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Brian Delaney looked around him and finally took a seat in one of the chairs on the front porch of the bungalow in downtown Phoenix. The woman he’d talked to over the phone yesterday was 10 minutes late and he was quickly losing patience.
Just as he reached for his cellular phone, an older Audi A4 pulled into the driveway. He watched as the driver opened the driver side door and got out of the car. She reached into the backseat and grabbed a backpack before heading up the walkway.
Aisha Morgan cursed silently as she pulled into the driveway. She’d hoped to make it home before the prospective roommate arrived, but it couldn’t be helped. She grabbed her bag out of the backseat and glanced at him as she walked towards the front door.
Brian watched as she made her way towards him, she was shorter than he was which was fine given that he was shorter than most men.
She briefly apologized for being late, explaining that rounds had run longer than planned.
Brian followed her and got his first look at the home. The living room was decorated tastefully, with hardwood floors and wood mini blinds at the full size windows. A chocolate brown leather sofa and club chair were decorated with pillows in jewel tones and a throw. A corner armoire with its doors closed, he figured that housed the television. Houseplants topped the armoire as well as the massive bookcase on the far wall of the room. A mirror framed the wall over the sofa, and the wall was bare other than that one piece.
Aisha dropped her pack on the floor next to the front door and placed her keys in the wooden bowl on the table before heading off towards the rear of the house. She called back to Brian to make himself at home and look around while she used the restroom.
When Aisha returned from the restroom, Brian was standing in one of the two empty bedrooms, looking into the empty closets. The room was decently sized, with a window overlooking the backyard patio. The only downside to the room was the bathroom that adjoined the other bedroom. It had a walk in, glassed wall shower and a vanity with plenty of space. The other bedroom was also empty and was identical to the one he was standing in.
Aisha left the bedroom and entered the kitchen, asking if he wanted anything to drink. Brian asked for water and followed her voice into the kitchen. It was galley style with new appliances and ceramic tile flooring. The galley opened onto a bay style area that held a dining table.
Brian stood in the doorway of the kitchen and watched Aisha for a bit before answering with a request for water. She was dressed in hospital scrubs and wooden clogs. Her hair was cut incredibly short, maybe an inch and a half all over. The shortness of her hair brought out the features of her face, wide-set large brown eyes, full lips and delicate ears. Despite its lack of length, it was a very feminine look on her.
Aisha felt his eyes on her as she grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with ice and water. She turned around and handed the water to him before heading out to the living room. She curled herself into the club chair facing the sofa, placing her glass of orange juice on the wrought iron table next to the chair.
Brian settled on the sofa
He was around 5’6″ which was short for guy, with thick hair curling hair and a small goatee. Dark hair peeked out the ends of his shirt sleeves and Aisha had a distinct impression that he was that hairy all over. Dark brown eyes, framed by lashes that most women would kill for, rounded out what was all in all, an attractive package. A package that she had no interest in due to her schedule.
A bit more small talk and they were able to hammer out the details of being roommates. She just needed someone to share the rent, and he needed a place to stay.
So it went for three months. Since Aisha was busy with her latest surgical rotation, Brian didn’t see much of her other than a quick glimpse before she headed off for work at 6 am and then he heard her coming in late at night. They communicated by leaving notes for each other, “We’re out of milk, can you grab some”, “I’ll be out of town over the weekend”, “the cable company called; they will be here to install your cable tomorrow”.
At the beginning of spring, he left a message for Aisha, “my best friend and girlfriend are coming to town to visit this weekend, is this okay with you?” Aisha wrote back “of course, there’s a blow up mattress in the spare bedroom closet.”
Aisha didn’t mention that she would be around this weekend, the first time in three months and would have preferred to have a bit of quiet.
She was sitting on the sofa, with headphones on, listening to a compilation that she had created earlier that day, when Brian walked in with his friends. His girlfriend was just as Aisha had expected; a tall willowy blond, perfectly coifed and manicured with a strong southern drawl.
She immediately turned around to Brian and said “well honey you didn’t mentioned that your roommate was…black”
Brian gaziantep escort looked at her and said, it never came up, what does it matter? She smiled a tight smile and just said “I guess things are different out west”.
