turned and strode out of the room, not looking back once.

We sat for a moment, and Karen finally broke the spell. “I’m sorry, Harry, the few times we have done this, we took longer to get to know the gentleman. In your case, Jack had seen you before at the bar and had told me about you. He seems to know the kind of man I prefer, which is pretty much like him 30 years ago. He suggested we stop in tonight, and you seemed so nice, and Jack seemed so happy for me to get a New Years present…oh, that sounds wrong, like you were property.”

I found myself smiling, looking at her as she fumbled for words.

“Anyway, once I agreed that you were both attractive and funny, he was all for kidnapping you and taking you home.”

“Well, I’m flattered… and I must say, you have excellent taste in men”!

She laughed. “I think so, too.”

“I’m just not a studly kind of guy, I would hate for you to be expecting more.”

She squeezed my arm. “Harry, I’m 65 years old. I haven’t had a real orgasm in years and have no wild expectations. I just enjoy being with a man, a good man, and giving and getting pleasure from it”.

“Well, I feel good that you think so highly of me.” I slid my arm around her shoulder.

“If you want to stop, just say so, okay?”

I nodded as she held my face and kissed me softly.

Sixty five years old? I took her for younger, and she certainly acted it. She gently touched my hair, my cheek as her lips and tongue danced across mine.

My original concerns about Jack were thrown away as she pressed her body against mine, her hands moving up my leg, inside my thigh, finally arriving at my growing bulge. She was above me now, her tiny frame so light against me and my hand sought her breast.

“I like it rough”, she whispered. “don’t worry, I’m not fragile at all.”

Okay, then, sliding the zipper of her jumpsuit down, peeling it open, she wore red lace bra and panties, and I stood her up and peeled them off, her body small but tight. She was naked, and not the least bit shy about it.

She reached down and undid my tie then unbuttoned my shirt, and I stood with her and our tongues danced as I hefted her sagging tit, and found the erect nipple between my fingers, squeezing it, feeling her reaction, and hearing a soft cry.

She hungrily had my pants open and down, and was biting at my nipples as she used both hands to stroke me. “Oh, Harry, you’re so hard”.

“That’s your fault”, I growled, as I reached behind her and squeezed her butt, then slid my finger into her pussy as she squirmed.

“Hmm, you should make me pay for being such a bad girl!”

“I will”, I whispered as I laid her back on the couch, and knelt. Older women were always a mystery, and I planned to explore.

I spread her legs and she seemed surprised, I shushed her and began softly kissing her, then moved to each breast and I heard her breathing get heavier.

I slid down her stomach, to just inside her knees and slowly moved up, trailing kisses on her inner thighs.

“Oh, yes, hmm, that feels so Nice, hmm”.

I finally spread her wide, got up close and used my thumbs to part her lips, the pinkness shining from her juices before I arrived.

I paused, looking up at her, and her eyes widened. “Don’t stop, now, you’ve teased too much!”

I slid down, sliding my tongue up the length of her clit, tasting her juices, thick, salty, making me more aggressive, especially when she begged for more.

“Yes like that, Yes! Oh, that’s so good!”

Her body shook and she let out a scream, and she clenched my head between her legs, holding me there as waves of orgasm ran over her.

She hurriedly pulled me up to her, kissing me hungrily. “Oh Harry, the only other man who made me cum like that was Jack, a long time ago!”

She smothered me with kisses as she moved from under me, exchanging positions. Now she knelt between my legs, smiling, holding my 6 inches in her hands. “Hmm, you have a beautiful cock, Harry, it’s so…pink!”

Her lips parted and her tongue flicked out, teasing my head as she worked me up and down. Her eyes shone as she smiled, opening wider and taking me down deep, holding until she almost gaged, then backed off my soaked cock.

“Hmmm, happy New Year, Harry”. She plunged down again, holding until she gasped for air.

My cock was throbbing and I couldn’t last much longer, I pulled her up over me, and she was as ready as I was. She hovered above me, holding my shaft, looking down dreamily, as I lowered her onto me, and felt her pussy wrap around my cock, our juices mixing, lubricating.

She nestled in with a moan, and slowly began, rising and falling, and my cock felt so alive.

She began bucking faster, grunting, rolling her eyes. “Fuck me, hard, baby, hard”.

My hips thrust as she rode my cock, meeting each thrust with her own, and she got louder. “Yes, baby, yes, fuck me!”

I reached down and caught her clit in my fingers, squeezing it, and adding a finger into her hole, and she squealed. She was squeezing her tits, pulling on the nipples, growling and thrusting.

The welling began and I told her, “I’m gonna cum soon!”

“Cum in me, Harry, cum inside my cunt!”

A few more thrusts and I lost it, releasing into her pussy, feeling her thrust onto me, trying to get me further inside her.

We sat there, as my cock softened, and when she let me drop out, she gave a disappointing sound.

Her breath was wet and heavy against my neck. “Oh, Harry, I’m gonna be sore for a week! That was glorious!”

Our lips met, and I heard movement, looked over her shoulder and saw Jack, strolling by without a care in the world.

“I don’t know about you two, but I’ll have another.”

“Oh, yes, Darling”, Karen called, not making a move to cover up. “I think we all need a nightcap, don’t you, Harry?”

Just like Nick and Nora Charles, so glib and sophisticated. Well, I might as well join in. “That would be ever so wonderful, thanks, old chap!”

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