His best friend stood back taking in his surroundings, about 6 feet tall, thick and stocky, with clear green eyes and red hair, his voice was deep and Aisha was sure that his southern drawl had seduced many a southern belle into his bed.
“Aisha, this is Marnie, my girlfriend, and Ewan, my best friend”, guys, this is my roommate Aisha.”
Marnie stood pensively eyeing Aisha while Ewan moved forward to shake hands with Aisha.
“It’s nice to meet you Aisha”
Yep, Aisha was certain that listening to his voice for too long was akin to sailors listening to the siren’s call.
“You too. You guys have a good flight?”
“Yeah it was pretty good, coach is no place for tall guy though”.
Aisha glanced at Brian and Marnie and noticed Marnie’s possessive stroking of Brian’s arm.
“Well, I’ll let you folks get to it.”
Again Ewan was the only one to speak “hope we see you around later”.
Aisha smiled and nodded as she headed out of the room.
Ewan turned back to look at Brian and Marnie, chuckling as he noticed the look in Brian’s eyes as Marnie whispered furiously at him.
The group got settled and headed out for a tour of Phoenix and grabbing a bite to eat. Brian called back to ask Aisha if she wanted to join them, ignoring the glare on Marnie’s face. She didn’t answer and Brian explained that was probably sleeping, having just finished a surgical rotation in her residency.
They stopped at a Mexican restaurant for dinner, lounging over margaritas and tortilla chips. Twilight descended, bathing the city in a purplish glow as they headed towards home.
Pulling into the driveway, they noticed that Aisha’s car was gone but the house had a rosy glow from the lights left on. On the kitchen table Aisha had left out a bottle of wine and wineglasses with a note for Brian “in celebration of your reunion with your friends”.
It had been a long flight from Tennessee, but the group sat down to relive old times until weariness overcame them. It was close to 11 when they retired to their respective rooms, Marnie and Brian to Brian’s room and Ewan to the spare room. It wasn’t long before the antics from Brian’s room woke Ewan. He lay there staring at the ceiling and listening to the creaks and groans. Throwing off his covers he looked at his wristwatch, it was 12:45. Sensing that he would get no sleep for a while, he slipped on his jeans and padded into the living room, barefoot and bare-chested, to watch TV. He stopped at the threshold of the living room when he saw Aisha curled up on the sofa, cartoons on the television and headphones on her head.
She beckoned him in and took off her headphones. “Are they usually that..noisy?”
Ewan grinned, “No, I think it’s for your benefit.”
“That’s what I was afraid of. I hope she knows that there’s nothing going on between us, we barely see one another.”
“Don’t worry about it. What are you listening to?” Aisha handed him the headphones and he caught the ending of Susan Tedeschi’s “Looking for Answers” before Sting’s “Whenever I Say Your Name” started. He handed the headphones back to her and nodded at her choice of music. Aisha didn’t put the headphones back on, instead she got up and walked over to one of the stereo’s satellite speakers, turned it towards the window, opened the window and asked if he wanted to hang out on the enclosed front porch.
“It seems the performance is getting louder”.
On the way out the door he grabbed the bottle of wine and the glasses, while she grabbed some goat cheese, olives, crackers and nuts.
On the porch they sat in the pappasan chairs, listening to the faint sound of the music from the stereo and the crickets. Ewan poured them each a glass of wine and they sat not speaking for a while.
Breaking the silence Aisha asked him what he did “I’m the Director of Training for a small computer company.” During the course of their conversation she found out that he was raised in Boston and moved to Memphis when he entered college. That’s where he met Brian. He had been single about four months, ever since he found his fiancé in bed with someone else.” He went on to mention that Brian was trying to get him to move out to Phoenix.
Aisha shared that she was on her second year of relationshiplessness, she giggled after she made up that word. At his raised eyebrows, she explained that being a resident didn’t work well with relationships.
They sat in silence for another thirty minutes before deciding it was safe to go back into the house. They parted ways in the hallway and Ewan stood for a moment watching her walk, the soft sway of her curves and the mahogany sheen of her skin sending strong signals to him.
The next day the friends headed out to do some shopping and Aisha started konya escort working on stripping the kitchen cabinets. She was still at it when they arrived home six hours later. Moments after they arrived, so did Aisha’s appetite. She asked about their day while washing dust from her hands.
She watched as Marnie pulled Brian from the living room towards the bedroom. Marnie glanced at Ewan, who shrugged his shoulders. She decided to run out and grab something for dinner at the local tacqueria. She excused herself and went to her bedroom, changing into form fitting jeans, a brown “nappy girls rock” t-shirt and sneakers. She walked back by the guest room and found Ewan sitting on the bed. Marnie and Brian had started their nightly performance and feeling generous, she invited Ewan with her.
Walking out to the car, she threw Ewan the car keys and told him he could drive and she’d navigate. Sliding into the leather seat, Ewan adjusted all the seat controls in order to fit comfortably in the car. Backing out the driveway, he watched as she scanned through the available radio stations and finally settled by popping a Los Lonely Boys cd into the cd player. When they arrived at the local shop, Ewan hesitated before getting out of the car. She grinned over at him “come on, you’ll be fine”. There was a line of people standing at the outdoor window, waiting to order, families sitting on cars eating fresh tacos and burritos, a group of young men spread out over the picnic tables slurping menudo and music blaring.
When they made it to the front of the line Aisha ordered two carne asada tacos for Ewan and two fish tacos for herself. They grabbed their order and Aisha led him across the street from the shop, to a narrow strip of earth populated with additional picnic tables. Looking around Ewan could see people at the tables and few didn’t appear to be eating their food as much as making out. Aisha didn’t appear to notice what was going on around her as she had already unwrapped the foil around her tacos and was busy liberally applying salsa and guacamole. Taking her cue Ewan started doing the same. They sat in relative silence, watching cars stream down the road, juices from their food dripping down their hands.
When they finished Aisha hopped down from the table, wiped her hands on a napkin and asked if he was ready to go. He popped the last bite of his food in his mouth and nodded.
As they started across the street, Ewan tripped in a hole at the edge of the sidewalk and twisted his knee. Aisha helped him up and helped him limp across the road. Driving home she asked if he was okay, he said he was but would probably be sore the next day. Pulling into the driveway Aisha asked if he wanted to use her tub to soak his knee. He thought about it a minute and then took her up on her offer. They entered the house to relative quiet and Ewan stopped off in his room to change into the swim trunks he’d brought with him.
Aisha went into her bedroom and started running water in the big deep whirlpool tub. She laid out fresh towels and dimmed the lights. She returned to her bedroom to find him standing there looking around. He thought that her bedroom suited her, shades of brown and blue created a soft welcoming haven.
“the bathroom is right through there, take as much time as need”.
He entered the bathroom closing the door gently and looked around, the bathroom was spacious, with a laundry closet, deep bathtub and walk-in shower stall. There were double sinks, a makeup vanity and stool.
Ewan spent an hour with jets soothing away his discomfort before he was ready to leave his comfortable environs. Rubbing himself down, he pulled off his swim trunks and was toweling himself off, when the door cracked open and Aisha peeked her head in
“I wanted to check to make sure you…” She stopped talking when she noticed that he was fully nude.. “Sorry Ewan” She backed out of the room, feeling her face go flush.
Ewan walked into the bedroom, attired in his swim trunks once again, his deep voice rumbled “sorry Aish, didn’t mean to flash you in there”.
She looked at him for a moment, “did you call me Aish?”
“yeah, hope it’s okay”.
“yeah, no one’s called me that in a long time is all.”
“thanks for the tub, I cleaned it out for you.”
“you’re welcome, anytime you need to use it, feel free.”
Ewan began walking out the door when Aisha stopped him. “When are you leaving Ewan?”
“In two days, why?”
“Just wondering.”
Ewan turned and caught the look in her eyes, he began walking back towards her “just wondering, why.”
Aisha eyed him carefully before saying “No reason, just wondering.”
Ewan stopped a foot from where she was standing, reaching out he touched her chin “Aish, why do you want to know?”
Instinctively, Aisha’s face moved forward into his large hand. Looking up, she saw his face descending towards her, “Really, no reason.”
She placed her hands on his chest as his mouth moved kayseri escort closer to hers, veering off to place a kiss at the corner of her mouth. Closing her eyes she smiled and settled herself against him. He kissed the other corner of her mouth, then her chin and each eyelid before finally taking her mouth.
His lips covered hers briefly before gently sucking her lower lip into his mouth. His hands came up and buried themselves in her short coily hair as he positioned her head. Pulling his mouth away from hers, he looked down “Aish, open your eyes.” She did as ordered to find that his eyes had taken on tones of gold. “Are you sure about this?” She chewed on her lip for a moment before nodding her head.
With her consent he ran his hands from her head, over her back and cupped her backside. Pulling her closer, he pressed himself into her torso. For a moment they stood quietly, swaying gently before Ewan sat in the chair in the corner of the room. Holding her hand he guided her down into his lap. They sat there nibbling at each other’s lips, hands roaming, learning the lay of one another’s bodies.
Ewan slipped his hands beneath her t-shirt and stroked her back. Dipping slightly into the waistband of her pants, before traveling back up her spine and to push her head forward into his kiss. She leaned back in his hands, guiding his head to her breasts, heavy with need, the nipples straining against the fabric of her t-shirt. Taking her cue he leaned down and lavished one nipple through the cotton. Nipping and biting, moving from breast to breast. In one fluid moment she stood and pulled her shirt over her head, dropping it to the floor.
Ewan took in her rich dark beauty, the large thick nipples and dark aureoles. She reached a hand up and tweaked her own nipple, a move which caused Ewan to get to his feet. She stepped just out of his reach and using one hand to cup her breast, she used the other hand to unsnap her jeans and shimmy them down her hips. Ewan laughed out loud at the sight of her panties, Supergirl panties cut like men’s briefs. That laugh was enough to lighten the mood and walking up to her, he pushed her back onto the bed before coming down to lie beside her. He stroked from her head to her thigh, while his mouth moved over her breasts, his tongue bathing each breast before his mouth suddenly pulled one nipple which made her moan low in her throat and squirm against the bed.
Ewan rested the heel of one palm against her mons and ground through her panties. She made tiny noises which pleased him. Slipping one hand beneath her panties, he found her as wet as any woman he’d ever been with. She spread her legs to give him better access and sighed as he stroked one finger over her clit before dipping that finger inside her. He pulled the finger out, repeating the action over and over before suddenly thrusting two fingers inside her. She moved against his hand when he sharply bit her nipple.
Pulling his fingers out of her, he licked them with his tongue before sliding them into her mouth. Her tongue lapped her juices from his fingers, sucking steadily. He replaced his fingers with his tongue and drank deeply from her. Getting to his knees, he slid the panties down her legs and she smiled at him as her hands gravitated to her sex, opening the lips to give him a view of her engorged clit, glistening with her juices.
Ewan hesitated for only a second, to take in the sight and scent of her, before dipping his head down and kissing her stomach. Trailing his tongue down her thigh before licking her clit just once. He moved her hands, holding them to her sides before burying his face in her pussy. Tickling her clit with his tongue before dipping his tongue inside her. Her hips lifted off the bed as he sucked her clit into his mouth and he used his fingers to penetrate her. With her one loose hand, she stroked his hair, pulling on it to bring him even closer as if that were possible.
“Ewan, come here.” He barely heard her the first two times she called him, but when she yanked on his hair, it got through to him. He moved up her body and her mouth sought his out, lapping up her juices from his chin and lips before slipping her tongue into his mouth. His body covered the length of hers and his groin naturally settled into hers. Even through the material of his swim trunks, she could feel his length and thickness and she wanted nothing more than to have him inside her.
It was all Ewan could do not to rip off his pants and plunge himself into her warmth, but he didn’t have a condom in the room with him. With one final grind against her clit, he put his forehead to hers “I don’t have any protection.” Tears of frustration leaked beneath her eyelids which were drawn tight. “In your room?” she asked. He shook his head, he hadn’t thought he would need any.
Aisha ran her hands down his back, stroking his buttocks, urging him against her. Raising her hands to either side of her head, clasping her fingers in his, he began to grind against her in earnest. He legs fell to the side and her body began responding to his simulation, cradling his cock and stroking it against her clit. His tongue snaked out and twirled around one dark nipple and he took joy in the contrast of his skin against hers. Letting go of her hands, he moved back down her body and began stroking her clit with his tongue while finger fucking her.
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32